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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. ferret you can be my roomie if you help me find a way there
  2. Bleck


    yeah because if you can't download all of the other creations that are pretty much the same as the randomized ones except made by other people than all of the gameplay somehow loses all meaning (hint: stop posting)
  3. Bleck


    I went into space as a military race and basically owned the shit out of everything edit: also lol at the consequence for military races in Civ stage being ICBMs 'press this button to win the civ stage'
  4. I got it when it first came out for 20$ some guy didn't like it and brought it back a week after release and I got it used in basically pristine condition
  5. I'm just going to pre-emptively give a big fuck you to anyone who is about to come here and go on a tirade about sfa2 being better than sfa3
  6. Does anybody know how to access the truss rod on an Ibanez AEG8E? The action is a bit too high, but I've never lowered it on an acoustic guitar before.
  7. oh my god are you seriously that retarded
  8. Bleck


    hey guys let's all not talk about spore in the spore thread that sounds like a good idea
  9. Who the fuck cares about Melee. If you still like it then go play it, instead of cramming our Brawl thread full of your ridiculous faggotry.
  10. I'm running TF2 on Windows Vista with a laptop and it runs fine for me
  11. The fact alone that Lucario gets more powerful as his damage goes up makes him very, very good. Not just 'cause of the power but because of; a) some people become hesitant to attack him, and instead just rush to kill him ASAP, which leads to mistimed attacks and panic. different knockback amounts caused by increasing damage lead to unpredictable combos. c) his reach also increases with damage, forcing your opponent ro constantly re-evaluate their positions when attacking you.
  12. if you can get around the PAGES AND PAGES AND PAGES OF UNSKIPPABLE DIALOG then yeah golden sun is pretty awesome
  13. shield + down = dodge edit: also shield in the air = air dodge edit2: also shield = shield
  14. Ike is so so so slow if you get owned by him it's because you are simply not very good or in the wrong place at the wrong time
  15. if this would let me make chiptunes without having to use a fucking tracker then I would buy two
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