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Everything posted by mousemuffins

  1. It sounds tacky but working in different VG characters comes to mind...I dunno.
  2. I still think people should be able to pick, via some system or other...
  3. This thread is awesome...I'm going to attack my scanners until they work, try to post something this week. Maybe it's not OCRemix status that should affect color/design, maybe each "level" (for lack of an immediately better word) should have different icons/colors/patterns/layouts available? Possibly I worded that wrong, but just putting it out there...
  4. !yadhtriB yppaH !seibriK tranaf suonevar dna sweivews gnimag lufnrocs fo raey rehtona ot s'ereH .uoy morf erom raeh ot tiaw t'nac I ,ffuts gnizama...xim slleB eht fo loraC ruoy ot netsil llits I ,oslA
  5. !edud nimda CRI ecin ,yadhtriB yppaH
  6. !yadhtriB yppaH ...snigirO raeh ot tiaw t'nac I
  7. I just finished The Orc King...the epilogue sucked, it's like "oh now it's a century later". If book II starts a century later I'll probably just stop reading them. It's gone downhill since a little after the Cleric Quintet... Terry Pratchett's newer books are better, as I recall, up until Moving Pictures they're rubbish. The newer ones have plots. I've suffered 3 of Dan Brown's books...I couldn't swallow Digital Fortress, it was too painful. He's too dramatic, just read a sentence every 30 pages and you'll get it. Also, Philip Pullman's books are fascinating.
  8. Dude, you joined three days after me. 'Sup? I haven't played this game in years, but I do recall it had catchy music. I would help if such a project were started, but there are enough going already and you do need some clout to start one. I feel sorry about the Zelda project...that game had an excellent soundtrack. (Actually, that was about the only reason I finished playing it. That and the magic rod which made things go asplody.) Incidentally - and perhaps I should ask this in a new thread eventually, instead of dropping it into this one - what do people think of a Spyro project?
  9. Eep - the original + WIPs aren't streaming for me, either.
  10. Nearly every day, as often as I can. Apart from OCRemix I only have music from friends because I have no money and therefore can't deal with iTunes or Zune or whatever overpriced crap there is now.
  11. !naihtnerT yadhtriB yppaH
  12. !yadhtriB yppaH
  13. I'm with DragonNyight!
  14. Umm...feeling pretty guilty here, but neither of my microphones is working, and I really hate to say this so late, but I'm not going to be able to make a song. Eep...maybe next year? (Or some other holiday project?) I'm sorry!
  15. Damn, I'd just been getting pretty excited when I found this thread a few weeks ago, I wanted to work on+hear it. Such a good game, too... Anyone else thinking of starting this project up, later? (Or is that too presumptuous right now?)
  16. Thursday, eh? I'd got mixed up - thought it was Saturday. What's B3? Tomorrow or Monday I might post a WIP, although I'm still not sure what I'm making. Nothing specific, probably. BTW, can't remember, has anyone done album artwork yet?
  17. Well, I talked to one of my friends (who introduced me to this site, don't know her account, though), and she's let me borrow her keyboard. I've never made a song before, but I think I'll try "Joy to the World", or something melodic... She's too busy with band, but she was thrilled at the idea. Anyway, I'm going to try, my progress report won't be any good so I'll have little else to do. Wish me luck! (please?)
  18. I love ITG over DDR, but what's SM?
  19. Happy birthday!
  20. Wish I could mix songs...I'd love to help, I've been hoping for a Christmas project.
  21. Oh, I've been wanting to hear that. Joy! Listened to TEEM.ROKIT...wishing for more, it sounds like it should be followed by something. Got R/B/Y for a late birthday gift; now I have each from the first two series, plus LG, plus Pearl. *dance for joy* Now to find time to play em' all...
  22. VotL is awesome; the 1st CD anyway, I've listened to. Also I like the only Pokémon song on OCR I found...hope this project finishes soon. What's "Tales"?
  23. *cheap use of binary falters* Good song - I agree with Hy Bound. Don't know much about trance, though... It does seem a bit repetitive, especially after 5:00... ~laments how brief forum post #1 is...~
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