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Everything posted by Yuiopdude

  1. man... just 2 more days now... only 2 more days... I was the idiot who decided to have this shipped to me... with 3 day shipping... now I gotta wait 3 days for it to arrive >.<... but today is gone, so I only got 2 more days left Then I get a job and get wi-fi so I can see just how BAD I am... but first I need a job you know in the mean time I'll be playing melee like there's no tomorrow though.
  2. Ok, so I pre-ordered mine from Gamestop... like... It should be bein' sent to my house in a nice little box and it'll be like Christmas and such... and so I'm kinda sure I'm gonna get one, but When? I've been sitting here saying "3 days after the 9th" because that's the package type thing I chose (over night was too much for me, and I figure the more I wait, the better the game'll be). But truth be told, am I expecting too much? Should I expect it a week, maybe even two later then then 9th? or will 3 days be fairly accurate? looking at the posts, I shoulda just reserved a copy of the game and made the trip over to a local Gamestop to pick it up, but i didn't.
  3. Very very interesting indeed... After reading the description, I was afraid I wasn't going to actually be able to recognize the song (it's been a while since I've heard the original). Been lookin' for a Mysterious Woods song that I like for a while (They're all Funky... which, while sensical, isn't my style really) Anyway, Love the little work in of the song of awakening in the intro, it's REALLY hard to hear, but it's there All in all, I like it .
  4. and NOW his final smash makes a LITTLE more sense! he lives in a freakin' HAUNTED MANSION (As eluded to by the Dojo), so of course he's going to have some sort of weird, negativity type power thing. Doesn't matter though, it still doesn't make much sense.
  5. So fas as I can remember? umm.... pre-ordering SSBB... Oh and there was this one night where I fell asleep playing Dark Cloud 1 for the PS2... I'm rather boring
  6. I was going to say 2, because that's what I look for when I come here... But then I realized I'm more of a one seeing as I spent an entire day going from A-Z by games and listening to whatever sounded cool (didn't make it past L or M, I forget which) Now thinking about it though, I'm more a 3, I'm picky with the songs that I know how they should sound, so it pretty much has to be almost perfect for me to pick it up. But if it's a song from a game that I don't know and I listen to them, I don't know how they should sound, so if it's in my taste I usually pick it up. I make avid use of the ReMix roulette at the bottom of the home page, just to hear something new (unless they're all songs I've heard before), if it's cool/interesting/different, and I don't know the game, I might pick it up.
  7. I'm not much of a football fan... more then some apparently, but not as much as others... still, I'm a Colts fan by location (if I had to choose a team, I'd go browns... best freakin' name EVER), so I figure a win for the Giants is close enough =P Oh, wait... sorry... *ahem* WOOOOOHOOOOO!!! THE GIANTS WON!!! ... And since when did the Patriots become the evil boss fight at the end of the game? is there a reason why only patriot fans were rooting for them, while everyone else wanted to see them dead (I mean, aside from all the cheating, is there any other reason?)?
  8. OOH OK! I REALLY want to hear someone remix the Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Gamecorner music (it's the best "source" that my lazy butt could get) I love the song, and would love to hear a remixer's take on it
  9. yes, I checked, they didn't have the song I'm looking for If anyone would like to help, the Song is the Pokemon Diamond/Pearl gamecorner BGM... I know it ruins the surprise, but I'd much rather have a good chance of it being remixed, then a good chance of bein' banned/restricted from the forums =P
  10. Ahh... crap. I was so happy when I finally found the original song that I want to challenge... now I gotta go and try to find a MIDI version of said song? ... ... ... OK, hold on, let me just go get a headache as I look hopelessly all over the internet for a MIDI . (not saying that my challenge is "unknown," because anyone who's played the game will know exactly what song it is, I'm just a little stupid, that's all.) what's worse is, and though I hate to admit it, I don't TECHNICALLY know the difference between a MIDI and a non-MIDI... I can usually HEAR the difference, but my knowledge on the actual differences can be compared to a tree's (and the wikipedia installment on MIDI has left me more confused .) I'll see if I can't find a Midi though I don't want to give up this challenge QUITE yet. *EDIT* know what? forget it, I'm just going to challenge with what I got, and if it's not everything that's needed, oh well... if someone likes it, great, if not... *shrug* I still like the original a lot.
  11. Oh man... tomorrow starts up the suggestions, right? I have a song that I've been wanting to hear remixed that I just can't wait to suggest (whether it'll be picked by someone, I don't know), though I'm rather computer stupid and internet stupid, so the source I have for my song is (most likely) MP3 format... I would like to change it, but as I said, I'm computer stupid >.>, hope that's still alright.
  12. Gah! I hope they come out with a soundtrack with all the music on it... I'd feel bad to not pay them for such GREAT music (well, SSBB I *Guess* is paying them... but I mean, so I could listen to it while not actually playing the game) I concur that the Gourmet Race, so far, has to be one of the most awesome kirby mixes I've heard
  13. Yea, he's most likely the to this game what Game n' watch (or mewtwo, depending on how things went) was to SSBM... and Ness to the N64 version. That secret, "hardest-to-get" character. He should be entertaining though
  14. Oooooh... I hope there's a sound track that they're going to release... would love to not have to be playing the game but still be able to listen to the music, most of it sounds really good. [weeeee spoilers!!] Oh, and lucario IS in it! WOOHOO! was hoping another pokemon would be in it (though, I was also hoping that they'd cut out jigglypuff instead of mewtwo >.<). Had a feeling lucario would make it in the game though (seeing as he seems to be a favorite among the pokemon fans... I should know, I'm NOT one and I know of it, well, not a insane freak of one... those gameboy games rock though >.>) [no more spoilers ]
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