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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. this 'hey guys I got the DRAGONFORCE PACK for Guitar Hero' 'uuuguhghg'
  2. t'all you fine dandies, so proud so cocksure PRANCIN ABOUT WITH YOUR HEADS FULL OF EYEBALLS
  3. how could you hear him if he did not have a microphone
  4. um that is not how it ended they all had the ubers and then the heavy was headshotted then I ran forward as a pyro and said 'meeee' and then the uber circle was complete and we killed like the entire team
  5. I played football, baseball, volleyball, dodgeball and ran track
  6. baseball is my favorite sport even moreso than volleyball I used to play until the car hit me and now I am a cripple so I can't
  7. who the fuck keeps deleting my posts
  8. hopefully I can actually see this it sounds pretty cool though with my luck it'll rain
  9. if me saying that all Marth players play a certain way is being condescending to you than that's pretty much a textbook example of pretentiousness
  10. oh god please don't take morgan freeman PLEASE
  11. cat noises they are always exactly the same
  12. the best ocremix is any remix that is by beatdrop
  13. don't worry sensai right now it's basically lopsided teams constantly
  14. this is pretty much what everyone is doing no matter how incontrovertible anyone for either side thinks their arguments are, the fact will always remain that we're all just shouting our opinions of a video game at each other some people like it, some didn't; instead of bitching about what people thought about a video game let's all be big kids and argue about something more important like pollution or something
  15. this has always been a problem for the soul series; it is easily circumvented by learning how to guard impact
  16. why is it that fighting gamers are the only gamers that are pretentious as fuck
  17. ep 4 was pretty strange, yeah 'show me proof that there is corruption on a wider scale' 'the shipping master guy smuggled contraband in' 'NO THIS IS NOT PROOF'
  18. we're both actually one of several alter-egos of djpretzel
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