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Status Updates posted by Mirby

  1. I went to listen to your WIPs and they've vanished! What happen?!?

  2. I will later, don't worry. I'd like to get all 8 bosses named first. After we get the weapons and weapon names (they'll all be related to music, such as Enqueue Melody, for example) Then we'll need to figure out a weakness order and the fortress bosses, and then their weaknesses... Yeah.

  3. I won't. Why would I now that I have one? :3

  4. I'm in no hurry. Plus, I've got a killer migraine right now; kinda like for that to die out beforehand.

  5. I'm still waitin' for ya to add me on the 3DS. :3

  6. Mirby

    if i might give some advice, good work on the birthday threads, but try to give them a bit more personality, a bit more flavor. they sound like news reports right now, just sayin' XD

  7. if it works, go ahead. :3

  8. If my website wasn't down, it would be there. But for now, it's still on 1up.com here.

  9. If you do decide to make a mix, send me the WIP. If not, post the tale you spin on KNGI.

  10. if you really don't want to work on it, that's fine. it'll just be removed from the album, that's all.

  11. is this vitally important? cause skype tends to slow down my computer so i don't usually have it running.

  12. Is this what being part of a song on the panel feels like? :o

  13. It ended up being confusing, which I realized after deleting my post.

    Now I find the whole deal hilarious. XD



    (Pencil Puzzle from Tips & Tricks Codebook November/December 2009)

  15. it's from FF12

  16. it's YOU... again!

  17. its a 33% deadline not a 1% :P

  18. just remindin' ya

  19. Just send me what you've got, and do it over at KNGI. Okay?

  20. Just so you know, I had replied. But then Flare posted and made me feel bad, so I deleted my post.

    Which had the unintended side effect of making it look like he was telling you that you were driving people away. Which he realized and then deleted his post.

    What a confusing situation. Condensed version: Thank you. :3

  21. Mirby

    Just wondering, is that "Timeless Sea of Verdure" mix on the panel yours? I mean, you seem to have almost a complete monopoly on Mystery Dungeon tracks here, so I'm curious to see if that's another one of yours haha

  22. Kinda creepy, but I can't stop laughing! Thanks, L99. Here, have a Rare Candy!

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