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Everything posted by q-pa

  1. All we need on there is BLueBeRRy's version of the Sonic & Knuckles logo and I'd say it's pretty much perfect Just noticed the Chaos Emerald in the corner.
  2. That's actually the "Andes" font, that is the font used in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. That's cool and all, but I still don't like it. This project isn't all about using old stuff. It's about taking old stuff, and making it cool, and an outline and drop shadow do not make that font cool. On the other hands, there are other ways you could probably use the font in a cool way, but as it stands I just don't like it's use on that cover. I always thought the "Andes" font didn't fit well with the game at all. Very 1920s-looking in a game all about speed and '90s-ish things like snowboarding, Michael Jackson (?), and vocal samples. ("Da-da, da-da-da, da-da! kkkkkkkkk, COME ON!")
  3. Sorry, but... NO God I've always wanted to say that...
  4. Totally. But how would it be interactive...? And what? No "My Name is Nineko" during the Meetup Report?? I'll forgive you because in its place is S.S.H., but it would be a shame not to play it on a future show... Edit: Kefka laugh ftw Edit2: Nineko? You're organizing a meetup? Remember?
  5. Maybe even nomination for Best First Post Ever? --But why are there 2 Track 16's?
  6. Crap! *rushes to listen to rest of Episode 50...*
  7. YAY, GO 1498!also, a few lines in the writeup are interesting, so djp is aware that there are some projects ready to be released. now I'm getting more optimistic, I believe that Project Chaos can be released within August SHHH, don't jinx it!! And as a site icon idea, I've got the S&K logo taken off the S3&K Collection for the PC: http://digamejh.melankolly.com/online_storage/sonicknuckles.ico Edit: sorry bout the lack of preview. Apparently phpBB doesn't accept .ico or .bmp files
  8. It's beautiful! But will the remixers & song titles be on the back cover, or only the names of the zones? And I vote for the back having eyes.
  9. I've never heard another podcast do that. And anyway, we wanted to build it up as a surprise, not have the show start out normally. Pottercast and the "M" podcast (Mugglecast) occasionally drop in on each other's shows in such a manner. Dreamstation.cc has also done it at least once, I think. But otherwise you guys are doing a great job standing out from the pack! Don't know why more podcasts don't use background music or stingers that aren't outtakes. --Oh wait, they don't have a arsenal of soon-to-be-1500 free tracks of video game goodness at their disposal!
  10. OMG, you're not dead! How the hell did they find you again? (Edit: Never mind..) Just started listening to the show and... *Re: intro I think Pixie's hyperventilating. Somebody help her. *And BTW: doorbell & associated dropping-in skits = podcast cliche, IMO.
  11. In the year 2101 people will start talking about it again, get impatient, and before you know it a war will be beginning. ...Sorry, it had to be said.
  12. Or you could get all the emeralds plus super emeralds, beat the game then have super sonic in any zone you want its not that hard, and its far more rewarding. I just didn't like the S3 special stages the way I enjoyed the first 2... But that's not why I want to do it anyway. I agree. I prefer console gaming over pc gaming. Even though I only have a Dreamcast, it's great because I can emulate all of my Nes, Master System, Game Boy, and Genesis/Megadrive favorites. Heck, the last time I played S3+K, it was on my dreamast. It was as good as the original, apart from really shitty sound emulation and the occasional graphics glitch. Get a gamepad for your PC. Perfect emulation and good--if not better--control. And did I mention savestates? Or is there something about sitting on the floor in your living room in front of the TV...?
  13. Fixed. But whatever you do, don't play S&K Mega Collection for the PC (if you even can still). That was my 1st exposure to the game and it left a real bad aftertaste that lasted for years. And oh yeah: Screw you DJP for delaying this project even more! Edit: Original topic. Sorry to keep off-topic, but even with my emulator slowed down to 25%, I can't do it. For the love of God, can't anyone post a savestate?
  14. Hahaha, look at that smile. Judging by the balloon, you must be happy with your snazzy new SuperGreenX CD's! (Get it? Ha? Ha?) Don't be surprised if a couple of those end up in the VGDJ Action Shot Photo Album. ^_~ EDIT: P.S. Watch out for that lady behind you! Yeah, I was trying to imitate the smile from memory and did a pretty poor job at it--though I did have that green hoodie on by coincidence. I noticed the woman behind me just before I posted it . I actually didn't have SGX's albums (or VGDJ, thanks to my dead iPod) with me Wednesday through Sunday. Trance music (don't start...) doesn't really fit in with the neo-Woodstock atmosphere there and besides, I haven't even listened to them all the way through yet. I'm really sorry; I have so much new music from so many sources to digest right now it isn't even funny! I think I finally know how you feel as a Judge, Zircon.
  15. I would love to see what you've come up with for the mini-game. I might even be willing to wait for it... Else, imitating S3&K's cheats/debug mode would be cool. --ooh! Or entering a code relating to the release date! (Yeah, that's never been done before! ) Might I also ask for higher bitrate encoding; like 160 or 192? Since this isn't OCR, you know that we can have higher filesizes than 6MB.
  16. Re: "Episode 50:" *reads thread post* I hate you! *listens to MP3* I love you! I'm so confused, ahhh!!! Anyway, I'm finally back from my extended-weekend trip to an upstate-NY music festival and I happen to have some relevant pictures! I withstood great personal embarassment to get the latter 2 picts. I hope you're happy.
  17. Yes. when the project is released... It does mention that you might have to unlock them somehow. I'm sure this wont be a big deal. Hayden might want to clarify things. Unlock them? How? Collect 7 or 14 emeralds? Get all emblems? Press up, down, left, right, A and start at the title screen? Judging that this is Sonic 3 & Knuckles, we'd have to collect the 7 Chaos Emeralds, and then the 7 Super Emeralds, along with the special Golden Emerald. Or we could press <, <, ^, ^, >, >, while hanging on the first vine in Angel Island Act 1 to unlock the Sound Test. If it's like the Sonic 3 standalone version, UUDDUUUU as Sonic flies in on the title screen, I think I'm going to shoot someone. Anyone who's ever tried it will know what I'm talking about...
  18. o_O ? Finger-lickin' good? Anyway, I was wondering if the music on the teaser site will ever be released in MP3 form for mass consumption. And great justice. Loving what I'm hearing so far. Can't wait Edit: Truth. I can't wait for house's track. Edit: Rayza's Azure Lake track was sweet. You can tell how old the project is cause Rayza has a track in it. A bangin' one too!
  19. Was listening to old episodes to really compare, and found this: My how we've grown.
  20. Now all you gotta do is go all the way back to episode 1. I don't know why I never did that, though. For some reason I started at 17 and went back to 14 and never listened to anything before 14. It's hard to catch up when they're releasing new ones. I subscribed around the same time, when the last one in the feed was #10. It took me until this year's 2-month hiatus to get caught up to the present. There's some decent stuff in the early ep.s, but I do think it's better now... Aurora answers the inevitable "pants" question in #2, the wingless made his Aurora Mix just after, DJP gets interviewed for #4 (definitely not as good as his appearence on the VGL episode, but still), the Canada meetup was for #10, and they talk about the Doom Remix project in #12. And you have to hear what Aurora & Rayza did "behind the scenes"
  21. I think we have a stinger!
  22. wtf guyz NOT ONE COMMENT. ITS BECAUSE WE HATE YOU That's pretty harsh pixie. I'll say. Not using an appostrophe in "it's?" How could you?! See? I can be sarcastic too, woot!!
  23. That would have helped... Please tell me this is not the 1st time you've been exposed to the Rejected cartoon, P & Z ("My spoon is too big!") And to all of you who don't know, educate yoself, foo!
  24. Looks like some kind of satanic ritual.
  25. Seconded. My 2 cents on the musical background thing: It certainly helps, but isn't a requirement. Hell, many of the guitar greats can't even read music! Some people have a knack for that kind of thing (Van Halen, from what I've heard), others learn the rules and then know how to bend them (Soundgarden). It also depends highly on the style of remixing IMO. Making a solo piano remix and a trance remix seem to me like very different endeavours... But back to the remix tutorial idea. Rather than teaching any one program, maybe you should talk about the principles of remixing: how to handle original content, how to use and improve insturment samples, sound editing concepts like compression and reverb, etc. Maybe I'm a little bitter cause I can't have FruityLoops on my Mac; shut up...
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