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Everything posted by Ryu2Wolf

  1. Ha man, this isn't too bad. Nice attempt for your first. I know I can't sing worth crap! XP
  2. Neat idea really. Cool ensemble. Main event sets the sax but may need a but more tuning. Very complex parts tho so kudos on who ever is playing the part. I'd like to hear vibrato on the high notes. Bass helps to smooth the band and percussion is well equipped too. Nice work so far guys!
  3. Damn, this sweet! Never even thought about using guitar for Zelda and it's... it's... so beautiful! Great sound man!
  4. Appreciate the tones. Reminds a little like Cowboy Bebop (well for a reason a style) but hey, that's good. Nice work.
  5. This is cool. Kinda like Karaoke but pretty interesting. Wish it was a little longer but the set up is interesting enough. Good work! Keep up the innovations in remixing!
  6. Hells yea! Rave party baby! Totally dig the layout on this one. Like the phone effects and well, most of the effects used here. Funny because I imagine this as a softer song. Very fun!
  7. This is pretty funny [Link sucks!]. Gotta have one of these every once in a while. Truly a well done song though. Would like to see this animated or put to visuals. Nice work!
  8. I can really dig the guitar music but not so much the sax. I do no think that it is the sax itself but more of the type and quality of the sound made. Seems a little outta place. But really, this music is awesome!
  9. Pretty cool Orchestra tone. Links in to the story telling aspect. Nicely done overall. Good dynamics.
  10. Nice pick up phrase. Way to intrigue the song. BTW, I do not know what that reverb guitar sound is but it rocks!
  11. Needs a little more transverse sections. Becomes repetitive maybe because the music has similar music and rhythm throughout. Try to diversify some of the elements. Overall, not too bad.
  12. Love the piano arrangement but some of the connecting dynamics may need some work. Let's see, I really liked your soft sections but getting there from the louder sections was a little harsh. However, I really enjoyed this music in it entirety. Good ending!
  13. Your organization of style is key. All instruments seem to fit with what you want to remix. This is partly why some songs are hard to remix due to the combination of original style to new ones. You've done well on this and is why I like it so much!
  14. Everything fits well. Your skills surpass my critique. Really enjoyed this song since it combines so many kinds a types of styles. Nice!
  15. You know, I kinda wanted to hear this one remixed when I heard it on the game and you just made it so much nicer. The piano is superb! Very relaxing too.
  16. Gawwww, it's everything I'd hope for in Zelda. Really pulls you in. Nothing is wasted. Piano is a nice touch too.
  17. Ha, second one I've heard like this in Zelda series. Really fun to hear. May have used a different song to use but the style hits the nail on the head. Nice work!
  18. Kind of drags a little but may be due to some internal conditions. The drum line it well done and the electronic ambiance is nice too but doesn't seem to fit well with each other. The drum specify a rhythm and the ambiance specify an eerie feeling. I would dive the two and to make it sound more complete but its really up to you.
  19. Neato! So much more futuristic than this Zelda was in its time but in a really cool way. I really like the echoing between L and R stereo since it caught me off guard (plus you didn't over do it). Overall, truly complex and kept me well interested throughout.
  20. Woah! Really cool elements in there. My fav is the 8-bit sound that was something sounding like a guitar solo. Real retro but very nicely composed. Should be proud of this one.
  21. Hot ham blam! This is really cool. I can truly get use to this one. Interesting idea to remix this song in a jazzy style. Piano finalizes the work too. Well done!
  22. Really try to induce some mixing power in the beginning. I got a bit of a spiraling feeling in the start but doesn't seem to really get where I want. The melody from Zelda was good but it all seemed to stop a little too soon.
  23. Very intriguing mixing going on in there. Pretty creepy with a side of 8-bit-ness. I like!
  24. I can see a lot of work here but needs to be internalized a bit further. The drive to the climax fights with the game's original melody in the beginning. The softest part of the song is a little confusing but your drive back up towards the end gets much better. I really like the harps playing too. Nice touch.
  25. Interesting, has a intriguing movie or cinematic feeling to it. Try to lock down some parts to make it feel like a whole.
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