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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. Bleck


    so was vgmix hahahahahahaha
  2. Bleck


    I popped into the vgmix irc channel once and was basically flamed out of there
  3. Bleck


    'he has done it before and therefore he will do it again because he does not like us' is not a pattern nor is it a logical conclusion well seeing as though everyone seems to be dead set on never having vgmix again I am sure many people would enjoy of implementation of this idea
  4. ...luck? ◕◡◕ I'm not really sure, despite the presumable accuracy of the experiment he does not seem to be able to make things very clear does he
  5. the difference is that for 40 rounds in phase 3 he is shooting into a wall how many shots you take at a wall does not affect how much damage you have done if every shot fired at a bot is one more piece of damage, then 40 bot shots + 40 wall shots = 40 damage 40 bot shots + 40 bot shots = 80 damage more damage = more crits
  6. so yeah just saw this and man was it baaaad entire thing with anakin's padawan is so forced
  7. Bleck


    norg knows everything ever and has to insult people to prove his point anyone who knows anything about the internet knows that the above is basically internetspeak for 'I am not very confident in my argument so I'm going to insult you to make you angry and fumble about' irl they call it ad hominem
  8. crits are not generally a bad thing the bad thing about crits and soldiers is that because the rockets have such a high damage output and they have such a long life expectancy they get more crits per shot than any other class in the game
  9. Bleck


    yeah that sounds exactly what happened all of the time if you compress maybe three years into three weeks
  10. Bleck


    a better analogy for the less quick out there is windows vs. macs windows is obviously full of many more problems and holes but despite this it is still the most popular OS seeing as though the alternative is basically fuck all well as long as we're all pretending to be fortune tellers here let me just look into my crystal ball and whoops it's telling me that vgmix 3 will never be finished and everybody will keep bitching about it
  11. Bleck


    metaphor one one hand you have a pc that has internet access but can potentially get viruses on the other hand you have a calculator that you can play dig dug on basically my point is that the faults of the system should become less important if the alternative is fucking nothing at all if the end-user is all of those people who just want a working vgmix well then I guess you can tell them that you know what is best for them better than they do but in my opinion that is just a little bit pretentious a thing about the internet that a lot of people do not seem to learn fast enough is just because you don't understand something does not mean it does not make any sense
  12. Bleck


    they're not going to really have a safe and stable code to use either if they don't have the people they need to make it
  13. Bleck


    right let me just not ever use my old psp again because I know there is a new psp coming out soon and using the old one in the meantime as opposed to nothing is pretty much the smartest way to do things
  14. Bleck


    yeah I'm not sure why simply restarting VGMix 2 was such a bad idea compared to taking a billion years to finish VGMix 3 oh did I mention it will never finish
  15. Pyros are unstoppable in Ravine and Badlands, and Soldiers are definitely at an advantage in Ravine and Lumberyard (even more so than soldiers usually are lolnoobclasslol). if you are a medic and you are healing me as a heavy please please PLEASE watch behind us for spies and pyros
  16. so arena basically takes the minute balance issues of the game and magnifies them to infuriatingly large proportions
  17. Bleck


    I'm no programmer or anything but I am finding it hard to believe that making a threadbreaking phpbb post was enough to destroy an entire website
  18. me miss you too bonzai especially since you are a girl which is awesome when you are on my team because people are hesitant to kill you rofl
  19. that psp will come with a scouter
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