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Everything posted by endblink

  1. _excousa_ Post your sig's pic in a post here. I'm not seeing it. I might be able to help if I can see the source.
  2. Excellent. You got it too work!For a sig? It's slightly larger than mine and I feel mine's pushing it. You can try it out, see what people say. If you can bring it down a bit, the better, but if that's what you want, go for it. The only way to find out is to "test drive" it. Glad I could help!
  3. Excellent, K-DoGG! Thanks for using the thread!
  4. Congratulations!Thanks for using this thread!
  5. No problem.Everyone needs a little bit of a helping hand sometimes. Glad I could help. YAY! You got it to work. But I would suggest reducing it even more. It is slightly big. Congrats! And thanks for using this thread!
  6. Listen to me. You had it. It doesn't matter how it looks on your computer when you open it. The bottom line is, the file IS a JPG which you've renamed to a TXT file for the sole purpose of using it on geocities. Yes, when you rename the jpg as a txt file, it'll open Notepad and show you code. That's SUPPOSED to happen. Upload the renamed file to your geocities account and try linking it to a post. HERE, we'll be able to see the image as an image even though it's a TXT file. Try it here.
  7. No.The capitalization is simply for me to point out the error. Okay, the problem now is that you have a new version of Windows. When the file is on your computer, is recognizes the ".jpg" extension and hides it. Hence, when you rename it, you have the "psycho.txt.jpg". It's now simply calling the jpg "psycho.txt" Here's what you need to do: -Open the folder with the file you wish to change -Click on "Tools" in the Menu bar (NOTE: I'm being told Windows XP is "Tools", earlier versions of Windows might either be "Folder" or "View") -Click "Folder Options" -Select the "View" tab -Under "Files and Folders", find an option that's called "Hide extentions for known file types". -DE-SELECT it. (If there's a check in the box, remove it.) -You should now be able to see your file extentions and be able to change them. -To go back to your original setting, go back and RE-SELECT "Hide extentions for known file types".
  8. TO ALL NEWBIES: Help me help you. It REALLY helps if you READ the help thread. Please, I put a lot of work into it. All your answers are in the very first post. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. That's what it's there for. Now, f.o.d., just like the person right above your post, your problem lies here: [img=http://www.GEOCITIES.com/gaiamaster2003/psycho.JPG] As I've stated, Geocities requires you to change the file extention from a JPG to a TXT. Change the file extention, upload it to your account and input it as such: [img=http://www.geocities.com/gaiamaster2003/psycho.TXT] Try again here, and I'll help you out if you have any other problems.
  9. No problem. Except all we're seeing is a big Red X.I took a look at your post. Here's your problem: [img=http://www.geocities.com/dejectedpunks/mylogo.JPG] You have a geocities account. You need to CHANGE the file extention from JPG to TXT for us to see it. The reason you can see it is because the picture's in you Internet Temporary Files Folder already. Change the file extention, upload it BACK to your Geocities account and make sure your sig looks like this: [img=http://www.geocities.com/dejectedpunks/mylogo.TXT]
  10. Wow. I'm SOOOO sad this song doesn't have more ReViews. And I'm mad at myself for not ReViewing it sooner. Maybe it's because I was afraid to. I don't know. This mix holds such a near and dear place in my heart. I love this mix. This is the first song I think of when I think of classic gaming. Alex Kidd was my FIRST video game hero. In a (video game) world that's dominated by a fat, italian, character-less stereotype, I had the Kidd. In one of the most memorable, most enjoyable games I've ever played. I happened to have stumble into OverClocked ReMix. Back then, I simply didn't realize the size, history and community dedication behind video game remixing. All I knew was that I wasn't the only one who loved Alex Kidd as much as I did. I stared at the screen for minutes before I dared to choose one of the Kidd mixes. I decided to try this one first. The joy this mix brings me is indescribable. Sure, there are technically better that have come before and after, but this mix will always remind me of two firsts: The first time I ever held a controller in my hand and was transported to a wonderful new world of adventure and the first time I ever felt true joy and kinship listening to a song. Heh heh. I remember I e-mailed djp thanking him for creating this site. And I think I thanked him for this mix. Enjoyable, mellow, funky, chill, groovy. These are all words that can be used to describe this mix. The scratching samples are subtle and killer and the "Wah" cheer is so fun, I can't help sing along with it. Great original music from a great game, this mix had the potential to be too repetative. And while some of the friends I've played this too brought that up, I enjoy the length, and the feel that goes with it. I feel there's just enough variation in the song to keep it going and keep it enjoyable throughout. NOTHING is better than listening to this mix while sipping your morning hot cocoa (I don't drink coffee ) and watching the sun rise. Well... maybe blasting it on your Diskman during a bright sunny day and enjoying the wind in your face, the sun in your eyes and the Earth beneth your feet. I know most of you Nintendo kids will skip this one. Doesn't seem like many of you have heard of the Kidd, let alone played the game. And judging by the amount of ReViews this mix got, I know I'm right. And it's a real shame. This is a really excellent tune. Bottom line, every artist strives to touch people with their work. At least one. To grab them and hold on... and when you let go, they come back for more. Thanks djpretzel.
  11. Uh-oh. I almost feel bad writing this... but it's good to have at least one nay-sayer here and there... I hope. I think the biggest complaint I have about this mix is... disappointment. The hype was REALLY built up for this one. And it just didn't deliver. Sorry. I love mellow stuff. I'm a sucker for it. But I guess I was just caught off guard with "Word to your muther!" and a fighting game to suddenly get a mellow tune. Especially since the last fighter covered was djp's unbelievably good Tekken 2 ReMix. For a first time submission, it's really tight. Well mixed, with a lot of wonderful sounds working nicely together. I especially liked the bells at around 3:20 and the "wavey synth" at 2:55... but I couldn't help but feel this mix lack anything "real" to it. It felt like one LOOOOOONG intro which I was constantly expecting to build into something... big. Or at least bigger. Especially with this whole "metamorphosis" theme mentioned. There was also nothing here that REALLY blew me away and take notice. For a first time submission, it wasn't bad. But 'best first submission ever'? That's a little hard to say when such first submissions as Fuzz' "BombermanFuzz", Digimatic's "Simon's Town" or NoopZ' "KefkaGoesWest" show/showed such unbelievable variety, imagination and musical know-how. Walking away from it, it's nice. And I'll definiely keep it, but I feel it needs pointing out that sometimes, overhyping can backfire. To Unipulator, nice work. I'll be sure to keep my eye out for your next mix.
  12. No. Excellent. You're sig looks fantastic. And it'll insipre the new kids to follow suit! Thanks K-Wix! Everyone, take the time to check out K-Wix' Ogre Battle ReMix. It's hella sweet.
  13. Sorry about the blatant bumping, just want to top up the new, revised versions of the Guidelines.
  14. Heh heh. No problem. Just remember, if you make a mistake in your post, it's a much better idea to your post than it is to start a new one.
  15. Kreth => Excellent! Good job! And thanks for using this thread!
  16. Thanks, ancsik! Excellent points: 1) The bigger the picture, the longer to load, the more bandwidth you use up. KEEP YOUR SIGNATURES SMALL. No one likes a sig that takes up four screens. 2) Bandwidth for huge sigs/multi pictured sigs not only cost you, it costs djp. The man is having a hard enough time as it is keeping this site running with the downloads, we shouldn't be costing him on the forums as well. BE RESPONSIBLE.
  17. Welcome new people! If you're already familiar with visiting Internet forums, much of this will not be new to you. However, if this is your first forum, and you're eager to learn how to link an image in your post, or to have an image signature after your posts, you've come to the right place! --- -BASIC RULES FOR POSTING PICTURES- • For a picture to be posted over an Internet forum, the picture must already be uploaded somewhere on the Internet. This means that a picture on your computer's hardrive cannot be posted directly onto the forum. You must upload your image to a server and link the image from said server. What does this mean? This is our example image; WURD.JPG: Now, if I try to link wurd.jpg directly from my hardrive: C:\My Documents\Pictures\wurd.jpg We get this: Mmm... wonderfully sexy... black text. Once again, this means that you MUST UPLOAD THE IMAGE TO A SERVER. • With the new PHP coding used for OCR4's forums, certain image hosting solutions previously available to forum goers - such as AngelFire and Geocities - can no longer be used to host images. This means: DON'T TRY USING THEM. IT WON'T WORK. • NEW (and much more reliable) image hosting solutions can be found at either PhotoBucket (which seems to be the popular choice amongst OCR's forum goers) or ImageShack (which is what I use and will use for the remainder of this FAQ). CHECK OUT THESE SITES, READ THEIR FAQS ON IMAGE HOSTING AND IMAGE UPLOADING, AND YOU'LL HAVE A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE HERE. • BE CONSIDERATE TO OTHER FORUM GOERS. Try to keep the size of your image(s) down so that people who don't have cable or DSL internet access won't be waiting for two hours for your picture(s) to load. Also, be considerate of the DIMENSIONS of the image. We don't need a 1280x1024 image posted in the forums when a 500x400 image will do fine. An even better alternative is ImageShack's Post a Thumbnail option which allows you to post a clickable thumbnail to a larger image: --- -POSTING AN IMAGE IN A POST- • You must have THE FULL URL ADDRESS where your image can be found. Example using wurd.jpg: http://img61.exs.cx/img61/4936/wurd.jpg If you're remote linking an image from a website, you can often find the image URL here: or under the image PROPERTIES: (USING INTERNET EXPLORER IN WINDOWS: Simply RIGHT CLICK, and select Properties) Services like ImageShack give you a forum usable URL when you upload an image to their server: • Now, slap that puppy (copy and paste) into your post, and hit submit. • MAKE SURE THAT YOUR URL IS IN-BETWEEN IMAGE TAGS: [img=http://img61.exs.cx/img61/4936/wurd.jpg] • MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO SPACES IN THE IMAGE TAGS. If you leave spaces in the tags: [img ]http://img61.exs.cx/img61/4936/wurd.jpg[ /img ] All you'll see is this: [img ]http://img61.exs.cx/img61/4936/wurd.jpg[ /img ] • PRACTICE IMAGE POSTING IN THIS THREAD. Test here, because that's what this thread is for. Also, DO NOT USE MY EXAMPLE IMAGE(S); please post your own image so as not to kill the bandwidth on my example images in this FAQ. Thanks. • Simple, eh? We're almost done too! Now that you know how to post an image in your post, let's try posting an image as our sig! --- -POSTING AN IMAGE IN A SIGNATURE- Great! Now that you've gotten the hang of posting a picture in a post, here's how you tack a pic in your sig: • Right underneath Link, you should see a line of text the reads: Search - Members - Register - Profile - You have no new messages - Log out [ YourHandle ] Found it? Good. Now click on Profile. Your profile is broken into THREE sections: [ A ] Registration Information [ B ] Profile Information [ C ] Preferences Under [ B ] Profile Information, your last option, JUST BEFORE [C] Preferences, is your "Signature" option. To the right of that, more or less in the center of your screen, is a little white box. • From there, simply copy and paste your URL within Image Tags. Therefore, to show wurd.jpg as a SIGNATURE, it should look like this: • Scroll down, click "Submit", and you're done! --- Hope this helps out a few of you new kids. If you have any questions, POST THEM IN THIS THREAD. Please do not spam the other discussion boards. The regulars are really nice here and some will check this thread every so often to see how they can help. Your questions WILL be answered, just be patient. If all else fails, scroll through this thread to see which members are helping others, and feel free to PM () them or myself. Hope that helps you out! Enjoy the OverClocked ReMix forums! -FAQ History- OCR3 Versions EDIT 1: Lots of spelling mistakes. EDIT 2: Clean up, clarification and reformatting EDIT 3: MAJOR Code revision. Thank you DarkeSword! EDIT 4: Minor URL update OCR4 Versions EDIT 5: Notice of forthcoming OCR4 revision EDIT 6: [OCR4 EDITION] of the FAQ EDIT 7: Accidentally deleted an image off ImageShack. I replaced it. Also, corrected some spelling mistakes.
  18. I'm hopin' it more Sega!It just needs to be said again: This is a MUST DOWNLOAD.
  19. Hooza! Hearing the more recent Rosencrantz & guildensterN ReMix, which comes in over 800 mixes after this one, I clicked the link provided by DJP for this kicking tune. Wow. And the reason I haven't downloaded this before is? One of those things where I probably thought I already downloaded and accidentally didn't. Huh. Regardless, check this tune out. What I liked about the R&G ReMix was the "feel" the ReMix had. While this one doesn't "feel" like PS4, it certainly delivers on a different front: The Beats. The kickin' bass that you loved so much from the intro? Right there, man. And it's TIGHT. Nice, spacey intro. Love those "chime" noises. The music grabs you and refuses to let you go. It's blood pumpin', foot stomping, dance floor rushing goodness. Grab this one.
  20. endblink is a five letter word: HAPPY. Wow. This mix KICKS ASS. And with a serious need for more Sega tunes around these parts, this mix is just what the doctor ordered. What I like most about this ReMix is the FEEL of the piece. Right off the bat, I KNEW it was Phantasy Star 4. The game's music had it's own feel, it's own vibe, that set it apart from the rest of the Phantasy Stars... and I really felt that from this mix. The wah guitar was amazing, and I love songs that use niffy voice samples. The opening one being especially sweet. The only thing I might have changed is the ending. I didn't like the echo effect put on those strings. It was a nice sound that got kinda muddled. Like guitars tracks? DOWNLOAD NOW! Like something different? DOWNLOAD NOW! Love Sega and Phantasy Star 4? And the reason you HAVEN'T download this ALREADY is????
  21. Consider yourself quoted.And it does sound like "Turn the flame higher". Thanks.
  22. I'm really keen on this mix. At first, I wasn't thrilled with it, but I gave it a few plays before hitting the delete button on it. Thankfully, it's staying on my hard drive. This is definately a very different type of techno. It's kinda happy, kinda groovy, kinda funky. The thing that I dig the most is that voice sample. I think it kicks and is extremely well used. Never really played the Mega Man series, so I'm going to go ahead and assume it's the Blue Bomber himself, but I'd love to know what it is he's saying. If anyone can help me with that... Overall, like I said, the more I listened to it, the more I appreciated the arrangement. It does have it's problems though. I really do feel better samples could have been used. The whole mix seems kinda... muffled. I felt these sounds should be jumping out at us. It would have brought me into the mix a lot quicker if everything sounded a little crisper. Is there a clearer version available? Overall, I dig it. And that voice sample is really super cool. It's funky, it's techno but it's different and it's definately worth a listen (or two or three )
  23. Hmmm... It's rare that I put up a negative review, but I felt I needed to write a little something about this mix. First off, the description is misleading. With the exception of the obvious steal of the famous "Piggy" lyric, this doesn't sound very nine inch nails at all. I started a thread in UnMod, trying to pinpoint the "sound" that best fits it, but came up empty. Early Orgy? Maybe. Late 80's "industrial"? Possibly. But NIN? No way. Sorry, but it's not even close. I would highly suggest all NIN fans to not go into this thinking it'll sound like NIN. Maybe it would have come across better for me that way, at least... As it stands, the song starts promising, but the vocals just don't go with it. No offence to Wintermute, who i'm sure has some decent singing chops, but his voice doesn't suit the song, or carry it very well. In fact, it kind of gets in the way. The music would have stood just fine on it's own. And again, it doesn't help that the main lyric is "Nothing can stop me now", which I automatically link with Trent. I'm also not keen on those choir samples at all. They don't work with the mix. Joy Division? Listening to it as I write this and that suddenly popped into my head. Hmmm... It does have a little of Joy Division, maybe, possibly.
  24. So, it's 1:40 AM on a Tuesday morning here in NYC, and I'm listening to Zertatul's Reve D'Ordinateur. On a whim, I decide to check out the reviews this song got and notice this song recieved no love. 2 reviews? One that wasn't to keen on it? I'll admit, it took me a listen or two. But once I "got it", boy did I get it. This isn't just a good ReMix, the is a good song, period. This is everything I like about music rolled into a ball of sweet musical wonderful. It starts off with this amazingly funky techno beat which will eventually mesh extremely well with the beatiful "Far Promise" piano playing... but not before a very well placed and excellent use of "Matrix" quote. The violins, which pop in and out of the mix carry the mood wonderfully and the whole song comes together as an incredible mood piece, something which will leave you with a melancholy smile on your face. This is music at it's best. This comes with my highest recommendation possible. Je veux jamais me réveiller...
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