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Everything posted by Mirby

  1. True, true. I'm just saying in-battle it seems to max out at 999.
  2. JP seems to max out at 999 so I'd think it would max out. 999JP is just enough JP to get from a fresh job to about 3/4 through Lv6.
  3. to be specific, the 3DS version is by Sanzaru Games, the people who did the Sly Cooper HD collection and Thieves in Time. also i liked lost world...
  4. Hey! No stealing my idea about character-based albums! Seriously though this is a fantastic idea. I'm crap at music but I'd like to help if I can.
  5. Now, tomorrow, six years from now, who can say for certain? But it is happening, of that you can be sure.
  6. Finish your remix and THEN reward yourself with House of Cards. Not like the show's going anywhere anyways. :3
  7. Yeah, Xenoblade's battle system is pretty damn fun. And I'm loving how they're building off of it for X.
  8. btw Facebook autoconverts most images to JPG so it's best to find other sites (like imgur) to upload to.
  9. Japan's getting Super Mario Advance 2. Which is Super Mario World. Even though we already have the actual Super Mario World. If that redundancy is gonna happen, there's still a chance we'll get actual Yoshi's Island. And to be fair, the GBA VC on Wii U will likely allow for custom controls, so that'll be fixed. And the GBA port does have 6 new stages, so that's cool too.
  10. I don't like ZombiU, but that's just because the idea doesn't appeal to me personally.
  11. Good news, everybody! He's no longer deaf! Apparently his hearing gradually restored itself all on its own.
  12. Super Mario 3D World is fucking amazing. Best Mario game in YEARS. Also that soundtrack <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 I'd also recommend The Wonderful 101, but that's because I love it. And Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze comes out next week. Oh and heads up people, Nintendo Direct today. 5PM EST/2PM PST. There's a good chance we're getting some Bayo 2 info today, along with X info and likely a new Smash character reveal trailer. I think I heard this one'll be about 41 minutes long too!
  13. You also have to activate Streetpass for each game. Either way, you can "net-invite" people by choosing Update Data from the Save menu and get 3-5 new villagers a day. So at least you don't need Streetpass to get them.
  14. Go to the save menu and choose Add Friends. If any of your friends from the 3DS Friends List have the game and have uploaded their profiles, the game will add them automagically. also wtf chrome you don't want to correct automagically? XD
  15. It's time to wish a happy "birth"day to our favorite bot! Have a great botday!
  16. when i first started using FL i didn't know what patterns were for so i recorded literally everything in one go whoops, messed up. have to delete the entire thing and start over
  17. Nah, you probably have heard it already. I know for a fact it plays during end-of-chapter bosses, and I've heard it in a few other battles as well.
  18. For clarification's sake, this isn't the main boss battle theme, merely the Asterisk Boss battle theme, though you do hear it a lot. Probably about 23-24 times in the game. Cause you hear it when fighting bosses that hold the Asterisks that bestow jobs. is the main boss battle theme.Which is also amazing.
  19. Let us celebrate by marveling at the wonder that is the emu. Also happy birthday Wes.
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