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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. that's fun when I played WoW there weren't any fun parts it felt more like work then anything work that I was paying for the privilege to do
  2. official steel is literally the same as the original, nothing at all has been changed also the sandvich is the greatest weapon ever
  3. yeah clone wars cartoon kicked dangerous levels of ass also new trilogy should be knights of the old republic
  4. I've heard this doesn't have general grievous if so that is immensely terrible
  5. didn't this have a lot of cool features that were recently cut out because they would take too much work or am I thinking of something else
  6. he spun around in the air alot but seriously I saw it and it was amazing
  7. yes exactly good music + good lyrics = win good music + bad lyrics = win bad music + good lyrics = just get out and don't come back bad music + bad lyrics = ARRRGH
  8. I got to the gap level and quit forever
  9. because the last game you linked me to had an old blind man really pissing me off
  10. are you one of those people who gets real mad when they get sniped
  11. I will shit my pants laughing if the new game mode is anything like that
  12. good lyrics =/= good music edit: ferret is a perfect example of how sad misanthropes are when they don't have charisma
  13. I live in Canada and I am gushing so shut up
  14. it's funny because nintendo said when they were going to release the special edition Wii that plays DVDs, they had to sell an entirely new system because the DVD functionality couldn't simply be written into it but instead physically so they basically lied to everyone for money I've been loyal to nintendo most of my life but I must say they are starting to 'bastardize' as a crazy man next to me puts it
  15. I am almost positive that Michael Phelps is a Super Saiyan
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