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Everything posted by analoq

  1. I think you're missing a chromosome. Please elaborate.
  2. If all your sounds come from an 'init patch' it does not follow that you are 'superior' when it comes to synth design. You could very well program your own sounds that are just as clichéd and lacking in originality as any preset.
  3. For me it is easier to just create the sound I want rather than auditioning a ton of presets. But on the rare occasions I do find a preset that matches my artistic vision I'll use it. And that's what I advise people to do: If a drumloop/preset/etc adequately represents your artistic vision, then use it. But if you rely on drumloops/presets/etc. as a crutch or substitute for artistic vision, then you might as well just give up - your music is doomed to banality with or without the presets. cheers.
  4. I can say with a fair degree of certainty that I won't be contributing this time around. But I do plan to attend the viewing party. Good luck, all. cheers.
  5. Yeah. That's what makes your remix disappointing. Taking an unusual piece and giving it ordinary music elements (drums, guitar riffs, cliché stutter fx) actually makes it less interesting. Taking an unintentionally amusing piece and making it deliberately zany with Speak & Spell and other random voices actually makes it less funny. It's weird saying it, but, I prefer the original.
  6. Wait, was this thread a request? I thought it was more a discussion on remixability. Anyways, it would be good material to use for a compo; it'd be interesting to see how others tackle the "problem" the original music creates. cheers.
  7. That's a crazy idea. Crazy like a bus. Ok, I saw the Kikoskia video a couple months ago. The melody is generated using a random or otherwise chaotic function. You can duplicate this on a synthesizer by modulating the frequency of a couple oscillators with sample & hold. I'm not quite sure how one could make a passable remix of Crazy Bus for OCR but I'm sure OLR would be happy to have one. For that matter, if you're remixing generative music, do you remix the algorithm or its output? cheers.
  8. If you'd been paying attention to what I've been saying you'd see that's a non-sequitor. I'm not saying you shouldn't sample Britney Spears or whomever and share it online (though legally you shouldn't). Rather, I'm saying YouTube has an obligation and prerogative to remove remixes such as yours and they are not evil for doing so. I.e. stop whining. The artists voluntarily enter into a contract with their record label or publisher, who acts on their behalf. Therefore the will of the label/publisher is legally the will of the artist. You can feel that's not morally right and you can feel the labels are greedy, but your self-serving vigilantism won't help that. The rights of intellectual property, as they stand, include rights over derivative works. No one is destroying your work; you're free to make all the remixes you want for personal use. But if you want to sell them or distribute them on YouTube, you need to get your samples cleared first. Those samples aren't yours, they belong to someone else. And if someone else doesn't want you using them, that's their prerogative. Nothing evil about that. Then stop whining.
  9. They are being assaulted. The artist has an exclusive monopoly on the sound recording, including all derivative works. i.e. You're not allowed to sample without permission. Doing so is infringing on the intellectual property rights of the artist. What if YouTube is profiting? They get to sell more ads by people watching such videos. They should be obligated to prevent videos such as yours. Perhaps, perhaps not. It doesn't matter, it's not your call to make. Rather, it's up to the original artist. Yeah, those big bad record companies. I've heard that one before. I'm sure you are equally self-servingly ignorant about how record labels function as you are about copyright. If you find the idea of intellectual property evil that's a defensible, however naive, position. But scattering your confused angst at the labels and YouTube does not elicit sympathy. Hate the game, not the player. cheers.
  10. Sampling Britney Spears for a remix does not constitute fair use. YouTube is not evil for protecting the rights of recording artists. Their enforcement may be inconsistent, but that's probably more due to imperfect algorithms and flagging procedures than singling anyone out. YouTube just isn't a good place to share that sort of material.
  11. Spam everyone on youtube with friend invites/subscriptions ...if you're an asshole.
  12. This is why my projects tend to lack adornment; it's not just my minimalist aesthetic. All the really cool effects require more render time than a single laptop can handle As long as you're wishing, a farm of twenty $500 computers would yield quicker render times than a single $10,000 computer. CG scales horizontally. cheers.
  13. heh, I've said a lot about how long I think the compo should/shouldn't be in the past so I won't repeat myself. What I will observe is the 4 month compo was a bumpy road. 2 months is plenty. And I like the idea of seeing others' progress on their videos as they develop.
  14. ...Or music players 'iPods' or facial tissues 'kleenex' or lib balms 'chapsticks' or flavored fruit drinks 'juice' or.... I'm okay with all of those. While they are all misnomers, none of them necessarily represent misunderstandings. They know Coke is a carbonated beverage, Kleenex are tissues, iPods are music players, etc. Whereas people who say "sounds like MIDI" generally (invariably, in my encounters) don't actually know MIDI is a protocol. A closer example may be someone who uses 'copywrite' when talking about 'copyright'. It seems a simple mistake, but in order to make that mistake you have to have little understanding of what copyrights are. cheers.
  15. My first language is tagaloq! Seriously, my English is so often wince-worthy, you'd think it was my second language. So I am always happy to be corrected, thanks. Anyways, I don't see the "sounds like MIDI" comments much anymore and I do think they will eventually fade away due to deprecation rather than education, as I mentioned before. Unless high-quality MIDI file playback is the next killer feature in iPods or something.... cheers.
  16. Most of the time, yes. But even if we understand what they're trying to say, it does not mean there's no merit in trying to educate people on what MIDI actually is. Many may not care, true, but some people are happy to be elucidated. English grammar and spelling are not always intuitive - just because we can understand someone's poor spelling/grammar doesn't mean we can't expect better of them, even if they are making predictable mistakes. 10 years is more likely. In 1991 most people I knew didn't even have a soundcard and for the few years thereafter only OPL3 and the like FM sound quality was available. First soundcard with a wavetable I owned was a Gravis Ultrasound in 1994 (which sounded very little like the Microsoft or QuickTime GM synths) cheers.
  17. Yes, I referred to MIDI files as... MIDI files. How inconsistent of me! It seems you didn't comprehend my post so let me try to clear this up simply: "listen to MIDI" (what you said) Makes no sense. MIDI is a protocol. "listen to MIDI files" or "listen to .mid files" (what would've been more accurate to say) Makes sense as a MIDI file contains a sequence of MIDI events, which are typically musical. cheers.
  18. Yes. No. A MIDI file or .mid file is an IFF container of MIDI data, which is not equivalent to the Musical Instrument Digital Interface protocol. Pedantic thread is pedantic. No, they don't. That's the whole point. The point that has seemingly gone over your head. I like you Brandon, but you are a reputable ignoramus who needs to listen more frequently and talk less frequently. cheers.
  19. To further illustrate how MIDI is a protocol: cheers.
  20. I used to have this "sounds like MIDI" argument with people a lot ten years ago. I would tell them it is akin to looking at a webpage and exclaiming "This looks like TCP/IP!" There could be something correct in what they're saying, but it doesn't make syntactical sense. The "sounds like MIDI" misnomer will go away. Not due to education but due to deprecation; people don't collect/listen to MIDI files anymore. You can't play them on iPods (easily) and some media players have dropped support for them. The General MIDI file is dead. Long live the General MIDI file.
  21. Just do this for me: if your video consists primarily of game footage that is not even in Standard Definition, don't upload it in High Definition. Thanks!
  22. When is 9PM? Timezone, please.
  23. Fundamentally, that won't work. It does not take into account ReMixes that have been removed. And even if there were a remix for every ID you would only have a list of IDs and not the titles, artists, game, etc. to go with it. If someone wanted to build such a gadget their best bet would be to leverage the YouTube API and pull videos at random off the ocremix channel. cheers.
  24. No, viewing party is on the 23rd. That's almost two weeks.
  25. Happy birthday to Hsu, Happy birthday to Hsu, Happy birthday dear David, Happy birthday to Hsu.
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