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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. I like left 4 dead and all but I don't understand how anybody could continue playing it often without some kind of hilarious mod
  2. basically if they add 8 characters and none of those 8 characters are Makoto I will turn into super saiyan 3 broly and blow up the world
  3. man I sure do love buying games over and over
  4. I mind it heavily since the characters being all angsty are specifically described as incapable of feeling angst
  5. the best part about playing scout is when you go up behind a scout who isn't moving and unload both shots of the fan into him and then he turns around and kills you with one scattergun shot the game then zooms in and lets you know that your two shots only reduced him to about half health
  6. breaking news square enix is teaming up with popcap to make a game called 'rake in money to help square enix get back all the money they spent making final fantasy 13'
  7. yeah they were talking about hollow bastion aka radiant garden all of the final fantasy characters are from hollow bastion/radiant garden EXCEPT FOR vivi, seifer and co., setzer(?) are from twilight town tidus, wakka and selphie are from destiny islands
  8. I agree with powerlord, although I also suggest making the votescramble option take less votes if that's possible
  9. I am pretty sure it is implied that all of the final fantasy characters except possibly auron are all from radiant garden so I doubt there will ever be a world for each individual game
  10. yeah see I am pretty sure that they are using the WC3 thing as a cover-up/excuse for the fact that it was probably going to be late anyways
  11. yeah it's not really a stupid move on their part it's just terrible of them is all
  12. yeah but see I'm pretty sure if the Diablo 2 patch was less than a week away than it shouldn't have taken them this long to finish it even if there is some shit going down in other games
  13. yeah because the only thing that is important is who dies first in a 1v1 situation it's not like there is ever a cart to push or a point to cap or intel to steal or anything in before this was a blatant lie
  14. I like kingdom hearts but this game has a pretty dumb story
  15. rambo I think the problem here is you're assuming that 'easy to play' and 'overpowered' are the same thing I have repeatedly said that a good demoman is overpowered; a demoman that can't hit you with anything will, like any other class, die very easily
  16. 'as little as 70' so a gun that does at the very least half of your opponents health if it connects is unreliable rooofl if he manages to connect for a full second yeah as opposed to one projectile
  17. uh maybe not just OHKO them what like SMG level unreliable because yeah that's the idea
  18. yeah what I'm saying is he shouldn't have that defense what you're saying now would, logically, mean that the sniper should have some kind of uh I don't know some kind of super gun that kills all close range attackers just in case he doesn't snipe them
  19. it's because if the stickies don't kill you the pipes willllllll is there some rule somewhere that the better you are at this game the dumber you have to be it's always hilarious when people say this
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