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Everything posted by Nubioso

  1. I remember commenting on this before it got deleted, but yeah, all sounds good, good idea and whatnot...my only complaint is the falsetto. I'm sorry, but I completely dislike the falsetto. It takes an otherwise good song and turns it cheesy and rips me from moment. It just sounds like someone being silly more than it sounds like a legitimately sung note albeit you are hitting the note and all. I'd almost rather hear the song without that regardless if you could get a female vocalist in there. Sorry to be blunt, but like I said, I love everything but the falsetto just sucks.
  2. Oh yeah, duh! I forget that some people actually decided to upgrade to Vista and not stick to XP like myself =P Definitely makes a huge difference.
  3. Able to get a yes? =P pretty sure he's just saying you should be able to get it passed at this point
  4. Can you link the source as well please.
  5. Ahh, no way man, I used 1gb of RAM for the longest damn time and it did me good. I don't know how intensive FL8 is, I use Reason and ProTools myself, but I've had 15 or so instruments in reason going, each of them having some EQ, compression, reverb, delay...tons of devices within reason, plus if it's rewired into ProTools and my protools session would usually have a ton of plug-ins going too and it'd generally do aright. It wasn't until I get the super high quality piano refills for reason that I noticed my system choke and finally upgraded to 2gb of RAM just so the pianos would load faster and not bog down the system, but overall it should do you aright with 1gb. Anywho, about the remix....interesting idea for sure and no doubt without (like you've all been saying) either real instruments or just damn good samples would make all the difference, but yeah....I wouldn't even know where to get most of those that you'd want to look for. That's awesome though that you were able to conceive the whole dixieland style and really incorporate it into the song. Good job man
  6. sounds good man, no complaints here I like the changes you've done. Bass is solid, but not overwhelming, the interlude is pretty nice. Should be a yes!
  7. Well in this case you assumed correctly. I'm rapping, my girlfriend is the female vox. Cheesy indeed........but I loves me some cheese!
  8. awww man, I wish I had $50 to my name right now. I've been wanting to get a new keyboard for a while now. Mine is some casio POS that only has MIDI ins and outs but no pitch, no mod, no velocity control...nothing except for input! I've been looking at that 49 keys for a while and it's definitely not $50 anywhere else.
  9. I suppose you'd have to just base it off the specs of each component. Realistically, if the monitors he has are KNOWN to be cut off at 53Hz, then you'd just make sure nothing getting sent to the sub is above 50Hz and it should roughly work out I suppose. Either way though, you'd have to take your existing left/right mix out of your soundcard or whatever you're using, have that go into a crossover and then use that to split the sub frequences and the mids and highs. Realistically if you had a sub, could you probably set the crossover to a 12dB/oct slop at around 100Hz, with everything below going to the sub and everything above going to your monitors. It would just depend on each persons setup of course.
  10. well, without having it in my hands to actually test shit with, it's almost impossible to really help you diagnose this aside from telling you the generic, pop that sucker open and just make sure all the solder spots are still connected well. I've definitely had to revive a 57 or 2 because a single wire popped off, or just because loose and making a bad connection in the body of the mic. I believe with the 57 though, be careful when pulling it apart, because the wires are held to each piece, so if you just unscrew the capsule and yank the body off, you might take the wires with it too. That's about all I can suggest. good luck
  11. Yeah, I know what you mean man. After listening to the song hundreds of times over, you get to a point where you start to forget what it should even sound like lol
  12. says there's a password on the file.......... =/
  13. I agree with that. Other than that, indeed a very good song going on here.
  14. "Also, it's TOO close to the source, and I'm surprised no one said this:" Meh, cause it's only a 1:21 currently so I don't even think that presents a problem yet. Plenty of time to completely change it up. But yeah, if that kept on for another 3 minutes, then definitely.
  15. Bam, here it is. This is the version I just submitted to the judges. Wish me luck, I guess we'll find out in 3 months!
  16. Definitely dude. I was thinking about trying out Xenosaga episode 1 next. Albedo's song, shions memories, nephilim and warmth are some of the songs I want to incorporate. I definitely think some sweet guitars could fit into that.

    If you have some ideas yourself, I'm also down to collab.

  17. Thanks man!

    Hearing your metal mixes is making me want to record some guitar again. I've been neglecting it for a while now because I've just been doing MIDI synth stuff. I think it's about time I attempt to do a metal remix such as yourself, but I SUCK at soloing or anything intricate, so I don't know how crazy I'll be able to get.

  18. Nice man! I definitely hear an improvement. No more plosives so that sounds great, the sibilance seems to have been taken care of as well, good job. You said you got just a tiny bit of polishing so I'm gonna assume these few tweaks will be among them: :019 - Build up too loud :40 - Lead synth a little loud :44 - Accompanying panned synths a little loud 2:01 - Distortion on "Present Day" Except for the distortion, the loudness thing of course is always really subjective. It just seemed like they came in pretty loud and when they were gone the drums were a bit low. All in all, good job man and good luck when you submit it! Muahahaha, hilarious.
  19. what's up man! Was just checkin out your megaman 3 remix today, going for epic!

  20. Awesome man! Can't wait to hear yours!
  21. Yo man! Glad to hear you got your motherboard installed and ready to go. Can't wait to hear your finished track! I've got like....3 small things I need to change (I heard a freakin pop after one of the female vox lines, howd that slip by!?) and a couple tiny level adjustments and I will be submitting my song this weekend!

  22. Yeah, currently it sounds a little muddy and lo-fi. The main thing killing it right now is production quality. Overall though, I dig the arrangement and the style of the remix. Just a kind of chill rock out song with that tetris song we all know and love. (Definitely my personal fav) It's too short too be considered a remix here, but I really think you should continue working on it. I like the groove you got going with the drums just helping the beat along but not pushing it to go insane, but towards the end the energy definitely starts picking up. I also like the dirty octave bouncing bass you got going, of course however, if the song was too go on for too much longer then you should definitely change up the bass line. But yeah, main thing is definitely you need to lower the levels of everything because as it is right now it's distorting and clipping heavily. Still though man, I like it, I like where you're going with it and really think you should just clean it up, make it longer, and try to make it into a real remix.
  23. I'm actually surprised no one has said something about the story line already. But hell, it's like a friend of mine said "He ever play windwaker!? That's not even link but gannon is still in it!" lol All the LoZ games seem to be different...but the same, so meh...like I said, it's just a song, and considering I do 90% of the vocals, I figured it'd be lame to do yet another one and be the mask salesman myself. Plus it's just prettier with female vox =P
  24. Yeah, well, in this case it's pretty obvious I'm not following exactly to the game The skull kid doesn't lock link in a stone tower either.....but ya know what, it's a remix, and I'll be damned if I can't remix the story too!
  25. Yeah, some of my levels got a little messed with trying to bring all of the vocals up, I did in fact mess with the whispers and deep voice trying to make them louder but then the whispers came out way too loud, and backed them off, etc..etc..etc..I brought up the bassy cause at first it seemed like it couldn't be heard at all, but it could probably stand to be knocked back a dB or 1.5 or somethin. As for the flute flutter, yeah, it is back a bit. It used to be the highlight when it was just the flute and oboe, but considering I added a few more elements, if I bring it up too much then everything seems to fight with each other. The effect at 4:09 is actually a different synth, not the flute, but same fluttery effect indeed. Thanks for all your input man!
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