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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. I don't see the touch screen working well for games. A lot of people don't realize how wonderfully the design of the two screens worked for the DS and onwards - with the stylus and such, it was never a problem. I can't see any way of holding an NGP and trying to use the touch screen dexterously for gaming without tearing your hands apart or dropping the thing.
  2. It isn't the end of it as long as people keep saying that the plot made any semblance of sense at all. A guy saying he wanted to write a bad story doesn't somehow make it less of a bad story.
  3. The thing is, if I'm ever out and about I am probably too busy doing the things that have me out and about to care about my phone. I don't spend a lot of time just sitting around outside - if I am ever in a state where I desire access to a computer, I'm probably sitting at my computer. I don't know how often everyone else actually uses the internet on their mobile devices, but I doubt it is enough to justify how expensive the NGP's touchscreen is to develop.
  4. I'm pretty sure nobody would actively be trying to browse the web on their phones if they weren't actively being told by media moguls every day that it's something they care about
  5. The idea here is that nobody wants bad sushi, no matter how much they want sushi. When [anybody] said that they wanted new, exciting things from Nintendo, they did not mean a forty hour, badly written, badly acted fanfic that takes their favorite character and sends them in a baffling new direction. Imagine if somebody said that they wanted a new, fresh Mario game, and Nintendo responded by releasing a Mario game with 80 hours of cutscenes explaining how Mario is actually a misanthropic chauvinist and regularly rapes everything you know and love. I don't think anybody would try to justify that saying well, what if that's what Miyamoto wanted all along???
  6. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHERP A DERP
  7. Do you know why Nintendo can afford to sell us the same games again and again? Because they're good games. If you went to the best pizza place in town, and discovered that they had converted to a restaurant that sells really bad sushi, would you tell your disappointed associates to grow up? No, because you aren't stupid.
  8. Sakamoto didn't create Samus' character, nor did he "invent" the Metroid series. Stop being stupid.
  9. so what you're saying is that they're are going to put unfinished characters on the disc and make you pay to unlock them think before you post
  10. Other M is a good game, as far as the gameplay goes. The music, cutscenes, writing, acting, and plot are all absolutely terrible. Samus having PTSD is inaccurate in the first place. Did you know that Super Metroid immediately precedes Other M? Do you remember how Samus not only kills everything on that planet, but also blows it up? Without so much as stopping to breath or bat an eyelash, let alone have a panic attack after seeing Ridley? Samus has killed Ridley four, possibly five times by the time Other M even starts the opening credits. She's already gained an almost legendary reputation amongst highly trained soldiers (a character in Metroid Prime 2 refuses to believe she even exists). She is without a doubt one of the most powerful human beings in the entire galaxy. Two of the mostpowerful entities in the galaxy, the Space Pirates and the Federation, spend most of their budgets trying to replicate the technological and physical prowess that she shows in every single mission that she undertakes. This is the most powerful woman that any form of media has ever shown. Ever. Her suddenly having post traumatic fucking stress disorder is not goddamn accurate.
  11. oh no I can't import shitty japanese rpgs three months ahead of their english release oh no whatever will I do oh no
  12. uhh it's sold over one million copies
  13. I'm not gonna lie I would have liked a sequel to Epic Yarn
  14. hey man wwe all stars buying it opening day
  15. the most incomprehensible hoax of all time
  16. Heavies are also very vulnerable to really twitchy Scouts, as well as any Soldier who can actually aim rockets instead of walking into point blank range and firing at his feet. I will agree that Heavies are overpowered on the offensive side of Payload maps, though.
  17. the single most infuriating thing in TF2 (other than the Black Box) is getting killed while cloaked by a stray Huntsman arrow
  18. the best possible DLC character would be
  19. yeah mvc2 is broken as hell and anyone who says otherwise probably hasn't played it
  20. so basically it's a psp with an extra joystick call me back when a good game comes out for it (if this is like the PSP it'll be at least two years after release)
  21. I think relyance put it best there are some DLCs out there, even paid, that is well done and doesn't otherwise fit into the game eg. The Shadow Broker stuff in Mass Effect 2 and then there's stuff like Soul Calibur 4 where you have to pay money to unlock characters that are already on the disc
  22. the best part of autotune songs is when they autotune it to the same note the whole song
  23. man I sure love paying for things that should have already been in the game at no extra charge
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