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Everything posted by endblink

  1. http://remix.overclocked.org/detailmix.php?mixid=OCR01004 This ReMix, to me, is a metaphor for this thread.
  2. Awesome. Like is mentioned, some of the sounds aren't top of the line, but the arrangement is magnificent and more than makes up for any faults in the piece. Plus, it's an awesome theme from one of my fav games. If they made an Altered Beast film, this is what the score would include. My only real question for the Coop is: Why are all your pieces so low in volume? A MUST DOWNLOAD.
  3. Actually, you have to code your sig in html, but it won't work with a Geocities account. Geo blocks that kind of coding, I believe (although I could be wrong)What you're talking about is what StarBlast is currently doing, but StarBlast hosts his sig on his own paid server which would allow that kind of remote coding.
  4. Suck up. Well, I am.Honestly, I prefered the original idea and song. Thing is, I can kinda feel this was last minute rushed. I seem to get a feeling that djp is the type of guy to change his mind at the last minute often, and I feel this mix suffers for it. Personally, I like the idea of the sax, but I think it sounds terrible. Maybe it's the compression of the file, but the whole mix sounds incredibly "grainy" on two different stereo systems set at neutral levels. I also think this would have been even more exciting had this come out BEFORE Shadow's Bus! OC ReMix, which sounds much higher in quality and grabs the "Tarantino" idea better. Plus, Bus! is a catchier ditty. Knowing what I know of then, and what I know now, I'm hoping the original mix planned comes out soon, and hopefully the extra time will make it really something special, 'cause this mix was a disappointment. Not djp's best stuff, taken from source material that's too "safe", and unfortunately, too soon after something very similar. Reading djp's write up, I knew I was going to be disappointed when I read this: I immediately said to myself: "This mix is gonna be one of those that needed more time."Anyway, you can't please all the people all the time. To each their own. EDIT: Spelling
  5. This is endblink disappointed. I liked the idea of the original 1000th mix better.
  6. E-Bison FINALLY gets his OCR badge. For a long time, the regulars here at OCR knew that E-Bison was OCR's best kept secret. Let's hope he releases more quality stuff soon, and it gets posted even sooner. Download this track: HIGHLY recommended.
  7. Just want to thank CompyFox for the translation of Hitler's speech. Thanks!
  8. WOW. This one's AWESOME. This site NEEDS to BRING IN DA FUNK! And this delivers. Very fun mix. Download it now.
  9. Great, great song. But I'm even happier that DJP mentioned Izzard in the write up. But yes. The quotes and the "Seig Heil" are the best part of this extremely creepy song.
  10. http://www.geocities.com/tycotustan/zellfreidlogoanimated.gif There's enough in this thread that you should know why this isn't working.
  11. Hmm... not sure with aol, if they allow remote linking. Anyone on AOL here that can provide answers for this one? http://members.aol.com/tidaleyes/images/aya2.txt
  12. See, folks!This is a wonderful example of how easy it is once you read the information provided in these FAQs. Great sig Sibnal! Glad you got it too work!
  13. Well' date=' you can do one of two things:1) make sure each sig code isn't on a "new" line. Of course, it'll [i']look that way in the small sig box in the profile, but make sure there are not spaces between code. Take a look at my current sig. It's actually two sigs next to each other: [img=img1.txt[/img][img]img2.txt[/img][img]img3.txt] as oppose to: [img=img1.txt] [img=img2.txt] [img=img3.txt] 2) Create a new sig in Photoshop. Glue one after the other, save the image, upload it to your website, and there you go.
  14. It works, but it's INSANELY BIG. Please reduce the size of the sig or choose something else.
  15. Geocities doesn't allow remote linking for gifs or jpgs. You have to covert the file to txt.
  16. Wow. endblink likes a Mario tune? Apperantly, yes. The only problem with The Wingless, it seems, is that he simply can't remix fast enough for my tastes. This guy is incredible. A truly distinctive style with an amazing ear, I love what this guy does. Great piano work, excellent backbeats and those weird reverbed strings at the begining? Best part. Hands down. I, for one, love the improving. I love the fact the the 'known tune' only comes in at the 1:30 mark. Makes for a longer, more enjoyable mix, with a nice surprise. Plus, improv and variation are good things. Classic stuff, especially if you're a fan of The Wingless' stuff. Highly recommmended.
  17. It's hard to help people if they don't listen. Plus, add the "www" in front of geocities.
  18. HOLY CRAP ACE! That's TIGHT. Yoshi. Post your sig link in a post. Lemme see what you're doing. Maybe I can help.
  19. There you go. Smaller, personalized, and less than half the size (50K as opposed to 300K)! Do not remote link to my server. I will take this down in 24 hours. Right Click, Save the target to your computer, and follow the steps you used before.
  20. No problem. Cool as hell pic, but WAY too big. If you give me 5 minutes, I can resize it for you.
  21. Hey, man. No worries. You're not annoying me at all. This is the Help Forum. I'm here to help you. I would suggest changing it on your computer first, and reloading it to geocites. The reason you can't see the file extention is because your computer is set to "Hide Known File Types".Different version of windows do it differently, but the basic way to change this is to: -Open the folder with the file you wish to change -Click on "Tools" in the Menu bar (NOTE: I'm being told Windows XP is "Tools", earlier versions of Windows might either be "Folder" or "View") -Click "Folder Options" -Select the "View" tab -Under "Files and Folders", find an option that's called "Hide extentions for known file types". -DE-SELECT it. (If there's a check in the box, remove it. -You should now be able to see your file extentions and be able to change them. -To go back to your original setting, go back and RE-SELECT "Hide extentions for known file types". And again, if you have any other questions, you can always ask here!
  22. Hmmm... did you read the first post with the instructions? The problem isn't size, although I can't check it anyway. Your problem is that, as is stated a few times in this thread, you can't remote link JPGs from geocities. You have to change the file extension on your computer to TXT, re-upload it to geocities and post again.
  23. It's a very nice Red X.
  24. You're very welcome. It's what I do. Yup. Working like a charm and looks hella cool too.
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