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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. zero because it's really easy to pull off his most damaging combos akuma because oh what I have meter MESSATSU GOUHADOU MESSATSU GOUHADOU MESSATSU GOUHADOU MESSATSU GOUHADOU MESSATSU GOUHADOU MESSATSU GOUHADOU MESSATSU GOUHADOU
  2. the trick is to ragequit whenever you see zero or akuma or sentinel
  3. godspeed you! black emperor is a rock band punk rock is a kind of rock music genres are meaningless instead of using a stupid title like POST-ROCK or FUSION BLACK METAL or ELECTRO-SYNTH-J-FOLK-POP do try and sort out your music why don't you just fucking listen to it and be goddamn done with it if I ever want to ask somebody if they like the same music that I do I will just ask HEY DO YOU LIKE MUSE or HEY DO YOU LIKE DAFT PUNK instead of HEY DO YOU LIKE PROGRESSIVE SPACE ROCK or HEY DO YOU LIKE FRENCH HOUSE DISCO MUSIC
  4. people who listen to metal are worse than anybody for genre nazism, but the practice in general is kind of retarded
  5. my team ragequit is sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force! sentinel force!
  6. Everyone says that practicing is key, but it's difficult to learn from practice when you don't even know what the fuck is going on.
  7. zelda games have never been exceedingly challenging nor do they need to be
  8. I get frustrated when the best characters are the easiest to play as
  9. the water temple is never difficult it's just really irritating
  10. the best keepaway in the game is Cap using jumping shield toss with Trish as an assist
  11. just use chris instead of arthur the revolver does more block damage than most of arthur's moves when they actually connect and you'll actually be able to do something if they get close to you I'm not going to stop playing as arthur but I am pretty sure at this point that how well you do with him is based entirely on luck
  12. I bet you feel like a big man now
  13. I'm starting to like this game less and less
  14. Thor is basically Sentinel except not overpowered
  15. people said that there was no concrete tier list when sf4 came out and then six months later surprise sagat was still ridiculous
  16. Not sure if it's useful, but C. Viper can cancel her thunderpunches by feinting them after they hit.
  17. that's how online generally goes I'm going to learn to play as MODOK to single handedly solve that problem. Hsien-ko is sort of difficult to play as, and Thor isn't as easy to play as as Sentinel.
  18. If the battery lasts longer than three hours, that's enough for me.
  19. The thing about Kirby is that every Kirby game is different from it's brethren to a degree that is rarely seen in any video game series. That being said, to judge any single Kirby game based on the merits of its predecessors is sort of unfair. Epic Yarn is a great game, and to despair upon it because it isn't as good as Kirby Super Star - a game which, by all respects, is entirely different save for the main character - is silly and meaningless.
  20. the only reason they didn't think of trying to use the authentication code sooner was because they all believed that there was no way sony would be stupid enough to have one single key on everything
  21. I wouldn't even bother pirating PS3 games because I can't pirate something that doesn't exist
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