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Everything posted by q-pa

  1. One more video while another uploads: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNnxv4qUmok Larry "Liontamer's" judging round in Apples to Apples. Word: "Funny." 9-Volt? As in this guy? Edit: The video you've all been waiting for: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a07NHlfccAA Shiran's special talent Edit2: Is the framerate really sucky for you guys too? The original videos look much better...
  2. I can't believe I'm the first to "YouTube" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqWAm_kp3Xc DrumUltimA on WarioWare (what was the name of this level?) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=it0wfZtfrc4 Jared judging in Apples to Apples. Word: "Emotional" ..."Emo," LOL All of the original movie files are available on request. I'll have the jam sessions and Shiran's solo up later when I have the time to wait for the upload... Edit: Boy, I really have a really annoying laugh, don't I
  3. www.leettiles.com I ordered mine from Megagear. Playing Scrabble with l33t letters is actually harder than it seems... And I think it was Jose who put down "W4Y" as the first word that round
  4. Nice picts so far! Really love that statue! And sorry I missed lunch and what not; looks like fun. I've been freeing up space on my hard drive to make room for my own Meetup picts (those lengthy videos eat up space like a mutha!), but should be up by tomorrow night. Question: Should I post links to the videos in my webspace (in .mov format) or upload them to YouTube? I got a couple jam sessions, Liontamer and Jared's judging in Apples to Apples and DrumUltimA on WarioWare. --And oh yeah, Shiran's, um, special talent Thx again; was really a blast and great seeing you all either again or for the first time! Edit: Shit! iPhoto acted up again and deleted the majority of my pictures! I'm attempting recovery off the camera card as we speek; seems to be working well enough... Edit2: Nah, just having you there was cool. Manning the bongos and keeping those Red Sox fans in line! ...I kid, iKid.
  5. Oh yeah, and does anyone have a Deluxe Scrabble board? I have the travel edition, which doesn't fit the new tiles I bought... But if worst comes to worst, Apples to Apples ftw. Edit: Okay guys, sad to report I had a fender bender last night. The car is still perfectly drivable, but due to handling insurance stuff this morning I'll be between a half hour and 1.5 hours late My cell phone is 717-645-4418. Pixie: If I need to call someone, does your cell phone number you gave me last year still work? And I know Taucer posted his in here, but it's apparently gone now.
  6. YES! My L33t Tiles shipment came just as I was about to leave here! (Looks like I got one of the lasts sets, too.) Anyone up for a game of 5cr4bb13 tomorrow night?
  7. Everyone needs more Larry. --Oops, wrong guy But I say the more 21+ drinking buddies the better!
  8. Oh yes, I remember that was a pain from last time. I think I drove around the Monument twice blasting OCReMixes and honking while looking for a spot...
  9. 8-bit Kingdom Hearts, you say? Well, is 32-bit and 2.5D close enough? You probably already know about this...
  10. Should the videos from the various Meetups go in? I've got a few... Or how about last August's Otakon panel (as seen on VGDJ)? Edit: 700th post. w00t.
  11. Fuck yes! And no, I sadly don't have a PS2. Edit: I'd be up for some DDR. As I said I'll be bringing StepMania on my laptop too.
  12. Hey again, quick question: I have a friend who lives in Arlington, VA and who I'll be staying with Friday and Saturday nights. I offered her the chance to come to the Meetup and she'll think it over but will probably say no. She's not much of a gamer, but she does like D.D.R. and Japanese food. And sings in a symphonic metal band. So I was thinking maybe she could join us for the dinner and gaming parts later in the day (I for one will be bringing StepMania with 2 pads). But more importantly, if any of you are coming from that area could you maybe give me a ride in so I could ride with her back? She still might need some convincing but it'll be cool_chick + 1 ...
  13. http://katamari.namco.com/game/katamari.swf Right-click to download it.
  14. Saturday meetup this time? I am so there! Edit: FYI for all the Jews out there: It falls on the 5th day of Passover, so no snacking on bread products for us... But I think that Japanese restaurant we were at last time is kosher!--chametz-speaking anyway
  15. Hey, good luck with this Man! As an amateur DJ myself, I've had this idea for quite some time. May I recommend two ReMixes that for reasons forgotten are not on OCR? FFMusicDJ - To Zanarkand (Hard Trance Mix) (from Final Fantasy 10) Sir_NutS - Introduction to Heaven (from Mega Man 7) I'd love to help out however else I can...
  16. CBN. Dr. Wily... Same difference.
  17. I was always inspired to do that by the first 2 Duke Nukems (the 2D ones for DOS )
  18. Gonna have to go with the white/gray, blue/dark-blue, or--if you're old-school--orange! *also, just had the semi-horrible mental image of djp at the reception...* --And oh yeah, congradulations dude.
  19. QFE. I've lost pretty much all trust for the responsible parties since Heroes promised and failed to deliver. So you do realize that that was only "half a game," right? Speaking of which, according to the stories I've heard the Genesis titles were rush jobs too. But the difference, I suppose, is that the gameplay heald up. Judging from those and messing around in the debug modes, I compare those titles to a stage set. The immediate surroundings were pretty and fun, but if you venture out of them to where you're not supposed to go, you'll see the underbelly that sadly never left the series and is now threatening to derail the entire thing. Edit: OCR member Nineko has a whole collection of Genesis Sonic bugs up on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=nineko
  20. I found them a few years ago on some Spanish-language Final Fantasy website, but my hard drive's gotten erased since and it's not in my bookmarks anymore Anyone have some leads...?
  21. Want leads to purchase, purchase leads to money. SquareEnix doesn't get a dime if (the collective) people don't want them to... And all this back-and-forth has me wondering: Are Japanese FFVII fanboys as rabid as the American ones are?
  22. eh? that looks like steve austin kirby! No, it's Evil Kirby!
  23. Hey all. I was talking to zircon awhile back about his Final Fantasy 7 ReMix project, and mentioned that back in 2003 a forum member by the name of frollo attempted to create "FF7: The Musical." Zircon said he didn't know about it, and I imagine a lot of you weren't around to hear this great body of work either, so here's the story: He had created a series of "demos" of basically him signing original lyrics over several OST songs in the guises of the game's characters. His plan was to then hold auditions for the various characters and do a proper recording and, I guess, ultimately release it. However, when he created the thread about it and recorded and released his first demo, "Ode to Green (Main Theme)" He was ridiculed. A lot. (Once you hear it, you'll hear why .) But still he insisted it was a demo, and not to judge the quality but the content (which I was one of the only who did). He soon releasing more songs, albeit no longer imitating the characters: "Cosmo Canyon" "It Must Be Love (Interrupted by Fireworks)" "Role Playing Games (Cait Sith's Theme)" "Anxious Heart" These too were ridiculed in their own ways. He got a lot of shit for that blast of mic feedback in "Anxious Heart" and that ending of "Cosmo Canyon." He said he would be doing the voice for Cait Sith himself, and I guess that there really wasn't half bad. Not too long after this came the blowing-off-steam joke track: "Jenova Rap". And the last 2 tracks he posted before dissapearing were: "The Story of Sepiroth (part 1)" "Die Judicii (Judgement Day)" These are some of the weakest tracks in the project, imo. Really don't know what to say about them... I don't know where frollo is now; his lasts posts (http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=309) are from the end of 2003. I think he had a good thing going thematically with this project--not the greatest thing ever, but interesting nonetheless--but could never get it off the ground. Ah well, enjoy these MP3s either again or for the first time. PS. Each of his song postings were accompanied by lyrics in the thread, which I transposed first into the song comment fields, then the iTunes "lyrics" information tab once they came out with that. Let me know if there are any problems, K? Edit: The links above are dead, but all the files are now contained in a zip: http://home.comcast.net/~digamejh/online_storage/ff7musical.zip
  24. Torus Trooper (available for both Mac and Windows)is a pretty good one. Think Tempest meets F-Zero...
  25. He had a camera and lighting guy to my left when I took this. Don't know who he was working for... Also, couldn't help myself, here's 3 more picts: Who is this again? Wave Theory Rocking the fuck out to Powerglove on the way back from Olive Garden OMG TURKISH HAX!!!1!!!11
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