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Posts posted by Rozovian

  1. Really bright intro. It's like you've cut the lows and mids from most of the isntrumentation, and left only some of the drums in the lows. The mids feel empty and the whole thing feels excessively bright and contrast-y. Don't boost highs and lows so much, go for a more balanced mix.

    I'm agreeing with Will's crit concerning the medley structure. Actually, I'm agreeing with WIll on everything. Cool glitchy effects, excessive reverb, frequency balance...

    There's a few instances of weird writing that you might wanna look into as well, like some weird melodic motions at 1:57, 2:54-3:00.

    Could _easily_ be fixed up to par, you just gotta figure out what to do with the arrangement to make it more directed, less medley-ish.

  2. Finally replied to rBrn and hakstock. Holding off on k-wix' reply until I get to talk to Meteo. I spent most of last week on summer camp, now spending a couple of days sick and then the rest of the week back at camp. I'll talk to Meteo after that.

    In the mean time, we still have open tracks, and we'd like to finish this thing asap. We are open to newbs trying out as well, and we'll provide feedback for your track acording to how it fits ocr and/or the album (to the best of our knowledge). Any takers?

  3. I see the first thing that came to mind when I heard the newgrounds example is already covered. By me. :D

    Things like filters on individual notes (if your sf player can do that) can do a lot to alter the sound of each note, eg making the attack a little more distinct and airy, or it could be made slightly louder by a short attack and a lower sustain. See what you can do in your sf player and decide whether it's smarter to use the tools there or to use effects later in the process.

    There's also eq. If you find that everything is a bit too dark, reduce the lows/mids a bit. For any part of the sound that is "too much" or "too little", use eq. Whether the eq should come before or after the reverb is up to you and the sound you want.

    If you're using multiple instances of this pipe organ, some overdrive on each of them might make the notes more distinct. Just know that overdrive is a form of distortion, so it makes single notes clear and distinct (electric guitar lead), while polyphonic sources get crunchy (electric guitar chords).

  4. Pick some nice electronic tracks you like (from ocr or otherwise) and study their drums. Then load Battery and start gathering different drum elements. Then layer them, pitch them, adjust volume envelope and sample start location and eq and whatever else you need to make those layers work well together.

    For example, a kick can have a click part, a thud part, and a boom part. Find a good click and cut out the rest of that sample's sound. Find a good thud, cut it appropirately short and pitch it to work with the click if necessary. Repeat for boom. This is an example, you kick (like any drum element) can be made up of a single sample... or a dozen. Using only two or three makes it a lot easier to work with, tho.

    Different styles of electronica have different sounds, so youtube some big artists in each style of electronic music you're interested in and study their drums. Read about drums, production and sound in general to grow your vocabulary (some things are easier if you have words for them).

    Also, check out zircon's various guides and vids...

  5. SpiDoL, when a new member joins, he's asked to lurk, see how this place works and get to know the community. You may have an account from a few years back, but your postcount shows you haven't really been a part of this community and gotten to know it. There's always threads where community members jump in and make fun of stupid rants about things, be this another "unjustified" rejection or whatever. This is normal. This happens in any community. If you have a problem with that, just stay away from the community and just enjoy the music.

    Stuff like "Do you seriously want me to hate this site and boycott it the rest of my life?" is just childish. "I'll hate you all forever if you don't do as I say!" Seriously now. Do we want you to hate us and boycott the site? Not really. Are we gonna change how the entire community behaves, police every member and every thread on the site, to keep this from offending anyone ever? No.

    I'm not saying this to be mean, but if you don't have the personality to handle what seems to be normal community things, maybe you should just stay away from the forums and just enjoy the music. Nobody says you have to be on the forums to enjoy what we do. :)

  6. First off, I want to take this time to say that OCRemix is a terrific site. I get music from you guys all the time, and you prove that video game music really is a work of art.

    Unfortunately, there is an incident that happened here that has scarred my love and fondness for you guys all this time. I've remained silent about it, until now, because now it's bothering me more than ever. Here it is:

    Around this time, eight years ago (Yes, it was a very long time ago), an evil person barged into your forums and demanded technical specifications for both the then-new DS and PSP. Because of the foul way he demanded this, you guys toyed with him and were about to start a flamewar with him. Then one of you makes a religious reference, to which he cruelly responds:

    "God sucks. Now get me those facts."

    I didn't want to read anymore after that. I had prayed you people wouldn't give in to this evil person's demands, but you probably did. I never got involved in that thread, because I wasn't a member of the site at the time, but I'm a Christian. I love God, I love Jesus, and I hate atheists, especially the ones who cruelly try to impose their will on you just because they think they're right, just like the demon I've been talking about all this time.

    But again, that was eight years ago. I'm pretty sure you people are much more mature and much more respectful of people like me than you were back then. The trouble is, I have a very hard time forgetting about or letting go of stuff like this, especially if I never received compensation for it. Well that's why I'm here today.

    I'm not asking for you people to apologize (even though it'd be greatly appreciated). I just want you to prove to me that you're better people now and don't tolerate evil atheists on your site anymore. If you can do that, it will make me feel much better about you guys, I can get music from you guys again without having to worry, and I can finally put the past behind me, once and for all.

    Please lurk more.

    And stop hating ppl whom God loves.

  7. Sounds like a plucked-y synth sound to me. Shouldn't be hard to get close with a decent subtractive synth. It's all about the envelopes and picking/crafting the right waveform. If you only have standard waveforms, you'll have to be creative with oscillator pitch.

    Umm... both rhythm and lead I guess. As for Jazz and Metal... Metal, I think. I want a rock kind of sound.

    I've been using Slayer2FX on an Overdriven guitar from a soundfont uptill now (in FL Studio), but the quality of that isn't really the best. And is absolutely useless for leads.

    So just say rock, then. :P Better yet, use examples. Anyway...

    If you have Kontakt, consider Shreddage for rhythm. Neblix had some guitar instrument that might work for this as well.

    Still, you'll need a decent amp sim (there are free ones). Focus on getting the amp to sound good. I've gotten some decent results from piano samples and an amp sim, a lot of the electric "guitar" sound is really the amp. That said, you need a good rhythmic base sound for it, I would try every picked, plucked, and struck string sample I've got until I had something passable. Maybe that weird dulcimer thing would make a decent rhythm guitar. It probably won't fool anyone who plays guitar, but it's a lot closer than the stuff labeled "electric guitar" in your sampler. Just consider how the guitar is played when you write it.

    As for leads, the same applies - get the amp sim to sound right, then use a decent base sound. Here the base sound needs to be more animated, more alive. Synths and samples both work, here, but you'll need to fiddle a lot with the writing. Pitch bends and vibrato add life, as do portamento/glide and a slew of other tricks. Occasional note overlap and other imperfections can be used to add some realism, but as with the rhythm guitar, you probably won't fool guitarists. What you get, tho, is something that fills the role and spectrum of a lead guitar, which is usually enough.

  8. Got a wav from k-wix, also a wip from hakstock (again, welcome aboard). I want moar. MOAR!

    And yes, I hold myself to this same wip date. I've made progress too, and have updated... myself, on my progress. :tomatoface:

    note to self: mak's artist name, mak's track... anything else (besides that teaser thing) I should remember to do?

  9. Just PM/email me. Just cuz I'm not on aim doesn't mean I'm hidden away somewhere. :P

    @DusK Rock? That would fit. For that matter, nothing wrong with making a remix that doesn't fit the project, it just... might not necessarily end up on the album. Give it a shot and show me. :D

    btw, the month is almost over. ppl get your updates in so I know you're still with us. I've got some gameplay video I can use now, so that long-promised teaser should be around the corner.

    edit: got it. leaving the suggestion to use other means of communication besides aim for the rest of you folks. ;)

  10. Random things I found.

    "Thanks for using it, and for giving me credits .

    CandySoup 2 years ago"

    More CandySoup, he praises the work of Phoenix Project, is on another given credit for it as "being part of" PP, and replies to one as if it's his music. There's more if you google him.

    noobface4291 explains on the first vid: "Yeah, it turns out that good ol' CandySoup is a massive fraud. He claims to be part of the Phoenix Project, but isn't. His newgrounds account also has a Schala remix that is in fact from OCReMix, which he kept up despite the creator finding out.

    He also claims to be from Japan, giving weight to his claim of being part of the P.P., despite the fact that Web Archive showed that but a year before he was living in Montreal.

    He deserves no credit for this."

    Not sure if this is him, but here's someone by the same handle on youtube, apparently from Montreal also: http://www.youtube.com/user/CandySoup

    On the flip side, here's an appropriately corrected vid:

    ("Candysoup is not the creator of this arrangement and is absolutely not affiliated with the group.")

    edit: these may be him: http://www.blogtv.com/people/CandySoup https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=734857198

  11. Nice sound, nice groove, great way to get into the track. :D

    First take on Shadow Man's level is a bit bland, but I know it's the source's fault. 0:53 and we're cool again. :D

    1:41 ARGH! Watch those shrill bell things.

    Trumpet is cool, the drums in the last minute feel lazily looped, track ends well, sources are there... I hate trying to analyze multiple-source tracks, unless I already know the sources or don't have to comment on source usage. AFAICT, source is cool here, but another mod might wanna double-check.

    Feels a little soft, tho. Some subtle side-chaining, low cuts, and other tricks might yield a little more headroom to boost without creating any compression problems, but it'd be better to leave the dynamics as-is than to screw it up. Make a copy before screwing with it.

    Dunno what else to say. Fix up the shrill breakdown sounds, maybe spice up the drums a bit towards the end, see if you can get it just a little louder without destroying anything.

    Overall coolness. No checklist. Nice work.

  12. Nice playing. :D

    Can't really judge the production that well from a youtube vid, because yt's compression won't be the same as the mp3 you sub to ocr.

    I only really have two concerns. One is that it sometimes goes into some quite liberal territory, difficult to hear connections to source sometimes. I've kind'a done that myself, and the judges did have some trouble hearing connections to the source with those tracks. That said, I think someone with a better understanding of classical music will have less trouble hearing the source in it than I had.

    The second concerns levels. Frequency balance. Those things. It sounds ok at my usual listening volumes, but I don't know to what extent youtube's screwing with the sound. Dunno the actual dynamics.

    But in both cases, it's just concern, not any solid criticism. Very nice work. :D

  13. The track was going so well, up to around 0:45 when the drums came in. They just aren't good. The rest of the sound design works well, the drums are terrible. Yeah and the lead is a bit bland, but not _bad_.

    There's a rhythm clash here, mostly the hihat rhythm clashing with the triplet beat of everything else. A failed attempt at polyrhythmic music?

    Some cool chords here, 2:25 clashes with the bass tho, and I thought I heard some other clashes with tracks further in the background before that. Watch your writing.

    Breakdown and build-upworks, some parts better than others (3:08 to 3:318 my fav part). This is a track based around breakdowns and build-ups, which is fine, but it's easy to have too many and just throw in a breakdown when you don't know what else to do in a track. Some more deliberate build-ups and bigger payoffs at the end of the buildups would make the track better, and reduce the need for so many breakdowns.

    Really weird compression mishap at 4:15.


    - Drums have no energy - not quite true, but they don't have the impact they should have, they're just using their energy to make the rhythm clunky and

    - Overcompressed (pumping/no dynamics) - mostly not a big deal, but that 4:15 thing is weird

    - Mixing is muddy (eg. too many sounds in the same range)


    - Too repetitive - drums could vary a bit more, the genre calls for repeated elements but there's room to change stuff up

    I can hear you know your toolbox, there's a lot of cool automation tricks you use. Your drum sound design and mixing needs work, and figuring out how rhythms work together (or how they don't) should also help. You can do it.

  14. Watch the low toms, they get pretty bassy. Bass kind'a has a similar problem, in that it sounds played high and muffled, rather than natural. The lows are a mess. Also, watch how instruments exit. There's a sampled isntrument in the middle of the track that ends a bit clunkily, same thing with the mid-range guitar in the end of the track. Watch out for stuff like that.

    There are parts where I think it's too conservative, and others that feel right in line with ocr's re-arrangement thing. The overall structure is pretty cookie-cutter, but it works.

    It's a nice short track. Couldn't be much longer without doing something different with the source, so it's at a good length. Not sure about the heavy distortion on the rhythm guitars, they clash with the summer day feel of the melody imo. Just my opinion/taste, tho, it's your track and your choice what to make of it. Biggest problem is the muddy, heavy lows.


    - Too conservative - sticks too close to the source - slight possibility


    - Overcompressed (pumping/no dynamics) - should solve itself with lighter lows

    - Mixing is muddy (eg. too many sounds in the same range) - especially the lows

    Nice work. :D

  15. Bad form or not, it does set the bar. Not so much in sample quality (considering some of the suggested influences) but certainly in overall quality. I mean, _I_ now feel that I have a better shot at this :D, I'd just need time to find/make something (silly me, went and got myself a job). It could have been phrased better, and/or handled in part privately, tho.

    Also, nobody vents here.

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