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Everything posted by Jago

  1. It's possible that I'm completely blind, but I didn't see a list of songs available for orchestration. Is there such a list, that way multiple people aren't doing the same tracks?
  2. Though I won't be able to give you 1 song a week, maybe 1 song a month, I'd like to offer some assistance in this project.
  3. I'm not hearing that metallic reverb you're mentioning. It's set to a medium-size room setting, though I can experiment with other reverb settings. From what I'm seeing so far from Garritan, the samples I'm using aren't affected by velocity, but rather by the mod wheel. Do they sound too even throughout the entire WIP or just in a certain area?
  4. Greeting all. After doing several orchestral arrangements, I thought I'd dive into some big band arranging. Though I listen to big band, this is the first time I've ever attempted at actually arranging in this idiom. The source of the track is from Horangi Arirang from the Soul Edge Super Battle soundtrack. Eventually I'll add a clarinet solo that I'll play live, but that'll come later in the arrangement. Except for the drums, acoustic bass and piano, the sounds are from Garritan Jazz & Big Band. The acoustic bass is called Dynamic Acoustic Bass from SONiVOX, the piano is from Pianoteq, and the drums are the tape kit from Groove Bias Drum Library. I'm using all of these libraries for the first time, so this track will be a great learning experience for me. Thanks for listening. Cheers! Source: Track: http://groeserle.homepage.t-online.de/Downtown_WIP.mp3
  5. No, but I'll give that a go. Thanks!
  6. Has there been a fix to this? It happens to me all the time, especially if I read a long topic without clicking a link, then when I want to respond, I have to login again.
  7. As DarkeSword stated, this is extremely vague. There's so much flexibility in orchestration that one has to start with the basics and expand from there. Orchestration isn't always tied to a orchestra. One can orchestrate for big band, concert band, it's practically endless. If your intent is a symphonic orchestra, there are countless symphonic works that will give you an idea in terms of sound. I also recommend finding books about orchestration, specifically in terms of score studying since you mentioned about instruments and structure. If you've never done this before, be prepared to do a lot of listening and practicing. For starters, I recommend Johann Sebastian Bach, Vivaldi, Handel, and anyone else from the Baroque period, then work from there. If you can get to a music library, the librarians there can probably give you more recommendations. Also, this site might be useful.
  8. Huge samples tell me you either have a lot of RAM or have disk streaming enabled. From what you describe, the latter sounds likely. I had that same problem when I wanted to export to audio. Kontakt has an offline (bounce) mode in its engine that makes exporting to WAV successful for me. A possible way around your issue is to use Kontakt to load the samples from other libraries, then enable Kontakt's offline mode before exporting. I don't know if the PLAY version gives you access to its samples, but see if that's possible. BTW, my method was successful with Kontakt 2.
  9. Well, here's one excuse unfortunately. Their site doesn't take APO addresses, which is annoying. I could contact my bank to change the address, but that them two days to complete, which is ridiculous. Anyway, I contacted Steam's support and hope they can help me out. I'm definitely buying it if the issue gets resolved. UPDATE: WOOHOO! I found a workaround. I selected Germany, which allowed me to fill in AE as a state, and the billing process worked. Happy happy happy!
  10. Roz, I'll snag Rolling Cradle as well and work on that first. I have a good idea going in my head, so I want to get it started before I forget.
  11. Roz, I'll take TheKrow's former track if it's still available.
  12. Pianoteq has been updated, and it's quite an update! The price is still steep, though. But for existing customers, the update is free.
  13. $100 donated. Thanks for a fantastic site!
  14. There's a discussion about this issue here.
  15. This assumes iTunes will let you do a reformat. For whatever reason, my 120GB iPod was formatted RAW...not good. I could store files, but because there was no true format, I couldn't recover or update the iPod at all. Songs would randomly stop during playback as well, as if the end-of-file marker was getting messed up. Even the tips on Apple's website didn't help. It wasn't until XP itself gave me the info I needed when I tried to reformat the iPod. By default, the iPod was optimized for quick removal instead of performance. So I connected the iPod and went to its properties, which is where I discovered it was in RAW format. I tried to reformat in XP. The window appeared, but none of the options were available. So I tried reformatting through a DOS window, and I couldn't because of the iPod being optimized for quick removal and probably being in RAW. Here's where it gets odd. The moment I optimized it for performance, the iPod suddenly was formatted to FAT32. I have no idea why changing its optimization would suddenly make FAT32 appear, but then I could reformat the iPod through XP. So after reformatting to NTFS, the iPod has been flawless. I can now recover, update, and fully play all songs. If anyone else ran into this strange issue, hopefully this post helps.
  16. Personally, I play in all the instruments so that the overall orchestral mix doesn't sound too mechanical. Symphonic writing does take some work and an understanding of the idiosyncrasies of the instruments you're using. Also, this site is a good reference, but in case you haven't done this yet, I recommend listening to a lot of orchestral recordings of past and current composers. If you can get your hands on actual scores, that may also help. As for VSTs, I've used EWQLSO Silver and Gold, and Edirol Orchestral. I've used Complete Symphonic from SONiVOX as well, but that requires Gigastudio3 or Kontakt2. As for the violin, take a look into Synful Orchestra or Quantum Leap Gypsy which has a terrific classical violin, though the PLAY engine of the latter has been reported with problems in these forums.
  17. Man, this thread brings back memories when I took electronic music in college. The final project was a composition that MUST use the reel-to-reel tape machine, which I think was a 4-track recorder. I also had to use the mini-Moog that the school owned, which was an absolute blast to use, and I learned a lot at how sounds were created. Ah, patch cables....good times.
  18. Heh, that's actually pretty cool. I never thought of using my laptop like that....sorta like a Nintendo DS on crack setup.
  19. Hopefully I'll send you an update this coming weekend. I've had some serious shit happen at work that it's tied me down. Let's just say that my supervisor had an inappropriate relationship with a subordinate, a big no-no in the military. Thanks to that issue, I assumed the supervisory position, and it's kicking my ass right now. Yeah, I'm not happy at the supervisor either, for this was a huge surprise and not in a good way.
  20. I especially enjoyed him as Khan in the original TV series and even more so in the second ST movie. He played an excellent villain, and you definitely felt his thirst for vengeance in ST2, which also happens to be among my favorite soundtracks. May he rest in peace.
  21. http://www.google.de/search?q=how+to+move+music+from+ipod+to+ipod&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
  22. It won't be necessary since I have to go to a military base to extend my time with a rental car, so I can make a quick stop by the store to get the ink cartridge (yeah, I kept calling it the toner - D'OH!).
  23. Thanks for this info! Unfortunately, region coding seems to be a reality for HP's toner. Looks like this printer and a laptop I recently bought from them will be my last HP products. UPDATE: Looks like my next printer will not be HP. It's definitely confirmed that they region-lock their toners. Worse, their tech support is utterly clueless. I contacted support, and despite being able to successfully perform a print test by pushing two buttons on the printer, the agent said the black toner is not compatible with the printer. My printer model is listed on the toner's packaging as being compatible, yet the agent said otherwise to me...twice. Normally I do check on products before I buy, but region-locking toner caught me completely by surprise. Oh well. Live and learn.
  24. This is the first I've ever heard of printer toner placed in different zones based on the country where it's bought. I found out today that my HP printer is in zone 1, but I went to a German electronic store to get more toner. The box indicated it worked for my model, but when I installed the toner I got a flashing light. After going to HP's website, it turned out that Germany is in zone 2. Toner put into different zones? Anyone know why??
  25. German beer? I love it! Close! There were days where breathing was quite the challenge. Ah, pure dust! Good for the lungs!!
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