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Everything posted by Mirby

  1. But they're not open 24/7, or at least the dining areas at McD's aren't, and there's an obnoxious guy that bugs me at the only Starbucks here that ever has room.
  2. Once again, if I can find the time. It's not easy finding useable WiFi at all times...
  3. HARPY BROTHDAY ALL!! In particular to Jake, he who has the best things to say to everything.
  4. I say freenode, unless you all want to deal with bluefox. I never have, but judging from the quotes Iggy's saved into his bots on his channel... It might be funny, but it would get old after a while. Do we really need that?
  5. YAY! Sixto worked on a track! I kid, I kid. Can't wait for more!!
  6. Happy Hannukah. wait... Christmas? No.. Kwanzaa? That's not it... what is it? Easter? Nope... 4th of July? Columbus Day? Martin Luther King Jr. Day? hmm.. oh right, that's it. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
  7. Well I'm on the fourth world right now, and some of these puzzles are just devious! I'm loving it... I think I'll play more later.
  8. I just noticed that Queue Tortoise is the clock... Which reminds me, since I can't get on IRC while it's still on ETG, the game making goes on! People, contact me with latest developments (this means Donut, Luke, and Cyril)
  9. I hear they have a special Nice Birthday special. Extra Large pizza for $12.99 with party hats included.
  10. If I can schedule a good time where I'll be on WiFi, sure.
  11. Okay, just got the demo. Gonna play it as soon as I get back to the shelter. Or maybe a bit after. Just sayin', I got it. When I review it, want me to post it in this topic, or make a new one, or what?
  12. What server has bluefox? Whichever one that is, don't choose that one. SynIRC is a good one; I've been there for many years, and while there's the occasional netsplit, they're always resolved quickly and they're never as bad as some I've seen on ETG. ETG seems to take their sweet-ass time in solving problems, and that's not cool.
  13. Yes, let's have a SF meet-up, now that I live here. Harpy brothday, my friend!
  14. Like I said, ETG is ridiculous. I'm sick of it's absurdity. I'm more in favor of SynIRC myself, but as long as it's not ETG I'll be happy.
  15. That one person I got shall receive theirs in the near future... need to get the inevitable funds first and I'll send them a gift then. What it is, I don't know. But I have an idea.
  16. I'd say SynIRC, SystemNet, or Espernet. Only because I'm usually on two of those three networks. And because ETG is hyperstrict with it's rules. Seriously, I read some help thing on their site and it was hyperparanoid. IF YOUR CONNECTION ISN'T SECURE THEN SOMEONE CAN USE YOUR CONNECTION TO HACK INTO NASA OR A .GOV WEBSITE AND YOU'D BE BLAMED FOR IT!! Seriously?
  17. Happy about this, but the first part of this sentence completely confuses me.
  18. I take it once time is up, we'll get our matches not too long afterwards?
  19. I once saw someone claim to have worked on a track that was on Hedgehog Heaven. Called him out on it; he took back his claim.
  20. Sorry, I guess my friend was wrong when he said it was overly emo. I just felt that they were as well; I was wrong. Sorry. It just sounded like it. My bad.
  21. Nor me, but Unova comes from the latin words Unum (which if you're American and know our actual motto, should know it means One) and Nova (which means New), thus it's One New, fitting for the rebirth style of the game. Then again, in JP, Sinnoh is Shinou or something... then again, that's pretty close.
  22. Just so you all know. And rage. Oh god I want to see the rage. Cuz I'm raging...
  23. All I'm saying is that the lyrics themselves are pretty emo. Don't get me wrong, I love this song. The lyrics are emo though.
  24. *reads white text* Whew! Glad I don't have a deadline to meet in regards to this! Everyone who does though should work on their tracks. 9 days and counting!! I want to hear some awesomeness when this is released, and I'm sure I'm not the only one!!
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