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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. mod rev: Here's my thought while listening to the track: Drums... no, just no. Repetitive... too much. 1:25 finally something I like. More weird drums. Clashing bass notes. Some nice melodies towards the end, buried in problematic instruments. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION - Too conservative - sticks too close to the source PRODUCTION - Low-quality samples - not so much the samples themselves, but they're not mixed into the track right - Unrealistic sequencing - this is not how trance/synth pop drums are written PERFORMANCE (live recorded audio/MIDI parts) - Wrong notes, general sloppiness - clashing bass notes, some melody notes in the latter parts STRUCTURE - Lacks coherence overall (no "flow") - might work if other problems are solved first. might not work. hard to say. - Not enough changes in sounds (eg. static texture, not dynamic enough) - the drums dominate the soundscape, and the synths don't contribute much change to the track - Too repetitive Easy no. A lot of your problems are related to the drums. The good thing is that you seem to wanna stay away from overused drum writing patterns. The bad thing is that this deviation doesn't work. The rest of the writing is simplistic, and has clashing notes. Read up on harmony and scales, and study the drum writing (and drum sound choices) in tracks. I kind'a feel like directing you to the Mega Man compos. Listen to the tracks by ppl who were eliminated early in the compos, figure out why. Learn from it. Neblix has said he's learned lots from being in those compos, so perhaps you should study his tracks too, compare the older ones with his more recent ones. Actually, pick any artist whose old tracks you can find, compare to their new ones. See what you can learn from their writing, their sound design, their mixing, everything.
  2. mod rev: I wasn't feeling the first 20 seconds, that part doesn't really contribute to the mix anything. As the beat doesn't kick in until 0:47, that's like having two intros. The bass and beat sticks to the source quite closely, and they keep the energy level pretty much constant through the mix. It's also a beat on autopilot (one of my own failings that the judges seem to like to point out). There's some pretty cool fills and stuff in there, so it's clear that you can make the drums more interesting. Do it. While on the drums, the bass drum is quite loud, everything else could be brought up a little, or perhaps the bass drum could be brought down a tad. 2:54, a way too loud instrument comes in. Seems like you made it loud to stand out in the mix, which I guess it needed. I don't think it works tho, using EQ to bring it up front would have worked better imo. Now it's just loud. Other instruments sound like they could have benefitted from having some EQ treatment to stand out more, eg your 1:48 melody instrument could use a more clear attack, less reverb/release and a touch of EQ to bring out its high range and presence more. The sound design was overall cool, but a lot of the sounds are long and the notes don't stand out quite enough for a clear melody. EQ will separate instruments from one another, and volume envelope, compression, and other techniques will separate notes from each other. Gario's right in that it sounds a bit murky, you could bring out the highs of many instruments some. You could also avoid putting it on youtube, get us an mp3 version directly next time, so we can eliminate youtube's audio encoding as a possible problem. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION - Too conservative - sticks too close to the source PRODUCTION - Mixing is muddy (eg. too many sounds in the same range) STRUCTURE - Not enough changes in sounds (eg. static texture, not dynamic enough) - Too repetitive Conservative and repetitive, but cool sound choices.
  3. Different world music sample packs would probably get you some stuff in the right direction, just listen to historically correct examples and find similar samples from wherever you can, even if their names say they're from the wrong side of the planet. Just try to identify what makes them different from their contemporaries from other locations, and from their modern equivalents. Also, these guys.
  4. Hi and welcome, new folks. Aside from competitions, there's also our remix board for remixes finished or in progress, intended for ocr or not; there's remix projects that pretty much always want more remixers (this one certainly does), there's ppl seeking collaborators for... pretty much anything music-related... For those who don't make music themselves (also for ppl who do), drop some comments on ppl's individual tracks and the albums (available here), remixers like to hear what ppl think of their work. There's lots of ways to get into this community. Welcome.
  5. Some comments on your track and a short bio, iirc. btw guys, I got a wip for 111 last night. Funny how it's from k-wix, not from the three I know were considering/working on that source. Clearly it's a popular source. We don't do exclusivity on this track, so having two mixes of it on the project (or three, or more) is perfectly acceptable, as long as the project doesn't become Songs of Hope Isolation Pray. If you wanna finish your wips, feel free, and if they fit the project, we'll take them. (But we do prefer to get unmixed tracks mixed, you know.)
  6. This drama. I have no words. Actually I do, but they're inappropriate. Also, some of them are in Swedish.
  7. Well I have nothing of 111 yet, so nobody "has" it yet. It is, btw, a good idea to announce the tracks you're working on, at least if you don't have your name on them yet. Then again, what's the worst that could have happened otherwise, that I'd get three remixes of this track? How terrible. (as for records, I think I've beaten Kyle's record... haven't I? and ToaD doesn't count, it took a hiatus.) edit: wip of Meridian Child get!
  8. That's a better use for the program, tho I wouldn't expect it to clean things up as perfectly as the site claims. I would expect there are better tools for this purpose out there, ones specialized in audio restoration. Sorry about your father.
  9. I'm not putting anyone down for anything until I hear a wip. Also, remember the project direction about the mood of the soundtrack and no overly synthy stuff. No techno. This means you, Brandon.
  10. Looks redundant. Seems to be a tool for ppl who have a collection or badly mastered low-quality mp3s. It would be much better to get higher-quality versions of the songs needed for whatever than to try to retouch a photocopy for "perfect" visuals. It could have some use for bad recordings, but in those cases it'd probably be easier to re-record. It's not the magic tool that humanizes and mixes and masters everything like a pro.
  11. You're just jealous cuz we're breaking your record.
  12. Brandon, you should know the drill by now: no wip, no claim. Also, a cut doesn't mean a ban, it just means your get more competition on it... Don't give me a reason to open it, and I won't.
  13. Well, apparently Meteo has quit the project for the time being, so I can be totally... tarian. Noboby's gonna stop me from deciding we're doing monthly deadlines where I open stuff up at the beginning of every month if I'm not satisfied with the progress. On that note, I got a 9-minute wip and two wavs the other day. I'm pretty satisfied with the progress atm. k-wix and everyone, take more tracks! Take more tracks!
  14. "I'm new to racing, it's just so difficult with the pedals and the gears and all." It's difficult even when you know the tools, which in this case seems to be FL. Start small. Can you write a melody? Can you use different instruments? Can you write a drum beat? Can you put effects on your instruments? Once you know how to handle the FL equivalent of pedals and gears, then the hard part begins: writing, mixing, sound design, loudness, balance, pacing, emotion, humanization, etc.. Start by learning the pedals and gear and all. Then have a look at this guide here, and whatever other learning resources you and google can find. Welcome to ocr.
  15. Nah, we can just check it with an OST/OSV release... which we just did. The tracks where the spc and rsn agrees are probably correct, and I think we've caught the last of the misidentified tracks. Of course, the links we'll be putting up for the tracks still in red will be double-checked, just in case. As for invites, it might be best to have correct youtube links to the tracks before a mass invite and recruitment post and all that... one thing at a time. The tracklist is updated, tho, so as long as you check with the rsn that you remix the right track, start remixing, folks.
  16. btw, I've got a teaser test I'm gonna run by keiiii tonight. Progress on the teaser, w00t. Blue Magic, after your borkage, I opened your track. Feel free to take it back, or do another one, whatever.
  17. Can't it be both? I like both. I'm not surprised you ended up at a whole lot of tracks, I fell into that pitfall a few years ago and now consciously avoid adding a new instrument if an already used one will suffice. Then again, I don't do orchestral tracks a lot, so I don't have to have it realistic or anything. Not sure it helps, but previous versions of Logic let you put tracks into folders. Can't promise 9 has it, and can't promise it'll make things much easier to work with, but it's a thought.
  18. So the rsn checks out. We still need Reincarnation remixed, obviously, so anyone interested in that track, you have context for the track in the link keiiii posted. I thought we went over it back when Usa was around, I'm surprised there was yet another track name mixup in there. We are doing youtube links (to the rsn-verified tracks) for the ones in red, I just haven't gotten around to it. Meteo, if you want something to do tonight...
  19. The problem is that not all youtubes have the correct names. There's two archives of the chiptunes, one I got from zophar's domain, another from snesmusic.org. The zophar version has been wrong before, we've confirmed that with the ost, and the rsn has been correct, at least on the tracks we checked (Secret of Mana, Obsession, Rolling Cradle, Fable, "Legend", and a few others. The rsn has Sixto's track listed as Flight. Right track, wrong name. At least we're talking about the right track.
  20. Nope, I just checked. The rsn, which so far matches the actual soundtrack release, has his track as Flight, not Reincarnation. It's been misidentified in some soundtrack archives, and youtube's probably full of misidentified tracks.
  21. This is a style we don't get a lot of on ocr. We really need more of this around here.
  22. Hi and welcome to ocr. I saw your introduction post and your thread in Originals, thought I'd greet you with a comment here... and remind you that this is a vgm site, so the vgm section gets a little more activity than Originals. This is a nice track. Careful with the instrument panning and output levels tho, everything seems to happen in the left speaker, and there's a few places with noticeable compression and possibly some clipping. Really interesting piano, the note decay seems to center on one of its harmonics. Cool sound.
  23. Nah, he's got a good name for it already. Anyway, tracklist has been updated. New color code, so it's not quite as blue as before, but it should make it easier to see if we have your consent (according to the last consent update I got... a few months ago). What's left to do...? Oh right, email mak. ... or not. Found a wav. Lessee here...
  24. Okay, so that's a PM sent to Hylian Lemon. The rest of you should be fine, either in a wip state or a nice, blue, finished state. Time to fix the tracklist... btw, we had another track name incident. Sixto has _not_ been remixing Reincarnation, he's done Flight from the Holy Land. We should have caught this earlier. I heard a new wip for that track the other day. Anyone working on FftHL should probably switch source to Meridian Child or another big epic track... it's not like you can't use multiple sources in a mix, FftHL could make a great intro into a Meridian Child mix.
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