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Wina A. Kamlongera

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Everything posted by Wina A. Kamlongera

  1. With the way people are reacting, I can't wait for the day SE gets real adventurous and attaches a Tupac song to their game...
  2. Really informative article. Nice. Ah, I can imagine afternoon tea between Valve and IW...'You thought you guys could fuck them over? We out-fucked you here' When a team starts multi-platforming, I guess they begin to take up multi-platform habits (earlier sequals, paving way for DLC). So the option for dedicated servers still remains even after release, right?
  3. Nothing to it, nothing to it. The honour is all mine. Dozo yoroshiku onegai-shimasu!

    (at least my Japanese can't ever say I never threw out some Japanese...gots proof)

  4. L4D2MW...we...West side!! Okay...that came out smarter in my head...damn, many things do...
  5. COOL. THANKS. Okay, I think I've derailed the topic. Now, taking everything into consideration, I get the frustrations (not fully but I get them). This paves the way for DLC as a few guys have mentioned, but can that work on the PC as well as it does for consoles? Meaning, what stops any of you or me from seeding maps that are released as part of the DLC? Then I guess the question becomes, would it not have been 'nicer' (for lack of a better word) for IW to make a sort of Santa's list to direct casuals to servers that they would feel 'at home'?
  6. Ah, right. I mean in terms of matters like weapon skins, how different game mechanics handle, etc (am obviously no modder). It wouldn't be the same but they would still have the dedicated servers. Just to give the game a 'new' shine so to speak. Okay, taking that final point into consideration, would monitoring or limiting the number of dedicated servers be an option? Or that's just too costly/complicated? Fair enough over the concerns matter. Just to digress a little, does writing stuff in caps scream concern or more? XD
  7. My bad. I didn't mean make a mod emulating dedicated servers. I simply meant a mod to give the game the aesthetics of the other. It's perfectly fine if he finds an alternative, I simply felt here we are complaining yet we had not tried the game. What if it did turn out enjoyable? Is not most of the unwieldly experience taking place within the context of dedicated serves? Point taken. However, I did not mean to come off as patronizing. Rereading my post, I can see how that would be the case though.
  8. Was gonna say the same about the friend list. JoeFu, sorry if you took my petition thing the wrong way. It was just me poking fun (though I do feel us as gamers have become spoiled). I get your frustration but when the greater amount of grievances involve the dedicate servers as the source, something will be done for the 12 million. Yeah, the idea does suck but will you not play the game because of this? We don't know if they'll do nothing to improve the experience. That's simply disaster talk. Hell, if you don't like it, you'll just stick to MW (1), right? Some dude's bound to make an MW 2 mod for the first game as a response to this. Am sure you'll find ways to enjoy it. Change happens, man. In all types of games. It's hopeful, maybe even naïve, but the game could be better for it.
  9. Oh snap, now the "argument" has gotten serious. We just done called in the Flying Spaghetti Monster! JoeFu, not to nitpick but some guys have 'presented' points against and for your 'argument'/'statements' (not including me, I've been talking shit the whole time) DLC happens to still be an excuse to ship incomplete games. But, DLC is a viable business model because casual (and some hardcore) gamers eat it up. How costly would implementing both systems be? Also, does this not allow a possibility of say 360 vs PC gamers matches (or am I looking at this wrong)? It seems as hardcore gamers we have become really good at complaining and getting petitions started. Aeris...petition L4D2...petition MW2...petition What? A slimmer Mario...we can riot when that happens...
  10. Was that an argument or statement? I can understand the frustration but there are positives here, right? As annoying as it is, when companies realise more and more the spending potential of casual gamers... What percentage/estimate of Modern Warfare gamers are on the PC? (Just curious.)
  11. 'sup. Yep, can't think of something cool to say. Ended up settling on stalking verbally. How's it goin?

  12. Have YOU been teabagged yet? Seriously though, it's kind of expected I guess. Where else can socially inept 13 year olds feel on top? Kind of makes you want to walk right on when that little dude's getting beat on in the hallway. Btw, that Dad/Bridge line...any idea how old the dude who said it was?
  13. Can't believe I missed that line, haha.
  14. Would you call yourself a "hero" in F3? Or just the protagonist? GeckoYamori, what would you consider the epitome of western Rpgs thus far? Or better yet, when someone would set out making a "western rpg", who would they look to for guidance/a blueprint? I ask because I know jack about western rpgs beyond the Bethesda horizon.
  15. Dude, no cloud nor squall shall stop us. Nice lecture but I think labeling easter eggs is right. If the worlds were overtly connected in any linear manner, think of how many newcomers would be alienated. The Easter Eggs are nice subtle things only long running would pick up on to feel that they were still in the Final Fantasy world. I don't know how I would react to know am playing "sequels" after claims of each game being stand alone. The reuse of names helps keep a consistent mythology going though.
  16. I don't play MMOs but bear with me here. Isn't the issue that people do all those social things with an AVATAR. That mask is one of the main reasons they can do such. Then without that mask (in RL), they aren't as forward. Also, there are people who let their real life stagnate due to WoW. When I confroted a guy I know with this, he claimed he paid some dude to pay for him whilst he enjoyed his real life. Emphasis on claimed.
  17. But is being a hero about having as many options as possible or making do with what you had? My friend and I had a similar debate one (similar in terms that it was centred on JRPGs/WRPGs). We kept coming to a dead point when coming up with a story mainly because my focus was on coming up with a backstory for each character and his was on making an overarching plot canvas that was intriguing. We kept arguing back til we questioned/realised our respective influences (as much as we enjoy other rpgs, I love JRPGs primarily; him the "opposite"). Do you think the crafting of a JRPG and WRPG start from different angles? The main driving force of a JRPG (am gettin tired of hammering that on my phone) is characterisation whereas a game like Oblivion/Fallout 3, setting was the focal point (well, setting and how it affects the inhabitants). I might be alone in this, but the world does conveniently bend to allow Sephiroth to be badass or Cloud to draw you in. Then again, the western concept of life is pretty well depicted in Fallout 3, don't you think? It's not really about being a hero but more about just going out there and doing as you please (no moral dogma/sense of duty to restrict you but your own judgement). *sigh* I think I rambled for too long or just waffled.
  18. Dude, that was awesome! It puts more purpose behind ReMixing than simply "to get fame"...that would be a good indicator to people just what doing this kinda stuff entails.
  19. xRisingForce, just to clear any misunderstandings...this is directed to you. Okay...I consider myself pretty eloquent and well versed in the English language - to the point that I love adding extra "unnecessary" words to throw people off but it's getting really annoying reading when you have to take one-liners (where some are not even addressed to you) and reply with a pretty thick response. I'm not gonna go back and find the quote (there's so much to go back through) but you don't seem to respect remixers. Have you tried remixing, or should I say rearranging? I can tell you now...I've had an easier time playing Devil May Cry 3 on 'Dante Must Die' difficulty. I'm not gonna say more on that matter because people have addressed it but I would personally feel really humbled if someone took time out of their life to redo one of my compositions in their own style. Your comment about lyrics: listen to some instrumentals...does it feel the same without the lyrics? IMO, lyrics and music work pretty similar to paintings/pictures and colour. Pictures could do without the paint like music could do without the lyrics; but they would feel pretty 'empty' if you know what I mean. Yet, adding those colours/lyrics adds so much more. They work together and complement each other. Just like a composer and performer complement each other...I could do without someone performing a piece of mine but, damn...if someone performed my pieces, I would (a) feel really fortunate, ( it would allow people to hear my my music elsewhere where I could not have performed it (or would not have wanted to go) and © it would be an interesting chance to see just how someone interprets the notes I've laid out. Oh, have you ever sat down in a class and been told to interpret a piece in your own way? That stuff is daunting, even improvising within the context of a song already laid out. Like people said before, you should have stopped early with your arguments and we probably would have all agreed or disagreed with you. I'm no performer but I don't know anybody who's written any kind of orchestral or pseudo-orchestral piece would not dream of having their piece performed by a real orchestra versus a computer (I know I would)...hell, I have a crazy dream where I would love to hear an orchestra (or live instruments just because it would be so moving to me personally) play my pieces while a pretty thick/pounding drum pattern is playing over/supporting them; but that's just my weird style of music. By the way, percussion does have emotive potential...why do you think a snare line can be played in so many different ways?
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