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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. haha no not really and yes this is me renouncing the idea that soldiers are cheap
  2. this is not how video games work you should know this yourself just by looking at how many people don't play as sagat in sf4 also to clarify a SKILLED demoman is overpowered [19:44] <miyako_> and i only recently started playing him hes not even my most played class yawn
  3. if you drive there could you bring me with you
  4. basically either pipe bombs shouldn't be able to direct hit or the demoman should have less health or possibly both
  5. demoman is broken tier always has been and likely always will be
  6. see now that sounds a lot better than the standard mmo fare
  7. because internet MMOs in general have always and will always be for 'casual' gamers they are designed for gamers who lack the reflexes to play FPSes, the mental capacity to play RTSes and the motor skills to play anything else it is for people who do not like having to do much while playing a video game other than clicking on something and possibly mashing a button until it is dead
  8. a scout repeatedly killing himself via sentry gun is not caused by bad map design
  9. fifteen dollars a month is still too much to ask for if the gameplay is shitty
  10. grind grind grind look that guy has pink hair grind grind grind idle idle idle idle raid or something idle idle idle idle ALL THIS FOR THE LOW LOW COST OF FIFTY DOLLARS A MONTH
  11. you know what I don't even think dustbowl is that bad it is just that whenever I play it I always get stuck on the team who suddenly miraculously turns into a bunch of dribbling idiots soldiers who forget how to fire rockets pyros who don't even notice sentries being sapped scoots who think it is a great idea to run into sentries over and over it's an infuriating experience every single fucking time
  12. you know what right now I'd rather play anything than dustbowl
  13. ctf_well is pretty good and I think that the reason most people wanted it gone is because we played it ALL OF THE GODDAMN TIME
  14. 'these samples aren't recorded directly from the piano that paul mccartney recorded hey jude with what the hell NO' - ocr judges I am kidding
  15. we could actually try asking people who badmouth maps why they are badmouthing a map that could maybe you know work
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