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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. trolling was a good word to use before all the kids started using it to describe anyone they didn't like
  2. getting repeatedly beaten by Amy spammers online pisses me off too much to love this game
  3. This is nothing but truth. Also, no woman on Earth can possibly pull off Poison Ivy.
  4. so apparently this was all a lie I see no Mega Man there
  5. and don't you forget it the best one of any mario by far
  6. the wii is not just for VC games etc etc my TV is about 40 inches larger then my computer screen hey all you megaman fans imagery thinks you're all fags
  7. look at me I am Imagery I suddenly talk about other things when I know I'm wrong do me a favour and retreat into the writing thread!
  8. I would suggest one but I don't know about online radio stations. Uh, something video gamey, maybe?
  9. look at me I'm Imagery I insult people on the internet hey guys I heard the wiimote makes a pretty good NES controller much better than the keyboard also I heard that games look better on a TV also I heard emulators have a habit of being glitchy also I heard that people like owning Mega Man games if they are fans
  10. The prevailing idea amongst the internet is that the ROMs are legal to have if you own the game. If this is not entirely the case, one could plead ignorance and arguably succeed. Also, if he owns the original games, why buy the VC? Maybe because his NES stopped working like TEN FUCKING YEARS AGO FUCK. I know MINE did.
  11. If you own the cartridge the ROM is legal to have.
  12. Yoda and Darth Vader will eventually become DLC on either platform, so that point is moot anyways.
  13. Earthbound has been on that list for almost a year.
  14. Give it up, Lizz. I gave up that hope a long time ago.
  15. isn't virt that guy who did vgmix oh wait nobody is working on vgmix ever my bad
  16. if you are a sniper and they are too close to snipe but too far to kukri than you should just focus on escaping
  17. 360 because the PS3 is useless
  18. so I've noticed that the character who seems to have the most players who enjoy being cheap fucksticks is Kilik
  19. 'hey your 8-way joystick copied our 6-way joystick' 'no it didn't' 'juuuuuudge' 'I don't understand this newfangled technology I FIND THE DEFENDANT GUILTY' 'what you're kidding right'
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