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Posts posted by Rozovian

  1. Eggshaker and syncopation all over the place. :D

    I was expecting a bass or a thicker lead or something at 0:44 when the snare comes in. Nope. Instead, it keeps sounding empty. Disasterpiece had a big warm pad in there, and longer release on his bells/vibes/whatever.

    First half sounds too empty. It seems to work as an intro, but not for half the track. I feel like I could skip from 0:44 to 2:32, which is more than half the track. There's parts in there, like the pizzicato building that might fit elsewhere in a new arrangement...

    So yeah, the arrangement doesn't work. There's some really cool ideas in here, you just need to either place them in a different order and add stuff, or simply add stuff to the arrangement you've got.

  2. You might wanna accentuate the change at 0:38, it's not subtle enough to just go by, and its not drastic enough to work. It just sounds like something weird happened to the rhythm.

    Length/repetition is problably a problem here. It doesn't have enough wow factor to hold interest, and the groove is subdued enough to not carry the track on its own, either. At least me, and at least not for the entire length of it.

    The guitar sound is a bit... idunno, lacking. Feels like it should have more mids. Actually, the whole track could use some more mids.

    Source is there, tho my ears aren't quite cooperating right now, so I don't dare say either way about whether it's enough. The arrangements feels conservative tho, but as it's building on a groove rather than on melodies the judges might feel like it's like the case with chord progressions - that it doesn't count as source. Can't say for sure, tho.

    Nice mood, nice groove, nice track. I'm a bit concerned about the length/repetition issue, but if you already got feedback fromthe judges and fixed it since, this should be in a pretty good shape.

  3. Wait whut? Is this becoming unts unts?

    The acoustic guitar is way too loud compared to the unts unts. It might work as an intro, but it's now there for about half the track. The bass drum is a little weak, you could side-chain it to some of the other instruments for a little more oomph and headroom at the same time.

    Most instances of the melody is verbatim, which for a short source like this ends up sounding repetitive. Naturally, using the melody verbatim isn't wrong, nor is repeating an element, but if you could find ways of subtly changing it (eg changing how the first part of the melody moves into the second, they both start the same so there's some room to change things up without really losing anything).

    So no, this isn't ocr material at this point. You've got some nice guitar stuff in here, and the unts unts is cool as well, you just gotta find the right places for them.

  4. Assorted thoughts:

    No source links?

    Oh great, voice clips.

    Your choice of instrumentation right after the voice clip is fantastic tho.

    The mids feel a bit empty, maybe a touch of EQ on the master would solve that?

    The track picks up a little randomly, and not for long either. When most of the track has been a slow groove without any hints of it picking up like that, it feels a bit out of the left field. Dunno how best to solve that.

    I'm more concerned with that than with the arrangement overall, tho I've done a fair share of meandering tracks myself so I might not be the best to judge.

    Beautiful track in any case.

  5. No source link, no source comment.

    Bells are too shrill. Guitar could use a little more bite (somewhere in the highs, just don't add too much). Snare seems like it could use a little more mids/punch, not sure exactly what frequency but one of its lower harmonics or the fundamental. Again, not too much. String staccatos seem weak, maybe adding some an octave down would help.

    You're overusing that laugh effect.

    Mostly nitpicks. Length might be a problem, and I have no idea about the source usage, but aside from that it seems like an ocr-level track. Cool track, nice work. :D

  6. Right from the start, it feels like there's gonna be some mixing issues. Half way through, I'm thinking it's got more repetition issues than mixing issues, tho the compression and bright snare reverb still bothers me. At this point, almost 6 minutes of this doesn't seem like it's gonna work. Source usage is in the green, tho.

    The whole thing sound empty. I get that it might be what you're going for, but mostly percussive instrumentation and very little sustained stuff makes it sound empty. The lack of mid-range stuff compounds the problem. A soft mid-range pad far back in the mix would even things out.

    I get the hard compressed sound is intentional, but the combination of a long, dominant, bright snare and a big side-chained kick needs a stronger instrumentation to back it up. The drums really aren't interesting enough to stand on their own, and right now they're the focus of the mixing. The bass is about on the same level, but this isn't groovy enough to support the rest of the mix, certainly not for this length. I'd tone down the snare and bring out the melodies some more, but I don't know what direction best fits what you wanna do with the track.

    Mixing and length/repetition issues. I do think it's ocr-material, just not quite yet.

  7. Fun intro. :D

    The instrumentation is a bit soft, but you're not putting a lot of force into your voice either, so they match. Your second voice (0:30) and many of your smaller insert voices are a too soft, they're hard to hear, while the main voice might be a bit too loud in the mix.

    The rap works better than the singing, which has both performance and intonation issues. It can be masked with vocoders and other effects, but the performance still feels weak in the more heavily vocoded parts.

    It's either repetitive and gets stuck in my head, or it's catchy and... gets stuck in my head. I'm leaning towards the latter. I'm having trouble hearing the sources. I'm not that familiar with Sonic sources besides the oft-remixed ones, so I'm gonna leave the question of source open to those more familiar with them. Where are you, other mods?

    Structurally I don't really find any big problems with it. The last chorus could be superfluous, tho I could be biased by the aforementioned issues with the singing.

    Hard to say if it's a good fit for ocr, but I don't think it's worth subbing just yet.

  8. I think it belongs in this subforum. I also think a better thread title (Edit->Go Advanced) would be good.

    As for the music, a quick skippy listen reveals it's not horrible, but not very interesting either. The sound design is simple and functional, but wouldn't wow anyone. The writing is likewise simple and functional. You're in a good place to improve, you're past the basics and are making some enjoyable music. Now comes the hard part - improving further. :)

  9. Concerning "out", how about timing? The timing of when an instrument exits. Line it up with when a new instrument enters so its exit is masked by this new attention-grabbing thing.

    Concerning "in", how about screwing with the envelopes? If you want to reduce the attack of an instrument, consider that you're screwing with the wrong envelope. Maybe you should be screwing with the amplitude envelope instead of the filter envelope. Maybe you shouldn't be screwing with attack and release, but with sustain and/or decay. All that is easy in synths. As for samples, maybe you should start them after the transient, or open them up in an audio editor and adjust it there. afaik, old game samples weren't particularly dynamic, so they wouldn't have the transients that modern stuff has.

  10. Usa had some plans for the website, and I have a few ideas I wanna make sure gets in there somewhere. Beyond that, I don't have a problem using OCR's template and don't care that much about who actually does it as long as it ends up looking good, and BS knows how. We'll see what we do. I don't expect the website to be a big problem and it's certainly not a concern at this point.

    And yes pu_, I want your track. :D

  11. It's probably got something to do with your inner rhythm, at least the one you use for moving your body when running. Do you notice the same difference in tempo when you aren't running, comparing them to the same tracks while at your computer?

    It could also have something to do with whatever endorphins and adrenaline your body produces while running screwing with your experience of time.

    Run with a metronome. :D

  12. Rozo should make an album and have ppl who read this thing support it by getting the album for like 20 bucks or something.

    Tho I should probably add a few things to it before then. Like how to market yourself on the net, how to sell your remixes, and a few things like that. Stuff that I'm such an expert in.

  13. Check out the tracklist, 29 tracks in a row done. Sure, we're waiting for wavs on some of them, but still... looks great. :D

    Guys, just because it's summer and my brain doesn't work doesn't mean the project is cancelled or something. I know I'm way behind on getting back to ppl on stuff, and have kind'a lost track of whom I've responded to and whom I haven't, so feel free to grab a hold of me on IM or irc if you see me, email me, PM me, you know, get in touch. You are all amazing ppl and this album would be very short (and look terrible) if it weren't for you. :D

  14. From what I can tell, criticism, even constructive criticism, hurts ppl's confidence, which can turn them into perfectionists that - yes - make better music, but also have trouble being satisfied with their works and therefor finish fewer tracks.

    I know this applies to me. I started going over some of my old tracks the other day. Found a whole lot of great stuff that i just abandoned for whatever reason. Haven't subbed anything to ocr for at least a year. Haven't finished any tracks for my allegedly upcoming original album(s). Sure, there's rl and project reasons for this, but the time I spend just listening to my unfinished works and tweaking stuff could just as well be spent actually finishing stuff.

    Dunno if I'm scared to write - I write a lot - but I do find myself discouraged when I hear good music. I keep thinking I could tweak my stuff to make it as good as the stuff I listen to. I don't want to publish it in any way until it sounds as good. I don't think that's what the artists intended. :D

    Wonder what I - and others - actually need to get stuff done. Encouragement? More specific constructive criticism? A kick, somewhere? A muse? A promise of money? A fan club? A spine?

  15. Unless he was using a really low mp3 encoding (<128kbps) in addition to the resampling, I wouldn't expect the quality to drop that much. Car stereos aren't exactly studio monitors, either.

    Are you saying the repeated resampling alone is a sufficient cause for the discrepancy in perceived quality between front seat and back set listening experiences?

  16. Any mp3 encoding above 128kbps is tolerable on most car speakers, and most ppl don't hear anything wrong with a 128kbps mp3 anyway.

    Either the speakers in the back of your car are crap - in which case everything sounds crap on them, or there's something wrong with your mix. We don't have access to your mix nor your car, so we can only guess. Show us the mix or test how other tracks sound in the back seat.

  17. Pendulum sounds great on low-power earbuds, tho they lose appeal with every step up in listening gear. I've mostly been bothered by how bright they sound, their bass mixing hasn't bothered me. Have tried a few times to mix my stuff that loud. Link to the articles?

    Maybe ppl should start selling double versions of their music, earbud-mastered and dynamic.

  18. This should be in Site Issues, but a mod will move it so no worries.

    The tags on the site might contain some hint of upbeat- or downtempo...-ness. Forgot the link to the tag page tho, and am too lazy to find it. :P

    I reckon that if the bpm was known and didn't change half way through, it'd be in the mp3 tags rather than as a search option on the site. I wouldn't expect it, but it's possible it's gonna be included in the new torrents. It's not like Larry's got anything better to do, right? ;)

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