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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. or just play on Proud Mode like a real man
  2. I love Ridley's theme so god damn much 5/4 represent
  3. I have never heard of ke$ha or justin bieber or lady gaga because when I was ten years old and the backstreet boys were in fashion it was easy to figure out right then and there that there isn't really much reason to ever listen to the radio again
  4. you can tell a thing or two about a genre when they have to specify that the music is in fact melodic
  5. maybe instead of making her good move better they could have made her shitty moves good
  6. I really hope they are fake because I'm really hoping for a firepig that isn't a) stupid looking and another fire fighting
  7. oh goody a sagat buff I can't wait for that oh frabjous day kalooh kalay
  8. oh goody yun and yang the least interesting characters also yeah link to proof or just don't bother posting
  9. you answered your own question
  10. or maybe they'll port it to a system people actually own
  11. it isn't really that her reaction doesn't make sense so much as it is that her reaction is something we don't really want to see when ridley appears I want there to be at most five seconds between ridley appearing and me shooting ridley in the face, not a three minute goddamn cutscene where I break down into tears
  12. playing the game as terra is really fucking irritating what you wanted to block that bruiser attack too bad you were too busy doing his one second fucking animation where he is just STANDING THERE
  13. anyone who thinks the game is sexist is an idiot
  14. I didn't think about that until now.
  15. Spoilers: All of the Zebesians and Space Pirates that appeared in Other M were cloned, Ridley included. Feral tendencies are expected out of anything that isn't raised to be intelligent. I suppose it's vaguely implied that Ridley has some carnal, forthright desire to murder Samus, but that's pretty much it.
  16. science team has vapor for brains
  17. I don't really see how any of your post applies to mine
  18. it's not really what they did so much as how they did it
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