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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Dude, it can be worse, like in the GMRB semifinals: So if I'm reading it right, I lost a vote because I had a different style than the previous rounds. Different from the first round where I used Omnisphere and my relatively fast desktop machine, and different from what I made with my Omnisphere-less underpowered old laptop and iirc only Logic's own tools and freebies; those two tracks are soooo alike, apparently. Guess how tempted I was to throw a tantrum over how that's not a valid reason to vote for the other guy, and how the two tracks done before weren't that much alike anyway. Ultimately, this _is_ a popularity contest, and even tho critical listening is encouraged, it's not enforced.
  2. So, stereo through an external interface, mono through laptop headphones jack. How about the laptop speakers? Could it be that anything played through the built-in interface is mono in FL, and anything via the external interface is stereo? If so, find the settings for this and change there. Dunno why the output would turn to mono and change for a different interface, but it makes more sense than that the pan automation would arbitrarily be ignored.
  3. Laptop speakers - no pan automation. Headphones - no pan automation. Audio interface - pan automation. I doubt it's a case of the program just ignoring the automation. Try panning normally, to see if it's really a matter of the pan automation not working, if panning at all works. Someone that uses FL plz solve how or rule out that FL is causing this.
  4. I don't work enough with guitar so I can't say, but the principle behind it all is this: Identical signals left and right turn into a centered mono signal. Using different sounds on two identical signals still have the distortion and any effects different in each channel. Using different takes means that the timing of waveforms (phase), fret and pick noise (higher frequencies) will be different on each side, so you get a wider sound. If you want, you can use different amp sounds and effects to further distinguish the sounds. If the effect you want is to separate the two signals more, then yes, using a different tone means a different sound, thereby a more distinct left and right sound. if the effect you want is just a really wide guitar, maybe using the same tone is better. There's also the possibility, for those who (like me) aren't _that_ good at guitar, to use different tones on a single take instead. Phase will be the same, but the distortions and effects will be different. You could experiment with all of these techniques, see what sound you find the most fitting for the tracks you have.
  5. Sounds like the headphones plug doesn't connect properly. The headphones output or the headphones plug might be broken, or maybe it's not inserted all the way.
  6. Same. 'Til then, I'll laugh at all the hype that I don't get. Yet.
  7. ...sort'a. dB is a way of measuring the sound level (amplitude) logarithmically - and related to the output regardless of the actual digital level (which is different depending on the file bit depth - it's what all the 16bit, 24bit, 32bit, 64bit stuff is about, which isn't important here). Amplitude in sound, however, goes both up and down (waves), as in SJM's pic. If the middle isn't in the middle, some peaks can clip. dB starts from max 0dB on computers and go to negative because that's how they're standardized. 0dB is the loudest the computer can do - digital limit - highest value possible. Individual tracks can go higher but the mixdown must be less than 0dB or it'll clip. -6dB is half amplitude, -6dB more is half that, etc... If you're only getting clipping when you export/render/bounce the song, you may have clipping in there that FL just provides some headroom for... but which there's no headroom for in the exported audio file. Because dB goes both directions, you can't just lower the levels because the recording's dc offset will still be there. Instead, check if FL has that dc offset fix thing, or open your recording in Audacity or something and fix it there, then import to FL. If the dc offset isn't the problem, there's still the other aforementioned possibility - that you have too loud lows that you might not even hear. Use a spectrum analyzer to check if there's lots of low frequencies, and use an EQ to get rid of the excess from any track that doesn't need them. But beyond that, idunno. Plugins that can't do offline renders, transients triggering some compressor, brickwall limiter set to something funky... can't help you beyond dc offset and lows. If that doesn't help, ask for someone with FL (like in this thread) to open your project to see what else it could be. But figure out if it's a dc offset or too loud lows first.
  8. This sounds to me like a problem with either the recording input level or with the mix itself. You could have a dc offset in the recording (I've seen a 46% offset, it was hilarious and sad at the same time), or just lots of lows messing with your output levels. Does this only happen when you have recorded guitar in your tracks?
  9. Napalm Man has a complex theme. It'll be interesting to MAKE SALAD* OUT OF YOU, MAIN FINGER! *a possible outcome, not a promise
  10. FL should be capable enough, tho checking out demos of other software is never a bad idea. What's the problem, what is it you can't do, or can't do conveniently?
  11. Starphoenix _and_ devastus dropping out? Come on guys, you're abou equally disadvantaged atm, and there's still time... Also, there's feedback to be had. BP too, feeeeeeeedback.
  12. Apparently I suck at learning new sources. Anyway, interesting sound design, sounds reminiscent of the source. Noisy sound tho, clipping or what? Some trouble sticking to a style - which might be hard considering the source - but it gets a bit distracting sometimes. Can't focus on it, I blame the source. Hope my brief feedback helps.
  13. Not digging the drum sounds or rhythms except the 1:10 part, and the new rhythm at 1:24/1:44 (albeit it's a bit cliched). The instrumentation is a lot cleaner, tho, nice work on that. Lead is a bit too loud so the rest of the instrumentation, esp the bass, falls into the background. Consider using two bass patches, one for the more exposed bass parts, and one that can hold its own against the lead. If you base them on the same sound but muffle/brighten one of them you'd have a similar enough sound but for two different situations in the mix. Placement. Read up on it. Not just pan, not just brightness, not just reverb, not just volume - and learn to mix the track levels better. It's one of the least sexy but most useful skills to have when you, well, mix. You should look up old tracker music for some ideas of what you can do with simple sounds. lots of great stuff in there.
  14. Sounds good to me. Might be lacking in the bass department compared to some other mixes. If you need to, sacrifice a little volume for some bass - the kick could use a bit of a boost, either its lows or volume. Hihats on the other hand are too loud imo. You could do some more eq separation to clear up some of the messier parts and bring out the acoustic instruments some more, but I'd be ok with this even without that. You could boost the low mids of whatever instruments you feel could stand to be a little louder; lead guitars, some of your acoustic elements, whatever. Just don't boost by much, I'd be careful to go over 2dB with it. Subtle fixes would improve it, but you've got a pretty good track here. Nice work.
  15. Depends on the text, of course. As pics are allowed, we're not as likely to have a wall of text in a sig. By default, it's a smaller size anyway. Pics are moderated manually, probably by Darke whenever he sees an offender. Just make some sig rules - max total image height 250px, don't use text in your sig that looks like a forum post... or something like that. Besides, the lines are measured really weirdly. My sig is apparently one line break away from too much, and it's just two lines with the pic. So a little more flexibility would be nice, djp, anyone?
  16. Nope. Probably just some random YouTube remixer or something. also, I don't think it's kosher to post other ppl's remixes here. Community or Help/Newbies would have been a better place. Now you know.
  17. User bigger chords. Play with rhythms. Not everything has to begin with a 1. And steal stuff.
  18. Having more sig pic than the rest of the post (name bar included) doesn't either. I'm asking because my sig is currently as long as it gets. Can't even have a line break before the pic atm.
  19. Well I liked France's entry, as did my brother. In our own voting, we placed France first, Georgia second. And we normally don't have the same taste in music. Also, Sweden had a pokéball in the background.
  20. Bought Portal 2, so guess how productive I've been. Uh, the private forums have been so inactive that I assumed nobody used them. I'll get her access to the sd3 parts if there's still stuff happening there. She'll have to be signed up for the forums there first, tho. Record her vocals separately? Uh, yeah... probably. I'm not sure exactly what you mean. You kind'a need them separate so you can mix them in properly.
  21. It's not like you randomly assigned robot masters ppl didn't pick for themselves. Just change Will to Elec Man and let the Mega bracket just be. The tournament's already started, it's probably best not to change stuff that's already... in the mix.
  22. Kick is too loud. Saw should be EQd into place, and could stand to be more interesting, maybe through hard sync or subtle filter changes. Lead is too basic to stay interesting. Snare is way too weak compared to the kick, could have more impact and punch or even some click to it. There's some crits on the sound.
  23. Blizzard Buffalo's stage is a popular source, apparently.
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