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Everything posted by q-pa

  1. w00t.Good to hear zircon reaching his stride (like the wingless did in his 2nd show). And "Blessing Candy" on the redesign. "And as I lay me down to rest I pray my site will be the best And should it die before I wake I'll take them all out, for goodness sake." Yes, us Web Design gods are powerful beings. ALL MUST BOW DOWN BEFORE US!! Also Pixie: In the new Action Shots Album, your VGDJ-shirt shot isn't there, the one that started it all!
  2. Aye, where are those action shots, peoples?! OMGPIXPLZKTHXBYE Anyway, me posting some would require me getting a shirt wich would require me getting money. One of these days, I promise...
  3. Don't forget episode 10, recording during the OCR Toronto meet! Looks like your either under UV light or at da club Very good, I must say!
  4. pun, lol
  5. So he didn't make the pixiemix but he did come in 1st for the intro contest. I'll allow it! Can't wait.
  6. Where the hell is Project Chaos? Its 1-year anniversary is coming up... And a voter is me.
  7. "He-yaaaa!" "HOOYYYYYYAAAAAHHHHhhhhhhhh" "Get-get-te-Get-te-te-Get-te-steppin'! steppin' steppin' steppin' steppin'" "With the shells... made of plutonium... and hamburger meat eateateateat" "You could just go on forever!!everevereverever" ...WAAAAHHHHH! [/big dramatic flashback moment] Edit: Anyway, each pair of hosts brings their own dynamic to the table. Raza+Aurora was not the same as Rayza+Pixie was not the same as Pixie+Wingless. And that's allright; the last thing we want is empty imitators. All we can hope for is that each team finds new ways to entertain us and make us listen in. It's happened the past 2 times, and I'm hoping it will happen again. Do I miss Rayza & Aurora? Yes, to some degree, but I was happy to have Pixie & TheWingless doing their own thing on their own terms. The latter will be missed as well now, but I'm eager to see what the future holds.
  8. Wtf? If you need to talk about it, do it amongst yourselves or in the #vgdj channel. I don't see why that is so hard. Oh right, I forgot about that, sorry The few times I've been in #vgdj there's been zero activity...
  9. Since I know the speculation isn't going to stop in this thread I should probably be the first to say: I do appreciate poor pixietricks carrying the weight of all this on her shoulders unexpectedly, and we do <3 you, but I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we don't mean any harm. We know the rules but we just can't help ourselves; we're just doing what us Gen-Descers do and entertaining ourselves while we wait. Pease don't take it as we're deliberately disobeying your orders or trying to piss you off or anything. So in summary, just ignore us and go about your business. We all look forward to it. Maybe one of us should start a seperate thread for the discussion of a cohost, so as not to litter up this one...
  10. fuck. I was really starting to like the chemistry bettwen you guys too. Good luck geting VGDJ 2.5 off the ground, whenever it comes... IMO 1.0 = Rayza & Aurora, 1.5 = Rayza & pixietricks, 2.0 = pixietricks & Wingless
  11. That right there, my friend, Is almost a haiku poem. Try harder next time.
  12. No shownotes. That was the 1st sign that something was up with Rayza & Aurora. I have a real bad feeling about this ... It doesn't help things that there's a flame war in the "Lover Reef" Review thread.
  13. Amen, brother. Could not have said it better. But watch me try: There are many kinds of mixes on this site. They cross not only genres but also moods. Some are tender ballads ("Death on the Snowfield," "Pacabelle's Gannon"...), some are 4-on-the-floor dance (DJ Crono & Sir Nuts's stuff), some are hard metal (SnappleMan's stuff), others are just good fun; nothing more to it ("I Got the Spacebeam," "Water Warning," "McVaffeQuasi Ultimix," and yes, this one too). Though I must say, this one pwns. Looks like we scared Pixie out of this thread entirely. Nice Work, guys... Edit: Requoted for great justice. --Literally.
  14. Yes! Glad to see this mega-collab finally released! The drums are a little awkward, but I love hearing all the vocal and instrument parts come together into one whole. Not the most polished work on OCR, but amazing for largely 1 night's work!! You guys should come up with a super-group name for yourself. Maybe... um, the Meeters, GeoffreyTaucer & the Slime Blanket... PenisX4+Gina... ooooor sommmmethiiiiinggggg....
  15. *rofl* That's not the kind of "female support" VGDJ will be getting from me! Oh C'Mon, you know you want to toss your underwear at TheWangless and his mighty black-man swagger
  16. Can't wait to have you has a host! I kid, I kid... Wow, wonder what he'll do when the year 1337 comes around
  17. Just make sure your parents don't walk in at the wrong time (not that it really matters for an online podcast, but just warning ya in advance... yeah)
  18. woot. *waits patiently for podcast feed*
  19. Very beautiful, Rubin & Pixie . I think it would have been cool to bring back the main Chrono Trigger theme at the end, like the original does. But for whatever reason the theme is really underplayed not just in this song but all of Chrono Symphonic. The Japanese parts do feel unnaturally rushed, but it does spice things up little. Sorry about the nitpicking; Again, Nice Work.
  20. If people really like it and want one for themselves, we could certainly sell them on cafepress, but it wouldn't be for any profit. We'd put them on sale for the same price it takes to get them made, which is $15.99 for the mens style and $16.99 for the ladies. VGDJ isn't a business; it's just a way to further promote OCR. I'd hit it.
  21. Fusion2004 is "Oh, hush you." Aurora is "Oh God, yeah." Good stuff on pixieMix, Dan. Now we just need a female to mix Wing, and you and her will eventually be the new co-hosts. I'm calling dibs on the i-n-j-i-n-mix now Anyway, I was not aware of Pixie's use of other vocal samples (do you have actual episode information for them?). It sounds more like Pixietricks saying the "Oh God yeah" than Aurora; seems like a higher register. But maybe that's just me. Thx Though he seems to bob his head in 3/4 time and the song is in 4/4. I should probably fix that...
  22. Yay, glad someone finally did this. I must say it's the best of the 3 mixes so far (sorry, Pixietricks & Wingless both!!). I appreciate the little references to both previous mixes (the Ums and the "Oh hush you"), whether that was intentional or not. And TheWingless: be lucky your voice was featured at all in another person's mix. No one else was in Aurora's or Rayza's except them (well, except for the "Oh God yeah," but that doesn't count ) Edit: Postcount++ = 400!!
  23. Oops, I forgot that kind of stuff matters when spelling out l33t OK, now I'm going to bed...
  24. Sorry, did a last-minute re-edit to try and retain what little dignity I have left... Yes I know it's cheating, but it's much improved and should work now. I was sure I said "tilde" there, but you also misheard the underscore after "h1" as a slash. --Well I guess that's my fault Didn't think anyone would be up to notice--least not the hosts! Well I'm going to bed, and you should too
  25. Post time says he got you by about 25 minutes dude BTW... that was me as "Kumbijubba"; sorry for my shy-as-hell voice and rushed articulation. I'll be fast-forwarding through that part when I hear it... That was also me who called and hung up immediately prior; I fucking hate answering machines... And though it would be fun to speculate over, I will tell you now that, *ahem*, you missed. I normally go nowhere near this kind of thing, but it was a joke I just couldn't pass up. I'll go huddle in a corner now... I'm a lot cooler in real life, I swear!
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