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Everything posted by q-pa

  1. Some various Non-OCR/VGMix things I've come across in my travels: Vectorman: Remixed project The various OneUp Studios EPs (Bad Dudes, Club Game Music, & the Mustin Collection) Also, my favorite Video game ReMix of all isn't on OCR: FFMusicDJ - To Zanarkand (Hard Trance Mix) More as I think of them. ...Maybe.
  2. Yeah, the fact that that "flashback" was only about 15-20 seconds was one of my biggest objections with this movie. Yes, I enjoyed the Harry/Luna scenes as well.
  3. I saw it in IMAX last night and enjoyed it. I'm not sure which I liked more though, Goblet of Fire or this. As usual, as a fan of the books I was a little peeved at certain things, but the experience overall was definitely fun. [Possible Spoiler] Personally I thought the Order vs the Death Eaters battle was better than Dubledore vs. Voldemort, the one that all fans were looking forward to. The, *ahem* death scene was done well, if a little vague (as it is in the book I suppose). [/Possible Spoiler] I do find it interesting that Rowling inserts scenes that clearly translate to the screen well (such as the letter-owl chaos and that time-changing thing at the climax) yet the producers/writer chose not to include them. Edit: a little more spoiler-proof?
  4. Are you sure you really want to come here?
  5. Is it just me or is Robotnik in the Final Zone from Sonic 1 extremely easy? Gannnondorf was reasonably difficult in OoT, but Ganon? nah...
  6. Oh, I see how it is... But in all seriousness, I have other plans that weekend and can't make it. Good luck though!
  7. I bought a SuperCard MiniSD back when I only had a GBA, and complimented it with a Supercard DS ONE when I got my DS a few months ago.The SuperCard MiniSD for Slot 2 has its downsides; mainly how all games must be patched first on Windows before moving them to the card and how battery saves must be saved to the MiniSD card manually . Even then you sometimes have to fiddle with the patching settings; some games like Sonic the Hedgehog are slow regardless and some like Super Monkey Ball Jr. and the NES Classics series won't load at all! One plus about the card though is it has Goomba GameBoy and PocketNES NES emulators built in with drag-and-drop support. But I have yet to find any problems with the DS ONE. It's drag-and-drop, handles saves automatically and has a good text displayer and media player. The only game that I found not to work with it is the Sonic Rush E3 2005 beta (you have to turn off saves). If you have both Slot 1 and Slot 2 solutions you can load the DS Browser without having to patch it first and of course have GBA union. I've ran DS homebrew (DSOrganize and Mini vMac DS among others) with no problems, but never really got into GBA homebrew. If you're looking for more information on the different card types I recommend scene portal sites like www.gbatemp.net/ and www.ds-scene.net/ Finally, The Engrish instruction manuals for both cards is both hillarious and sad.
  8. Even though I already chimed in, I felt it necessary to post this:
  9. YES! I remember them mentioning Dragon Quest VIII now. God we are so not up to speed on our RPGs
  10. Are you sure? "Crono" from Chrono Trigger? I don't know exactly who this is, but she was in the top 10 cosplayers that got to go onstage before the show. I remember hearing her character's name as "Cloud" from some RPG that I've never played... Also, I'm trying to add the name corrections to my post above but since the mods consolidated my multiple posts into one, it's hitting me with that 4-image limit. Can one of the mods do it for me please?
  11. What version? I recommend either the PC or Sega CD version, the so-called "special editions," as they have extra voices and better music--and 1.5 bonus levels. The killer guitar solo in "Buttville, pt. 1" alone is worth it. Aviod the GBA port if you can help it... Now, in other news, I finally have my VGL photos in my Flickr account You can find the whole set here. The first 3 highlights: w00t. Power-Up! Poor Mario... WTF? "Dude, that would make an excellent waterslide!" Taucer peeing at Watergate, alternate angle Taucer found a... Jose, Moguta, DragonAvenger, [?], and Liontamer Dave with his girlfriend, Anna. Liontamer and... Liontamer?? "I wish I was Larry" On the way to the concert. RAWR! Some of the cosplay now: Cloud A mother/daughter (?) Yuna/Kairi team. Not the best-looking, no, but I admire their efforts. The requisite Mario... I love this one. It's like the Last Supper, only... different. A black Ash and female Link twins? Only at weirdo events like this... Songstress Yuna and Megaman. He had his moves down! Is this not the most fucking adorable thing you have ever seen or what? Moguta, Bahamut and Liontamer watch the Space Invaders contest before the show The Link girls talk to SammyG after his Tetris block won the costume contest. Taken from the upper balcony during intermission. DragonAvenger (and myself) dance to Dragosta din Tei (the "Numa Numa" song) played as the final song during intermission. Passing the Tetris block Somebody NEEDS to do a Phoenix Wright/Tetris ReMix or mash-up now. Larry's girlfriend talks to Mrs. Jack Walls Nice work! When you open up a new deck of Apples to Apples cards, this is what you find at the end. Sweeeeeet. Big Giant Circles and Harmony jam. And DJP doesn't care And finally: More BBQ. The group at TGI Friday's Saturday night. Jose, Bahamut, BGC, Amanda, [Larry's g/f] and Liontamer Dave is such a nice host DJP and Anna's Miis. ...ORANGE!
  12. Born on the 4th of July, eh? Whatever. Happy Birthday!
  13. I have the rest of my videos YouTube'd: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5WmTdLKtBE: Geoffrey Taucer explaining how he finally found the Nice Work Guy. ! : Escariot performing One-Winged Angel at the Cafe Cup'a piano."IS THAT MARTIN LEUNG??" : OMG, WTF, BBQ. Pretzel and DJSammyG play with fire.Still going through my photos and solving problems (boy is iPhoto a memory hog!). Hope to be done tonight. Edit: Woops, missing "h" there.
  14. Ah yes. That one... It's not what it looks like I swear!
  15. OK, not to be left out of the fun I'll upload some of my videos first since I'm at a library with a fast connection http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udqjZjnp4H: I caught some of the initial, spontaneous rendition of "Singles'/Losers' Reef" with Geoffrey Taucer on the piano at Cafe Cup'a Cup'a. : A more-complete version of Bustatunes' Cowboy Bebob "Tank!" rendition that GeoDooD (correction: Escariot) posted earlier. RealFolkBlues providing rhythm. : And as promised, some of the LazyTown dance those Phoneix Wright cosplayers did after the Friday night show. More to come later. Thanks for catching those Friday-night jam sessions; by that point my camera was on the end of its battery life. Definitely a nostalgia trip that was .
  16. I'm always up for some Mario Kart. Find me on #ocremix or--more frequently--AIM.
  17. Whew, just getting back now; typing laying on my bed, exhausted but satisfied Thanks for a great time everyone, for putting me up and putting up with me. My picts & video & more stories will follow hopefully tonight. Yeah, I got a short video clip of then dancing Stephanie's... thingy from LazyTown. Then you'll see what we're talking about The girl dressed as Phoenix (Hayley was her name?) said she'll be cosplaying as her at Otakon. You all have been warned... Edit: For a piece of DJP's perspective, see his writeup for "Malicious Fingers" last night.
  18. Heh, have a good ride! I'll be leaving my place soon too, but at this hour I'm afraid I'll be up to a half-hour late :-/ My cell is 717-645-4418 if you're not at the Monument by the time I get there. Can't wait!
  19. Yes, because we all know the Wii is the immediate successor to the original "Nintendo," the NES (for those old enough to remember when the name was synonymous with all video games) More like the New New New NEW Nintendo! If I remember correctly, the DS was not originally intended as a successor to the Gameboy Advance; it was going to be it's own line. But due to the DS's success and the GBA's limitations (and maybe influence from the PSP ) I guess it's playing the role anyway.Edit: I wouldn't be so optimistic if I were you. They have a very bad track record with portable games and ports in general. MK Advance, anyone?And why couldn't they just port MK2, which the vast majority agree is the best in the series anyway?
  20. Wow, sorry to hear that Get well soon and we'll see you next time!
  21. Oh, I see. Standard exploration ain't gonna cut it anymore...Damn you for being innovative, Nintendo! If it's going to be this much trouble, I think I'll just wait for the English version. I never got to play the GBA version of Link to the Past, maybe I'll pick that up while I'm waiting.
  22. That's awesome. Am I happy I still have 20/20 vision
  23. Sweet! Also sweet! Will there be a pool like there was at MAGFest?
  24. Not to change the topic, but SNL alum Phil Hartman--or more specifically, his wife that performed the deed--is one example that immediately springs to mind.
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