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Everything posted by q-pa

  1. Well I finally have my photos up in my Flickr account. I'll post the best 4 here and for the rest you can just go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/10079781@N00/sets/72157594477691956/ Zircon & pixietricks reenacting a famous moment More of the jam session with Geofferey Taucer and Prophet of Mephesto Off the mirror. Beautiful... We got Moguta, fivre, Prophet of Mephesto, Bahamut, and pixietricks. Benzo's in the background. I *love* this shot. D-Lux and Pretzel in preparation... I'll post my videos later. Edit: Dammit, smileys count as images in vBulettin??
  2. It's official then, Apple doesn't care about it's computers anymore ... Though I could see the iPhone--being so aesthetically similar to OS X--prompting more people to move to the platform. Call it the "iPhone halo effect."
  3. Almost looks like Lavos at first glance. Now that would be interesting...
  4. Welcome to OCR. You shall hitherforth be known as "Girl on the Internet No. 4" (after Pixie, Rexy and Nicole--probably missing a few...)
  5. I just got back myself (ended up going 40 miles the wrong way on the PA Turnpike ). But what a rockin' time! It was my 2nd meetup and my 1st convention. The bands were hardcore, VGMix 3 is coming, "Nerds in a Pool," Dragon's Lair love, Smash Brothers 1 and 2 as was said, and just so much community <3 ! I'll post my picts asap; probably tomorrow.
  6. Great stuff. Especially love NoFace and Earthworm Kirby! Keep 'em coming guys! ...and goons.
  7. I'm leaving now for it. My away message (in reference to my work attire):
  8. ... ...I knew it! ... ! Sorry about that, outpouring of all kinds of emotions. OK... First off, let me say that this is your two's decision and if it's come to this, it's come to this. He has his life, she has her life, they have their life, and that's cool (I can only imagine how hard it must be to be not only a struggling musician but a struggling electronic musician). Pixietricks really put her own stamp on the show these past 10 (well... 9) months and really made it her own, literally (dedicating time, energy and monies) and figuratively (you can hear her style all over it). I've been listening since Episode 10, even before her first guest appearance under Rayza, and I can't imagine anyone else as host anymore. But... What makes you say that? Excuse me for being frank and going out on a limb, but for all the wonderful things you both have done, VGDJ is no more yours than it was Rayza's and Aurora's. We basically had to track them down and all but hijack it, but the show went on. Even though you did get the approval of the former hosts, the need is still out there. Even if it's just going back to its roots of a one-stop-shop for OCR coverage, it would be welcome. We do have a chronic problem with shortages of talent with time, don't we?
  9. And oh yeah, Happy New Year too Almost forgot about that!
  10. Ye can't get ye flask! Anyway, nice new forums! Now where's that Nice Work Guy smily...? He's gone?? <old school> </old school>
  11. What's with "Scatman" having pornographic connotations everywhere I look? Aside from the obvious oral ability involved, is there something I'm missing here?
  12. I don't know. The Hardest Working Man in Show Business finally gets his Rest...
  13. Yeah they'll do that... But in all seriousness, it does suck. And on Christmas Day too.
  14. Aww.
  15. Whew, finally tracked down this thread! Anyway, since I can't come to the NYC Meetup '06, I've decided to drop in on this instead. I'll probably only be able to stay for the weekend, but better than nothing! I live in Pittsburgh and will be driving myself down, if anyone needs a lift. Hotel-room sharing would also be nice. Moguta? Dare I say, Wingless?
  16. pwned. Ah well. My boss won't let me off easy either day anyway, though for some unknown reason we're closed on Tuesday the 26th. Have fun all, and maybe next year...
  17. I remember you...you did the Wingless mix. Yes, she got to steppin' Welcome back. *waits for the inevitable news, if #vgdj is to be believed...*
  18. Look, don't go changing the entire date on account of me. I'd feel bad having so much sway over the universe. Can we get a vote from the rest of the attendees for either that Thursday, Friday, or Saturday? What works, what doesn't work? Wish there was some way to set up polls in these forums... I'll ask my boss tomorrow if he'll let me off on Friday. It's a tossup.
  19. Sorry Katsurugi. I thought I sensed some hostility in your earlier post... Anyway, unless a miracle occurs I won't be able to do Thursday--or maybe even Friday. I have a lenient boss, but it's a new job so I don't wanna screw up. But I will be in NYC anyway for a friend's New Year's party on Sunday the 31st. So it would be great if I could partake in *something* OCR-related while there. But if not, there's always next year.
  20. Well, I should hopefully be in Boston by Fall 2007, so that might be a possibility... LOOK OUT! ABADOSS IS COMING TO BURN DOWN YOUR... Your... Um... What is there to burn in Boston? Library books, maybe? BTW, you do realize Pixie has a pad in Baltimore now and Zircon's home is still Pleasentville NY, right? I'm keeping mute on this one...
  21. I realize that, hence the . And whatever.
  22. If this is an issue, no one has mentioned it being a problem in particular. (I'm not too sure whether or not it actually matters for Jose if it is on the 28th versus the 29th.) However, if it makes all the difference, then it could be on the 29th. But for now, I think we could safely schedule it on the 28th for the time being. Does it particularly matter? I don't exactly know for sure. But it's important to set a date for those who have more time sensitive plans. If there is a major conflict, then we'll handle it as it comes. I'm sorry guys. I was lazy these past couple weeks and it just occurred to me... The 28th is a THURSDAY?? This is not good.
  23. I can't take this episode with me? I have to *watch* the latest VGDJ tethered to my computer?? DAMN YOU! And oh yeah, happy Thanksgiving to all. Edit: swimming interlude ftw! BLOOP!
  24. I for one am not on MySpace and proud to admit it! As a sometimes Web designer--and I don't think I'm the only one here--it makes me go :vomit: Though I am on Facebook.
  25. I was secretly hoping for this as the "then djpretzel said..." bit, but the one you had was good too *helps self to a cookie*
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