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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. this basically you all run around going WHAT THE FUCK WHERE ARE THE POINTS WHERE AM I OH MY GOD and then suddenly you just start laughing
  2. brawl+ is a good thing because random tripping is the worst gameplay mechanic I've ever fucking seen
  3. "guys I don't know the law so it doesn't matter if I break the law" nQa composed of twelve year olds: confirmed
  4. I'm holding out for 'you get the game for free'
  5. these will almost never pass since you apparently need more than 70% for it to pass
  6. guys my space marines don't have enough high dynamic range
  7. yeah not only is this campaign really short it's also easy as hell
  8. I'm pretty sure incredibly unlikely situations do not prove something to be arbitrary
  9. uh no the problem is that you guys have been teamstacking if we join the server and there is three or more nQa guys on one team, that is teamstacking we did not ask for your arguments as to what defines teamstacking, we are telling you to stop doing it if you have a problem with this then there are hundreds of other servers out there that I'm sure can also function as your personal practice ground
  10. so have you been ignoring the 'no team-stacking' thing or do you just not speak very good english
  11. while I enjoy T. Hawk I'm going to take DarkeSword's side and say that this update is only a good thing because of the possibility of SF3 characters
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