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Everything posted by mousemuffins

  1. !CGB ,yadhtriB yppaH
  2. It was 4.95 mb (dunno how many kb) and my connection's really slow now, so I guess I'll just enter it earlier tomorrow. (Actually, since I'm going to summer school, I have to enter it before 7am.)
  3. I just went to upload it and my connection was too slow and it didn't take! EDIT: Ha, guess that works out then...
  4. OH. Thank you Rexy, for clarifying that...
  5. I'll be entering in the last 15 minutes or so. I'm going to host it on Tindeck.
  6. Thank you, and I've been working on my remix al night (although I did grab four hours of sleep). So I know what you mean, a little fried.
  7. Still working on my remix...I feel so noobish. What format does it have to be? What's the kbit limit?
  8. That's a really great idea, it'd be ubereducational.
  9. Um, sorry to double-post, but is my MIDI the only one that isn't working? EDIT: Nevermind, i get it now...just noobism here...
  10. Thanks Rexy! I feel stimulated now.
  11. Meh...I'm with Chicken on this... My planned block of remixing time keeps getting interrupted, and it's not very likely that I'll finish it on time. Just seconding Chicken's post.
  12. I was interested as soon as I noticed this thread. I remember Rayman very well (although I lost the game a few moves ago). Unfortunately, tonight is the first chunk of time I've really gotten to work on it. (Rexy, if you were to extend the deadline, that'd be sweet.) So, um, just wanted to post and say that Flex and Chicken and Salluz aren't the only ones interested. But my schedule got randomly chopped up this past week. (And I'm a total noob, so my remix probably won't be much. But practice is good.) So...just fyi.
  13. Well...I'm in the same group as you two, really. I've been searching for Spyro music, either original or remixed, for a very, very long time. After much searching the only place I can really recommend is VGMusic.com and they don't have very many MIDIs from Spyro games. Really, it's just VGMusic, or you can acquire the original music from the games and try to go by that. There were also two People's Remix Competitions that use Spyro tracks as source material. They were: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=7329 http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14262 Sorry, but that's about all I can do. If you find anything else that's helpful, please PM me.
  14. I don't quite understand this. Do you mean to say that creating music has always been expensive?
  15. !amartgs ,yadhtrib yppaH
  16. O.O !TJJ ,yadhtriB yppaH
  17. Being a fan of Terry Pratchett, I consider this a challenge. The 7th Harry Potter book was surprisingly good; lots of revenge at the end, cool stuff. Also I'm reading Three Cups of Tea; it's interesting. Incidentally, this post could be a thread bump. After all, anything's possible.
  18. ...woW ?12 !kerA yadhtriB yppaH
  19. Has anyone here noticed that XFire.com is in 1337-speak? Also, I'm not sure if this is a joke or not: http://mail.google.com/mail/help/customtime/index.html
  20. I officially agree with this thread. I haven't found many other places with music as soulful as OCRemix's. I'm constantly amazed that the songs are free, also. The sheer amount of work put into each remix is incredible; and the remixers don't even ask for payment. Surprising stuff...
  21. I haven't tried this torrent yet, but for torrenting I use BitLord and I've never had any trouble with it.
  22. Could there possibly be subcategories? Granted they can be annoying, but for more specific instruments it may be helpful. Other than that, this remixing database is seriously sweet stuff.
  23. !oiboneK yadhtriB yppaH (?esaelP ?ekac fo ecils a evah I naC)
  24. Is there anything like this for PSX/GBA/GB games? I'd be delighted to tackle something similar with one of those consoles... Of course with those there are MANY more games available...I imagine it'd take longer. It would be worthwhile, though.
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