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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. I hope this time they release it without a multitude of bugs and glitches that they only fix like eight months later edit: the most important part of this article is the last question asked
  2. the art style is basically the everything that was good about wind waker and everything that was good about twilight princess I like it a lot
  3. the odd thing is the carole lieberman is otherwise an intelligent woman I am going to chalk this up to Fox News taking things out of context in the interest of stirring up more shit in the bible belt
  4. now all they have is shitty spider-man games and money that they leech from blizzard
  5. my music is quiet to the point where if non-admin people tell me to shut it off I am just going to ignore them but generally I don't hear any complaints so (in fact I think somebody complained it was too quiet)
  6. your microphone for the most part has nothing to do with how well HLDJ works what you want to do is use Goldwave to format your music, using this guide
  7. luke von fabre is a very typical anime game character and if you believe otherwise than you probably haven't actually watched very much anime or played very many video games and even if you haven't luke von fabre is basically zelos from tales of symphonia except also with retrograde amnesia thrown in there - which is probably literally the most cliche thing in the whole world - and a mysterious evil clone brother thing which is also pretty high up there on the list of most overused cliches the only tales game that even came close to not being cliched is tales of vesperia which is really saying something because the cliches in that game are just falling all over each other
  8. contrary to popular belief, pointing out that there are, in fact, other examples of cliched things does not really render the originally accused cliche exempt of its cliche-dom
  9. it's not so much that people need to buy it so much as people need to stop importing it they aren't going to spend all that money on localization if all of the tales nerds just import it and play it in moonspeak
  10. would it be so much to ask to just make the full version form the get go
  11. training mode has an option to emulate online lag this is awesome
  12. those are all on the official website http://marvelvscapcom3.com/us/characters
  13. the rock wants to know just what the hell you're talking about
  14. only a child mocks a man as a child
  15. so basically what you're saying is that you've been arguing something that you have no evidence to support nor reason to believe other than a tenuous link to previous examples I am going to respond to every subsequent response with rolleyes
  16. reading goes such a long way That, as well as the whole nobody is even allowed to plya as either of them for 30 days thing, would lead one to believe that they aren't finished yet. I don't have it on "good authority", nor have I ever claimed to. Here is how this argument has gone. poster: I hope they don't do that thing where they charge you for stuff already on the disc poster: the characters probably aren't even finished yet given the evidence so they probably aren't on the disc thephoenix: yeah but they'll be on the disc because capcom does this all the time bleck: they won't be on the disc if they aren't finished thephoenix: they wouldn't put unfinished characters on the disc bleck: I-I know thephoenix: so when they put the characters on the disc they must be finished bleck: they won't put the characters on the disc if they aren't finished thephoenix: what are you stupid or something of course they'll be on the disc bleck: not if they aren't finished thephoenix: they'll be finished because capcom puts dlc characters on the discs and makes you unlock them Repeat the last four lines a good three or four times and you have the past few pages of this thread. Do you maybe understand, now, what you've been doing? I implore you. Stop posting. Just stop. Don't even respond to this. Just move on. Just quit it now.
  18. ...I know I said they were unfinished care to make another post that I can use to point out your stupidity or do you maybe want to stop posting about it now
  19. shoop a doop doop doop learn to read
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