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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. I will probably fail clefairy's challenge since finding a full server playing db_heights for two rounds is kind of impossible since everyone always realizes about one round in how awful it is
  2. dude castlevania dude

  3. this basically also muse is a pretty great band
  4. this is true - people don't seem to realize that we can't get ubers if the medic doesn't stay alive but then again if I see a medic running towards a pyro with the intent of ubersawing him then I'm not really going to try and save him
  5. in case he misses with the knife in case the people protecting him die seriously people the idea that every class has a specific thing they are supposed to do is not really that complicated
  6. powerlord I meant no disrespect to anybody he was just the most recent person to post a map list and as such he was the first name that came into my head
  7. yawn I will accept your challenge on one condition if my critique is deemed appropriate, I want FireSlash's word that db_heights will never be playable on the server again edit: ALSO I think it would be better if we organized a night on the OCR server for this to happen - finding a full server for two full rounds on db_heights where a) everyone will be playing seriously and I can probably commentate without some nine year old kid trying to tell me to shut up
  8. I do not disagree with Dr Tran I think battlemedic is pretty dumb but again if people want to do it then what is the big deal
  9. I can see that very clearly what I'm saying is that you don't have to play as a certain class to help your team as long as you're making an attempt to play competently if everyone just wanted to be super-professional let's win all of the time they'd probably have the good sense to play all soldier
  10. no see one is 'you are not doing the very basic of what is required of you' and the other is 'you are not being serious and professional enough'
  11. daft punk DAFT PUNK DAFT PUNK
  12. yeah and I'm saying that if you don't know the difference between bleck: what is wrong with you heal the heavy instead of using your saw and rambo: what is wrong with you why are you playing sniper obviously what we need here is a soldier who will go left while a demoman covers right so we can win with no resistance at all because winning is the only way I ever enjoy anything ever then rofl I think you're arguing against yourself
  13. hey yeah here is the distinction you guys: guys let's make it against the rules to do this me: when people do this it makes me mad me agreeing with atmuh that battlemedic is dumb is not really comparable to you guys trying to force class limits at all yeah we know and it's still pretty bad
  14. the thing about hoodoo is that it's so bad that we can virtually guarantee an rtv to a map that isn't an affront to mapmaking
  15. if I had to choose another payload I'd say that hoodoo would be our best bet, despite how awful it is but honestly I'd really rather there just not be any other payload then badwater until valve/mapmakers realize how to make payload maps that aren't awful
  16. there is a difference between 'wanting to play sniper' and 'wanting to play sniper who only uses the jarate and kukri' essentially there is a big difference between losing because you do not have the right classes and losing because you have the right classes but people are fucking stupid and are trying to jarate people/battlemedic/only fire axe/boxing heavy/battlespy
  17. why would you suggest db_heights if you understand how terrible it is
  18. cashworks is the payload map that has an unnecessary amount of crap EVERYWHERE rambo is not joking when he says you need a high end pc
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