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Everything posted by Jago

  1. I'm finally back!! WOOHOO!!! Man, it was good to see my wife again, and we didn't take long to dig into our favorite beer. Let's hope I won't see Iraq again for awhile during my army career.
  2. Am I in a hurry to get my track in? I remember you saying that I wasn't part of the first release, but if you need my track, let me know. I'm in the process of (FINALLY!) completing my deployment in Iraq, but I've had to ship some stuff back early, including my MIDI controller. If necessary, I'll use the piano roll, though that won't be much fun.
  3. I've had success with this interface, though the install was a little weird with my Audigy 2 ZS Notebook card I have. It wouldn't complete its install while the sound card was plugged into the laptop. Removing the card fixed that issue. It's virtually lag free when I use it with my Korg X5DR synth. As soon as I hit a key on my controller, the Korg plays the note instantly. I've had no issues using the Uno during recording or playback.
  4. A typical reverse cymbal will always start soft then increase in volume since it's a crash cymbal played backwards, which is physically impossible and is therefore sampled. The release is immediate. A suspended cymbal is a real instrument that can be controlled 100% by the player. It can roll soft and go loud, it can stay soft, it can be loud immediately, it can be choked to make a short attack, whatever the player needs it to do. Rolls are usually accomplished with two soft mallets to hide as much of the attacks as possible, making it sound like one continuous sound, hence "suspended". The release can also be immediate by choking it, but the player can also allow it to decay naturally.
  5. This is an arrangement I released quite some time ago to VGMix2 when it existed. I can't recall which track it is from the NSF file, but it's from Fire Emblem: Dragon of Darkness and Sword of Light. This is entitled Tranquillity, and it was written as a reminder to myself to always search for peace in my life, even during times of chaos. I hope this also makes you feel relaxed as you listen to it. Admittedly, the beginning is a little rough, but I've since abandoned the arrangement to attempt an update. Hopefully, you'll enjoy listening anyway. Cheers! http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/tjbo/Jago---Tranquillity
  6. I just checked again, and it's the same. They're linked to your entry.
  7. Abadoss, The entries of Diego Cohen and Blue.Nocturne are linked to yours, which I'm sure was an accident.
  8. The strings coming from the right channel (cellos?) could use a slight boost in the upper frequencies, just enough to give them more vibrance. The center strings, though, sound completely muffled, as if most of their high frequencies were taken out. I didn't like that kick you used, for it sounded too loose for what I felt would fit in this song. I'd try a tighter kick. Very nice guitar playing, so I'd definitely keep that. Keep us posted!
  9. I feel your pain. I've been at those briefs and will continue to be at those briefs for as long as I'm in the army. Abusers continue to sprout, unfortunately.
  10. And I have seen those places and lived those experiences, being in the army myself. It's when the idiots insist on being...well....idiots, and the rest of us who know better pay a price, albeit smaller than what the roof crasher is paying right now.
  11. It stayed until about 5:30pm (10:30am EST). The dust was still thick, but the weather went back to its usual tan color during a dust storm. Most of the powdery dust is gone, so it's just a lot of haze right now.
  12. The light refraction does make sense. There have been plenty of dust storms, but this is the first where we got this intense color for this long. It was 12:50pm (5:50am EST) at the time of this post, and the color was still here. Surreal indeed.
  13. When I woke up this morning, I apparently went from Iraq to Mars. The first picture is from my barracks room towards my supervisor's room. The second is towards the main dining facility, though you can't see it because of the dust. The third is also from my room, but I forgot to turn off the flash; I kept the last picture anyway to show you how dusty it can get here. I only resized these pictures. The color you see was the actual color of the weather. Within seconds my camera and I were coated with powdery dust. What a way to start a morning, eh? http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/7462/welcometomarstolatrinecj4.jpg http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/9596/welcometomarstodfackk8.jpg http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/4475/welcometomarsalotofdustqh7.jpg
  14. Did you use the Service Center to update the software? When I got that bundle, that didn't come with the package, so I had to download it from their website. http://www.native-instruments.com/
  15. Yeah, don't ask. I was bored, and it was done before I deployed to Iraq, so I was really bored when I did this one. I'll probably never finish this, but here it is. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/kfsd/shakira1
  16. Here's another recording I made awhile ago, and I finally got around to post it. It's been busy for me lately, so unaccompanied pieces have been the quickest for me to record. I do plan on doing more with orchestra and possibly a jazz ensemble. Unfortunately in this recording, you can hear in some spots that my reed is about to die, which this very dry, hot weather will do to cane. Nonetheless, it survived long enough for me to play a solo clarinet work by Paul Harvey. It's in three movements, which this one is the first based on I Got Rhythm. It has a contemporary flare to it, but you can clearly hear the main melody. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. http://boomp3.com/listen/c0di66z48_m/gershwin-i-got-rhythm
  17. A bad PSU will definitely cause havoc on your system, especially if it's putting out improper voltage, which could explain why your cores are reporting errors. It's too bad you don't have another PSU lying around, for that would definitely help in diagnosing your issue. Because you said your other partition exhibits the same freeze, I'm quite confident it's a hardware issue. I just thought of another caveat that causes my mom's old computer to reboot: is there anything that would cause a brief voltage drop throughout your apartment? I ask because whenever the central AC activated in my mom's house, her old computer rebooted every time, thanks to its mediocre PSU.
  18. Hi Cree. I gave your WIP a listen. The one thing that struck me immediately is that the piano sounds too quantized. It doesn't sound like a human is playing it, for every note is virtually struck at the same time throughout the piece. The other instruments you added do add some variation, but they don't sound natural, especially in their releases. Fade out the volume as you get close to the end of the notes, and it'll sound more human. I'm not liking the trumpet sound too much, for it sounds thin. There's more I can add, but I just wanted to start with what really caught my attention upon the first listen. Keep us posted on your updates!
  19. OK! http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=17652 Sorry...couldn't resist.
  20. Yeah, pretty much any room I can find is my recording studio...seriously. A lot of buildings on this post are heavily damaged. It's a miracle some are still standing.
  21. I definitely have plans to record more stuff. The challenge is to find the time and not melt in this heat.
  22. 29 years and counting.
  23. Honestly, I totally forgot about the game until this thread was made. It'll be a miracle if Duke Nukem Forever is ever released.
  24. Thanks for the comment, John. Darkesword, I could have sworn that I posted this under Non-Remixes, but with this damn heat in Iraq (120 Fahrenheit), my mind wonders.
  25. Greetings! Well, I managed to squeeze in a couple of recordings of myself playing the clarinet. Work hasn't been too stupid lately, and it's also a good way for me to relax...well, once the recording is done. I've forgotten how much of a pain in the ass it is to do live recording, so it took longer than expected, but it was fun in the end. Anyway, here are a couple I made over the past couple of days. The first one comes from etude #2 called Allegro in a book called 32 Studies by C. Rose, and I arranged the pizzicato strings to go with it. The second one is a solo piece originally written for bassoon, which was transcribed later for clarinet, called Rhapsodie by William Osborne. Thanks for listening! http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/qxcl/Jago---C-Rose-32-Studies-no.-2-Allegro http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/ejwz/Jago---William-Osborne-Rhapsodie http://idrs.org/publications/DR/DR13.2/DR13.2.Ewell.Osborne.html
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