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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. It was for Meridian, it's on the wip board now. Not right for the project, but sd3 doesn't get enough remixes so I'm glad the track is out there now. Anyway, I'm back, and I'm not going particularly far anymore this summer, so I've got time for this project. I wanna see some more action, and I should now have time to actually finish my _first_ remix for this project. (stupid rozo forgot collabs take time...) DaMonz, wip plz, and then I'll mark the track as taken.
  2. When do we start asking when it's gonna be released?
  3. Hi new ppl, welcome to ocr! Feel free to lurk and learn the community here, or jump right into the music making forums with your own vgm remixes or original works. Come talk music production and writing, or just games and music in general, let us know what you think of our tracks and albums... and enjoy your stay.
  4. A. He wasn't banned, he left ocr. I made him come back. B. It's a legitimate question. Maybe mods didn't think the thread was hogging the recruit/collab forum with discussion and updates, or maybe they didn't notice/care. Or it was still just a recruitment thread. Idunno, I'd have expected it to have been moved to the remix board. C. Since when does it matter if it's trying to be an official ocr project?
  5. So's the case with many of the albums - lots of duels names and other folks on some of them, random outside ppl from youtube and newgrounds and wherever. I don't think Larry and the others are gonna claim ocr did this one all by itself.
  6. Whaat? Even tho I have that (in retrospect) atrocious bell sound in there? This review of the whole album even thought it was the most visually evocative track on the album even... ppl like my work and I'm just going "man, those lead bells are horrible" whenever I listen to it. Also, Dj Mokram needs to do a lot more music... or rather, we need more Mokram music! And disco. Is there a log of the listening party?
  7. Stupid buggy msn for mac. I'll just PM you stuff. Anyone else in Dalarna, feel free to hit me up by pm, email, or facebook, cuz those methods work.
  8. Too late, already in Dalarna now. I got one of those 3G modems that I have to share with the family's 3 other nerds. Dissidia, if you wanna meet, hit me up with your location/phone number in a pm or on facebook or something, and I'll see if there's some sensible way I can get there. Can't be a bad idea to meet ppl from the internet, can it?
  9. Oh look, I can has some internet time... No set deadlines, but it'd be great if I had more stuff to listen to when I come back, in a week and a half. Emu, you wanna do another track or what? Somebody tell Mokram we need him to do more tracks for the project. His track for Lucid is really cool, and I'd like to hear him tackle some more sd3 stuff. MattInc and a whole lot of other cool ppl too! Also, I found a fresh new wip in my inbox. Cool style... but wrong style. Anyone interested, read the first post so you know what we're looking for, and make sure both Meteo and I get it. Oh right, this is Meteo's thread until I'm back. *vanishes in a cloud of coughy smoke*
  10. New post isn't really necessary as there probably won't be that much new stuff going on, but besides that, thanks for answering that stuff, B. Anyway, I'm leaving in... 20 minutes or so, just dropping a note here that I'll probably only have internet access by iphone, so send any stuff to both me and Meteo. Meteo can listen, and help you with them, and i wanna know what's going on. Also, I'll listen when I get back.
  11. LinPlug has a drum synth that comes free with Computer Music magazine iirc, dunno what formats. Simple but fun, and good for retro synth perc.
  12. Well, still two days or so... I'll arrive in Stockholm Friday morning, so by then I'd need to know if I should stay there or not. Anyone interested and around post here so other ppl know there's at least a small meetup. If not, I'll just head straight up to my relatives... which is cheaper. Family car, not train(s). I was pleasantly surprised to see that there's a train going straight to where I'm staying... Nice work SJ.
  13. Remind me sometime in the fall if you still need remixers then. I could do something. Good luck with this. Too bad there's no SoM2 project in the works....
  14. I have one hard drive crash and everyone thinks I wreck them on a regular basis? For those that didn't get it, Meridian Child being dropped by the artist is because the artist had a crash, not me. Anyway, I'm leaving for Sweden and Norway on Thursday and will, again, only have internet access by iphone... so I can't listen to stuff or do much project-related. That's why Meteo's back, send wips and wavs and stuff to both of us, I can still read them, just can't listen. Also, expect some drastic tracklist edits when I get back. That and all the other things I've been saying are just around the corner. ppl whose emails I don't have should make sure i have them. PM them top me here or something if you haven't received the previous mass email thingies I've sent out. Also, if you've signed the consent form, I'll assume I can use the tracks for our previews. If you'd rather not have your track(s) in our previews, let me know. By gmail or pm. Summer. Things are moving slower, and I'm more busy, than usual. Weird.
  15. Well, I'm staying near Leksand and haven't made any plans for what I'm actually gonna do, so if you wanna meet, lemme know.
  16. A day, at most, probably. Unless you already have teh CD.
  17. Rozo goes Sweden. There was talk of a meetup before. Anyone got time for some ice tea, kladdkaka and some mocking impressions of our respective dialects? I'll arrive on Friday morning iirc. If there's no interest, I'll just stick with my family and head up to relatives in Dalarna. If there's interest in a meetup, I'll stay in Stockholm or wherever and hang out.
  18. Looks more musical than Reaktor, but yeah, it's modular so it's similar. Looks more like a musical instrument than a DAW, and more like a toy than an instrument... but since when has something being a toy stopped ppl from using it creatively?
  19. Yes, Ferry Corsten would be evaluated just like anybody else. No, that doesn't mean any sub of his would have to get on the panel - they could just bypass the panel after the initial evaluation, as with any submission that's found to be good enough and in accordance with the submission standards. Two of mine have been. Also, it's not an OCReMix unless it's posted on this site. It can be a remix, and even one that meets the site's criteria, but it's not an OCReMix.
  20. Lotta metroid track here now. Okay, you've got some piercing highs in the intro. Cool sound, but be careful with how loud you let it be. Don't make it hurt ppl's ears. Some samples are really exposed, and could use a touch of reverb, eq, and maybe some layering to sound less raw. The snare is probably the worst offender, and you've got lots of sounds that don't need much, if any, further processing. On a related note, the kick has a bit too much lows, I hear the compression level moving when it hits, but there's not enough audible sound to make it work... so the lows are at fault. It sounds a bit empty, tho. Lead, lows, and highs... you're missing mids. Also, when the lead comes in, the track kind'a settles on a certain energy level and doesn't move from there. A change in lead sound, some added rhythms or harmonies (arps might work), or something else would give that bit some variety. I'm also not sure I like your thin, metallic reverb. Might be just a matter of taste, but it's worth mentioning. All that said, this has some really cool sound design and a decent arrangement. Keep working on it, dude.
  21. Nice arrangement. Careful with the bass and kick, they seem to overlap a bit here. Separate with eq. I know you haven't done much with the production, but that's really the only thing this track needs now imo. The 2:23-2:59 section could perhaps use some source bits sprinkled in, but it's better to leave as-is than to overdo it. Sounds design is unexpectedly varied but it works imo, it just gotta be mixed right. This stands a good chance of getting on ocr when you're done with the production. Nice work.
  22. Yeah, dissonant. This sounds _really_ newby with chords that don't agree with the melody, much like the stuff I used to do way back. It's good to work with minimal sources, they kind'a have to be arranged in a new way to make sense as a standalone track... but in this case I think the source is wrong for you at your current skill level. Red Brinstar or something would probably be easier to work with. The samples are really exposed, practice using reverb and EQ (and other effects where appropriate) to give it a more refined sound. Hope this helps.
  23. The incessant chime thing is detuned a bit too far, sounds terrible. Most of the instrumentation is passable but could use some additional processing to add complexity and "phat"... and there's a few instruments that really stand out as cheap - the choir's high notes really exposing the sample. There's also way too much bass, leading to compression problems. The writing is minimalistic in that it's really a simple lead on top of a repetitive backing. Dunno what you're trying to do with it, but it doesn't seem to be heading in ocr's direction. I don't remember the source, but this sounds conservative and more appropriate in the game than on here. As Tuney already brought up, it doesn't work that well as a standalone track. Nice to see Fusion get some attention, but if you want it on ocr you gotta figure out how to use the source in a way that works for a standalone track. Keep at it.
  24. Bassline is root and rhythm. You can see it as a rhythm instrument that agrees with the chords, as a minimalistic and/or fairly monotonous melody in the low register, as the backbone of the track, or whatever. Besides the 3rd and 5th, the 7th works well, and you can include the next chord's notes when transition into it. Sometimes, it's easier to write an interesting melody for a bassline, and then see what you can write on top of it. Might not work in all styles of music, but it works ok for me.
  25. My guide keeps getting mentioned all the time... and it's still not done. here is it, my remix guide thread. Also, if you're incorporating or even basing your music on existing material, you're still _making_ your own music out of it. Otherwise, nobody has made any original music since someone invented chords. When it comes to budget, I'd advice you to stick to free stuff while learning. It's easier to start if you have simple tools without a dozen keyswitches, envelopes, and sample morphing. That, and free tools are... well, free. No budget problems. That said, quality instruments cost, and they get you a better sound with less effort. You still have to mix it tho. Anyway, workflow is much more important than price. If you like how FL works, get that. If you like how REAPER works, get that. Try out everything you can get your hands on, see what works the best, and buy that. Unless you're going for Nuendo, it should be within a reasonable price. Getting a good library and a controller and stuff would add to the budget, probably more than the DAW itself, so that's another reason to start with free stuff. Hardware usually isn't available for free download, tho. ppl have made ocr-level stuff with free tools. Nutritious had a thread about making a soundfont orchestra sound good, DarkeSword has iirc beenusing free tools for many of his works, and many ocr tracks have been made in GarageBand (which is pretty much free with a Mac purchase). Price isn't a big issue, cuz making music here is about skill, not expensive tools. I got mixes posted here before I had Komplete and Omnisphere and whatever else I've got. Blah blah blah blah. Guide link drop. Blah blah blah.
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