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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. in the grander scheme of video games WoW and FFXI are more like applecores and orange peels yeah there are weird people who eat them anyways but there is just much better stuff out there to be doing
  2. yeah it's so bad now I mean we should go back to vanilla tf2 and just have team red demomen vs team blu demomen
  3. grinding in an RPG is not a 'tutorial' if WoW was designed by people who actually new how to make a good video game than you'd be able to do instances from the very start, if that's the fun thing I never said anything about FFXI if you can't defend your shitty game without denouncing another one than you must be really desperate
  4. yeah exactly anyone who is 'new' to street fighter in general probably went with 4 since it's the newer one
  5. that's because the only people who play sf2 with any regularity are the people who play it a hell of a lot
  6. oh god you're one of these idiots same reason so many people play halo 3 over team fortress 2 because people are stupid
  7. maybe we could just stop playing turbine forever that would be p great
  8. yeah see basically any game that forces you to do a bunch of boring shit before it actually gets entertaining is a shitty game
  9. yeah basically after I killed my one hundredth boar and did my fiftieth fetch quest I had enough evidence to conclude that the game is pretty shitty
  10. playing wow is synonymous with answering 'yes' to the question 'are you retarded'
  11. yeah it's not like two engineers can shut down the whole team if they know what they are doing or anything
  12. I would but I make it a rule not to talk to morons
  13. as much as I love the Joker I don't really want to play as him lol ps3 owners
  14. guys you have to remember that xerol is constantly disconnected and whatnot so basically the game servers think that he's playing all of the time
  15. my least played is soldier but it took me about an hour of practice to get good as soldier
  16. I would play Spy and spend the whole day cloaked and running from people in fear
  17. not to mention spies have an annoying tendency to manage to just happen to be outside of the range of my flamethrower
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