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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. Sentinel nothing - I think Dormammu is overpowered.
  2. wolverine starts berserker barrage x wesker hyper counters wolverine starts berserker barrage x wesker hyper counters wolverine taunts wesker taunts wolverine starts berserker barrage x wesker hyper counters CONNECTION LOST
  3. crits are kind of silly because the game is designed to give people who do better more crits which just basically serves to give already better players an advantage they do not require which sort of goes against the concept of crits in the first place that being said I am against turning them off because boo hoo cry some more
  4. in my experience every fighting game ever made pretty much works like this do you know why every character in the marvel universe has trouble fighting deadpool it's because they have no idea what the fuck he is doing
  5. justin wong is sort of an asshole though
  6. I don't really have a problem with spamming projectiles (HOW'S YOUR SPEED? HOW'S YOUR SPEED? HOW'S YOUR SPEED? HOW'S YOUR SPEED?) but I do think that huge chip damage from the bulky characters, Sentinel especially, is bullshit.
  7. they are pretty good I would say only ones I really dislike are x-23 and MODOK but that is mostly because I hate both of these characters in general for so many reasons
  8. galactus can suck a planet sized cock
  9. yeah it's supposed to be like this
  10. headshots = metal hands wololo backstabs = one heavy faces behind
  11. I checked Homestuck and thought oh hey, a new album. ...by Tensei?! :0
  12. probably because only around six people bought the first one
  13. try to shoot stickies = oh wait I'm dead try to lob them from far away = okay they are no longer on the stickies
  14. yeah being able to easily beat the AI doesn't really mean anything at all
  15. payload maps in general are fairly easy to roll
  16. deadpool/arthur/tron bonne on 360
  17. to be fair that looks really easy to block
  18. strange as it may sound coming from me I really do think that the Loch-n-Load needs a buff
  19. I didn't say tp had good art direction (it doesn't) I said that skyward sword takes
  20. yeah this isn't really what I was saying nor is this the thread for that
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