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Posts posted by Rozovian

  1. Half a mod review:

    Spectacular track, my main concern would be the cohesiveness of the arrangement. ocr needs something beyond a medley of sources, and a quick listen to this suggests it's a medley with book-ends. I'd have to learn the soundtrack properly before being able to properly eval it. Haven't played the game through yet, either.

    Sound-wise, the only crit I have is that the synth bass is too loud and pushes the compressor (tho it's too loud regardless of the compressor, which only adds squashedness in the loud parts).

  2. aaaand a long overdue mod review:

    I can hear source from the start. Intro suggests something quite conservative. Saves me thr trouble of figuring out the source.

    Whoa, some bass notes are _really_ loud. I don't get the disparity between the heavy lows and the otherwise light track. While a juxtaposition of these two can be used well, here it's... well, not. Compare the frequency balance to some good reference tracks and figure out how you wanna fix the disparity. It's probably a sound design problem, you just need to figure out if you're going for a thick, light, or juxtaposed sound, and be more consistent in how you realize it.

    The track is also a bit quiet. Getting the drums and bass under control should give you a little more room for the rest of the track, but it's also worth looking into various techniques for gaining a little more room to work with.

    There's a few parts where there's something weird going on, harmonically, eg 1:12, 1:39, 3:32. The bass might not be in tune, either.

    This feels pretty promising tho. I like how this track flows. Aside from the sound disparity it seems mixed ok. It seems different enough from the source, tho someone more familiar with the source would be better qualified to comment on that.

    Sounds postable, but it ultimately hinges on the source usage. Nice work. :)

  3. Props for this, I've been meaning to learn to play keyboards well enough to be a decent wild card in any church band I end up in. Gonna be reading this.

    I asked a year or so about a guide for keyboard sounds, specifically e-piano but the most common synth sounds wouldn't hurt either. Dunno to what extent you know the specifics of the Rhodes and the DX7s, but it's an idea. :D

  4. How long does it typically take you to remix a song? From what I've read, you're using actual instruments and extra software and software plugins and it can take months to get a song made. For a lower-quality remix with just software, do you think it would take a long time to make a complete song? (long = > 2 months)

    Welcome. You should check out the 1-hour compos for some idea of what can be done in an hour. Give ppl a week, and they'll come up with stuff like the Mega Man compos here on ocr.

    It depends on the song. If you play piano and make a piano song, you're likely gonna work a lot faster than if you're writing and humanizing an entire orchestra.

    It also depends on your skill and your tools, obviously. I could make something listenable in an hour, I think. Others might not. It depends.

  5. I think it's brilliant. It's a lot faster and ultimately a lot less damaging than the DMCA approach, and it has the potential of teaching the kid to live so his mom can be proud of what he does, rather than teach him to rip off more obscure artists instead.

    That said, it's not a good idea to go after random ppl's personal life unprovoked.

  6. One album left on his page. Success!

    Any idea what that is, if it's also stolen?

    edit: nope, now it's jumping to random albums. Weird.

    edit2: now his albums are disappearing one by one. Seems like it wasn't random at all, just going to the most recent album that's left.

    ....aaaannnd it's gone. Success!

  7. It's hard enough to stay encouraged and motivated after 3 years of remixing (I know a lot of you have been doing it regularly for a lot longer) but this is just a punch in the gut.

    On the flip side of that outlook, we're making music worth stealing.

    If that guy's made money off of my arrangements, I will be angry. I have no moneys.

  8. I sent an email from my missingno tracks email address to bandcamp, with links to as many things as I could fit to make sure there was no mistake.

    I would hope that with enough emails to them, they will respond appropriately and quickly.

    Sent one as well. Found 5 tracks that were mine, the two from Missingno, also the aforementioned EYOD, Dragonfood, and Reverse Rain.

    Dunno about his first album, but his second was released August 10th 2009 and had ocr stuff on it. Too bad he flew under the radar for so long, he could have been stopped way earlier.

  9. One of his previous albums, Boss Rush, has ripped off The Dual Dragons' take on Laughing Octopus.


    ima do something.

    (and going to bandcamp's front page, I see a testimonial from our danny b. yay. now back to vengeance/reporting.)

    edit: Boss Rush seems like a direct rip of BadAss. Most if not all tracks are from there. Most of his other albums seem to be ocr stuff as well.

    edit2: found Spume. Seems like his Pokeman is a stolen Missingno Tracks.

    edit3: found Reverse Rain. dreaming symphony is Lucid Dreaming.

    edit4: Eat your Own Dust found.

  10. Yeah, it seems less about achievement and stardom and more about whether novices want the expertise of these stars. I'd be considered a star in this dichotomy, but there are ppl on ocr who have things to teach me about the things I consider to be my strengths. Then there are areas, styles, genres, techniques that I'm less proficient in, and would learn a lot from someone more experienced in those areas.

    I can be someone's star, if needed.

  11. Cool idea. :D

    Why not let the novices find their own veterans among those who've said they're available? If the novices would be doing the bulk of the work anyway, the compo is kind'a geared towards them primarily.

    Something to think about: genre restrictions. Might make voting more even, and not just about who does the most popular genre. I suggest you reveal the genre of the round _after_ partnerships are already formed, tho. We don't want to feel left out when everyone wants Willrock on their 80s synth rock tracks. ;)

  12. While there's nothing wrong with leaving your track on mod review for other mods to chime in, if you need another mod review for it within a week, you're using mod review wrong. Put it back on mod review when you've made substantial changes to it and have cleared your ears enough to more objectively evaluate it yourself. If all you need is a go-ahead after... say, some humanization edits or changing reverbs or something, you should be using your friends' and your own ears.

    That's my thoughts on mod review, goes for everyone using it.

    Anyway... no. :P To be concise and quotable: if it fits the crits, fix it. If more than one part of the track fits the crits, you've got more than one part of the track to fix. You can't fix something you can't hear yourself, so my sort'a lazy kind'a vague crits might do you and your listening skills a lot of good. :P

    That said, I'm not surprised if an OS patch is at fault. When I started using OS, I had a lot of trouble making it work with my previous instrumentation, and still sometimes find myself working towards a middle ground between its and Absynth's advanced sounds, and the more simple stuff in Logic and FM8.

  13. Levels mixing seems a bit weird, the bird ambience and the drums in the intro are way louder than any melodic elements there.

    There's a bright plucked or struck string instrument that sound dry and mechanical, some velocity-sensitive filtering in the sampler and more reverb (while it's in the background at least) should soften it more.

    Bass is loud. Actually, the whole low range is loud. Balanced is better than bassy. Interestingly, these clear, contrasty instruments would work well on their own, as would the softer instrumentation, but they don't complement each other well like this. Bring some more brightness to the oboe and soften the overly clear stuff for a more cohesive sound.

    Some transitions are a bit weird. The transition into the 1:21 break doesn't flow. The one out of it is cool, tho.

    Ending piano is way louder than the oboe. This is the kind of levels mixing that's been off through much of the track.

    It's got groove, it's got source. Its main problems are the mixing and some details in the writing. I think the arrangement works, just gotta fix the details.

  14. Only tried the demo back whenever, but I like it. It's not the control you'd have in a tracker, but most of us don't use trackers, and having more authentic chip sounds we can use in our DAWs is a good thing. I agree that the interface isn't that user-friendly, but like anything, it might just be a case of getting used to it.

    iirc BGC uses it.

  15. not a mod review:

    Intro piano still sounds pretty stiff. Dunno how your changes are, but your pianbo might not respond much to velocity. Also consider timing edits. You'd be surprised how far off a human performance can be and still feel emotive and human rather than poorly timed.

    This track seems to lack a conductor and a clear dynamic structure. Pretend to be a conductor, and see what ideas you come up with.

    And yeah, mods tend to wanna cover all mod review-marked tracks rather than give a single track a whole lot of reviews. This is also just a quick listen and comment, since your last mod review was a week ago. If you need mod reviews for every update, you need to work on your critical listening skills.

  16. Oh great, voice clips.

    I'd need to learn Launch Base better to give this a proper review. SS is certainly in here. You know the standards, I doubt you're making overly liberal stuff, so I'm gonna lazy out of a proper review here. :P

    Your leads in the upper range is a bit bright, loud, and whiny. Dunno what exactly is the problem, but you might wanna look into changing their eq, waveforms or doing some other easy tweak to see if you can de-whine them. No, the pitch bends and stuff aren't a problem, it's more with the sound itself. Just loop the 2:53 part and screw with it until it not as shrill anymore.

    Not much else to say. Everything else seems to work.

  17. Sounds a bit bright, like it doesn't have any beef in the mids. Idunno, compare it to some similar, well-produced tracks and copy their frequency balance. Chip solo is a bit loud. Just listen to the change in lead level when it goes from chip lead to lead guitar.

    The track sounds a bit same-y throughout. Dunno how big a deal it is, but it bothers me. Could probably be remedied with more varied chords and riffs, as well as changes in the guitar sound and... stuff. Again, dunno how big a deal this would be on the panel, so I can't say whether you should do anything about it, but it'd be good to keep in mind for future mixes.

    I'm hearing a bit of a squashed sound, too, making the track even more tiresome to listen to. Dunno how you've processed the track, but you could probably ease up on the compression a bit. If you need more headroom, solo the kick and bass and see what you can do about those two, they're the usual offenders.

    Source usage seems ok. Feels a bit more like a genre-adapted cover than a remix, but dunno where exactly to draw the line between the two.

    Feels like this is a really negative review. I don't mean it to be. It really comes down to whether the arrangement is ocr or not, and in this case I can't say either way. Fix what you feel like, sub it whenever, see what happens. :D

    edit: ...remedied... I stole your vocabulary. :P

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