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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. I got GarageBand for free, with my computer. I got a version of Live for free with my keyboard. Technically not the same as available for free, but they've served me well and didn't cost extra. I'm still screwing around with REAPER, not having paid for it either. Since this thread focuses on electronic music as per OP's question, we don't have to worry about recording capabilities. All you need then is midi, instrument, and mixer. Sure, advanced techniques like sidechaining and reverse effects might not be doable in REAPER - I don't know, haven't tried - but you can achieve many of the same effects by other means (eg faking sidechaining with tremolo, as I've done before). REAPER's free demo, then. Plus a few free synths, say the ones I suggested before. And a few drum samples from wherever. Should work well enough.
  2. Mine is pretty much done, just wanna make sure the mix doesn't have any embarrassing obvious flaws that I've missed.
  3. Quit trying to take the X out of Χριστός! Tho maybe we can take the at out of atheist. That'd be funny. I know, right? Too bad one is mine, cuz things are moving slow on that one. Stupid AOCC. Stupid work. Stupid life.
  4. You can do fine with free stuff. ppl have been making posted mixes in GarageBand. My first mixes were made using Logic's built-in stuff back when those weren't particularly good. There's also the FL-and-only-FL compo. Buying is just faster access to stuff that's probably better, but you'd have to learn to use those things well anyway. Electronic music doesn't need large, realistic sample packs anyway, so you should be fine with grabbing freeware and free samples. There's plenty of free instruments and effects, search kvraudio's database or just go with ppl's recommendations. I'd start with FreeAlpha and TAL-Elek7ro II on the synth side. For samples, google, maybe? I found a few cool sample packs out there, and it shouldn't be that hard for you either. Raw samples, soundfonts, demo samplers, drum synths, whatever. Don't believe the crap about _needing_ big expensive instruments, especially with this kind of music. Last mix I did, I used a freebie for one of my leads. Even tho I've got a fair amount of "better" synths, that's what I went with. Drum-wise, I've used the same electronic kits I put together last year whenever I made mostly electronic stuff. Spend a few hours looking for stuff, checking threads for recommendations and stuff, put together your arsenal. Then just make music, using whatever you've got. REAPER's endless demo is one place to start. TL;DR: There's good free stuff out there, find it. Don't believe you must have big expensive stuff.
  5. Check that the .it and .xm work in a tracker-compatible music player. I'd expect the ->snes converters to require a functioning tracker file. Converting wav to .it sounds like converting jpg to psd.
  6. Got it. Indeed. Replacing the previous wav now. Anyone else having an early xmas present for me? PS. the x is pronounced as the hrxch in loch
  7. Not entirely correct. The submissions standards states: This refers to multiple-source submissions. A two-piece song from a single source wouldn't count as a medley anyway. I'm not a judge, and this could prob use a judge's voice on it, but I think it's possible to do what you're suggesting. If it's a two-piece song, it's not really a medley, so different rules may apply. Strong focus and direction does still apply, tho.
  8. Audio to spc? No way. We may be getting there once Melodyne and other pitch editors get better and better algorithms for figuring out notes form audio, but we're probably decades away from that level of accuracy. Midi to spc is feasible, but still not an easy feat. You'd do best to find a snes tracker, but I have no idea what's out there. You can start here for some info, dunno where to go next, tho.
  9. Glad I don't have to rush rush mine. The mix is sounding pretty good, now I just have to sort out my arrangement issues. That's what you get when you revive stuff from a few years back. There might even be time for a second track...
  10. Consider a DAW-only compo, where only the DAW's build-in instruments and effects can be used. Some ppl think you can't make ocr-level stuff without buying expensive libraries, despite that there are mixes made entirely in GarageBand posted here.
  11. Thinking in terms of waveforms, spectrum, and space is really what's helped me the most, not any particular technique. Once you know the idea behind the mix you want, you can usually do it with pretty simple techniques, at least to a point.
  12. I'm pretty sure I've covered these in my guide, and zircon some of them in his. How could I explain eg the compressor better in the guide?
  13. It's too bad we don't have a guides&tutorials forum. It's also such a shame that nobody writes remixing guides and puts them in their sigs. I guess you're on your own.
  14. "I tend to use notes, unlike SOME PEOPLE". So yeah, please be a little more helpful, eg by being specific as to how you're actually using your imagination in remixing shorter songs. If you don't have anything useful to contribute, don't contribute.
  15. Apparently, .cst files are track presets in GB. If the instrument doesn't work, nor will the preset. Dunno where the problem is, and can't say without more info, but afaik it's the .cst files. Looking at some of the custom GB instruments I've got, I find .cst, .pst and .exs files. These are track presets, plugin presets, and instrument files respectively. Figure out the instruments you're missing and get those back.
  16. Could be that the new version of GB uses a different folders for its stuff. Why it isn't backwards-comptible is beyond me, but try installing those same .cst files and other stuff to whatever new folders a quick google finds you.
  17. The only time I'd worry about key is when I need a strong bass and have to transpose everything to keep the bass audible while still being as low as it gets. That's in electronic styles, tho. Other than that, everything is relative. The key of the song is relative to the tunings of instruments (which is why everything is in G or C or something, rather than Ab or D#), relative to the previous song on the album/playlist; and each part is relative to what came before. When remixing, or just re-using a melody, it's also relative to the original, where a lower key will typically feel slower and somber whereas a higher key will feel more lively and energetic. I wouldn't worry much about trying to match a neurological resonance or anything like that. As others have said, focus on intervals, chords, modes, texture and all those other things. Even if you think your track will sound drastically different if you transpose everything a step or two, the first-time listener doesn't have your previous key to compare it with. In topographical terms, don't worry so much about the elevation, focus on crafting your emotional landscape. Also welcome.
  18. SC might filter something out, like subbass or high highs or something, then boost to fit. Idunno. Could also be something in the viewer itself that's weird. Thanks for pointing it out tho. This looks like around 2 minutes out of 7, which is something like 30%. A rule of thumb is that at least 50% should be connected to source, so this doesn't look like a mix for this site. If the parts you didn't list source for are still based on those sources, like little parts of them, transposed and in different scales or modes, then it's possible your mix could get accepted. Otherwise, just put it on youtube or somewhere, ppl looking for mixes from TLR might find it. Sorry I can't listen now, but I'm glad my comments helped.
  19. Sorry, have been juggling priorities the past few months. I might have time closer to xmas to do stuff, but this week I've got a few too many other things. Maybe after that. Hopefully right after that.

  20. So it's worse than soundcloud makes it appear? That would only prove my point.
  21. Guitar is too loud, drop it a little. Schala source is obvious. I keep missing the Undersea Palace stuff, but it's there. I don't know what you guys are talking about regarding compression. The track is loud, but I don't hear any big compression issues. At most, I hear stuff quickly duck under the kick, but that's not a big deal. Trying to listen to the background stuff isn't that pleasant tho. Perhaps you could ease up on the mastering a bit if dropping the guitar slightly doesn't solve that already. Orchestral parts aren't very realistic, but they're not the focus of the track either. Could be worth humanizing the orchestral leads. That high string melody at least. PRODUCTION - Too loud - well, the guitar is - Unrealistic sequencing - the orchestra Not much else to say. Guitar is too loud, orchestral parts aren't human, track otherwise kicks ass.
  22. Too much low bass. Can't say I like that trashy snare either. The whole thing sounds pushed too hard, and yet doesn't sound loud. get your dynamics under control. I can't really hear the cymbals hit, I only hear the rest of their sound. Looking at the soundcloud player, I see the whole this squashed. Just... no. There's a weird echo to the piano, could be your reverb's early reflections or something. I like how the track flows into this and builds up from here. Your metal sound drum doesn't quite fit with the soft piano sound you've got. More dynamics to the piano and it might work, but I would just use different drums for the softer parts. i know that's cheating. The alternative is to soften your metal drums a bit, which might be a better option anyway. And then we're back into squashy, overly bassy stuff without dynamics. The piano stuff here sounds weird, as if reversed or something. It's a cool effect, but it also sounds really mechanical. Could be the piano sound itself, could be fixed with humanization, idunno. I hate having to do one of these lazy source checks, but I'm really not that familiar with FF6's soundtrack, and don't think I've even heard anything from TLR before. I can hear both tracks in the first half of the remix, but I'd need a lot more time (or a source breakdown) to figure out the rest. Someone more familiar with the tracks could probably pick stuff out a lot easier, but I'm not sure about the second half of the mix. It's a pretty kickass track, but it needs a more dynamic mix. getting rid of the excess lows should put it in a much better state, it might be the only overall change you'd need to make for that. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION ~ Too liberal - not enough connections to the source (too much original writing) - Can't say without a lot more listening to sources and mix. PRODUCTION - Overcompressed (pumping/no dynamics)
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