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Everything posted by EC2151

  1. Milestone, a group of former Compile employees, unfortunately went out of business (so it seems by their error and 404-ridden website). But their games had some of the best damn music this side of cools-ville. "Bitches Blue," indeed. Radirgy/Radio Allergy (Dreamcast, PS2, GC, Wii, 360) - i hate tha sun Daisuke Nagata is a seriously talented composer, and I hope that, even though Milestone went under (which is a crying shame; their games were excellent. Better than the other Compile offshoot, Compile Heart), he can find some work somewhere else.
  2. How recent are we talking here? Last five years? Last ten? From 2000-on? Either way, one you all need to listen to, immediately, is Yousuke Yasui's soundtrack for Eschatos, for the XBOX360, released in 2011. It was only released in Japan, but the game will work in any region. This is seriously some real damn good slammin' jammin' stuff. Silver Lining Point of No Return Stellar Light It's music like this that got me to love VGM in the first place. He also did some music for the upcoming HD rerelease of Under Defeat, styled .The original score was by Shinji Hosoe, DariusBurst, by Taito, also has very great music by its in-house band, ZUNTATA (who are, and remain, the greatest VGM composers ever. Established fact.) It recently came out on iOS products,
  3. It's not bad per se, but it was disappointing because you can see how Rare wanted to make a platformer but all the ideas just weren't brought to fruition. It's kind of like how Doom 3 is not too shabby on its own, but it's not really Doom. On-topic because Doom is an awesome series, booyah. Though my favorite of those old iD games is Rise of the Triad. And of course, Duke Nukem 3D is even better than those games. But that's not iD.
  4. My one complaint of all of Capcom's recent fighters is the hideously ugly art-style they all use. I'm so excited for the new Darkstalkers, but damn, once more with that shitty, blocky, ugly, over-muscled cel-shading... Gah. And while I said Hunters is the worst game in the series, Other M is special in that its badness retroactively fucks with the other games in the series, whereas Hunters is a standalone piece of crap.
  5. You forgot the part where Jay Wilson, talking about the original creator of Diablo, said "fuck that loser" It was a masterful moment in the history of Diablo. --- --- Also, objectively speaking, Metroid Prime Hunters is the worst game to ever bear the Metroid name. Nintendo Software Tech has never ever made a single good game and as bad as Other M was (it was bad) Hunters was fucking awful.
  6. No, unless you have the eyes of a chameleon, that's basically what you'll be doing in a fashion.
  7. If you want to play TWEWY without buying the game, the same basic experience can be had if you attempt to text while driving at the same time.
  8. I think he meant no one utilized the DS's functions particularly well outside of Nintendo. I was actually glad when they stopped trying to shove the microphone and touchscreen down my throat and instead worked on creating great portable games.
  9. Well, I wouldn't expect the guys behind Guardian Heroes to deliver a game that isn't fun to play.
  10. I'd rather have the extra security of a physical retail. One that likely wouldn't be hampered by Nintendo's general lack of competency in regards to digital retail service.
  11. I think I would have rather had the 3-game-in-1 pack that Japan got. : /
  12. You play as a highschool girl who is the president of [Neo] Japan whose father (the previous president) was assassinated and pilots a mech to fight aliens/bio-terrorists/something.
  13. I am actually still confused why I put that much time into Disgaea. I mean, for fuck's sake I never even beat the game and at least one-third of that time was in Item World.
  14. Tell that to Disgaea fans. >>put 80hrs into Disgaea DS over here<<
  15. How many times can the phrase "old school" be uttered in a single video? $1mill is a pretty big goal - let's see if they can reach it!
  16. Dude you must come from a strange family that has two pairs of eyes, or can (like a chameleon) point your eyes in two different directions.
  17. I'm trying to think of the must-have games for the 3DS. If only a new Advance Wars would come out! If they announced that and a western release for Kokuga I think I'd go buy myself a 3DS for sure. But as it stands, I'm still waiting for, if not a killer app, a large collection of worthy titles to justify a purchase when so many good DS games still remain unbought.
  18. Not as of recently - a lot of stuff has gone on since the last update! I'm waiting for some definite free time to crop up so I can start working on it again. school and work kind of came down like a hammer!
  19. It's funny because whenever someone asks Sakurai about that, it's like he gets really uncomfortable and says "Um, well, dude we haven't even started that shit yet"
  20. If pure digital is anything like how Nintendo did digital retail for the Wii (ie console-locked content), then you can count on me sticking to physical media. And fiddling with the Wii today (or rather, my brother's) here's something I really fucking hope: Being able to use a CONTROLLER to access the Wii U's menu, instead of hoping that the finicky wii remotes pick up your signal. Every time I've had to borrow my brother's Wii (or just bring my Wiimotes to a new Wii) it takes forever to have the system recognize the remotes. I've wished that I could just use the GC remote or something to use the menu, but unfortunately, Nintendo never really implemented such an option. If I have to wait 20 minutes of repeated attempts to try to get my Gamepad to be recognized, why even bother?
  21. Um only two of those games were made by nintendo companies. I don't know, I think just like last generation, this launch is going to heavily rely on tablet tricks to make it through the holiday season. I've already listed the games I'd be interested in, but I ain't holding my breath!
  22. I actually just want a sequel to the Super Mario Bros. movie with Bob Hoskins. I've been waiting for the resolution to that cliffhanger for over a decade now. @Crowbar - I agree - the only NSMB game thus far that has been worth playing has been Wii, which I felt has some pretty serious problems (does anyone even remember just how mediocre the first NSMB DS was?). I'm more interested in a 3D platformer at this point - and I love 2D platformers! Also, all three current-gen consoles cannot do true HD, but that's not how they're marketed. Maybe by this coming gen we won't need to worry about aliasing that looks like crap, and ugly upscaled picture quality and textures. But that's a big maybe. I'm not a graphics-monger in any sense, but when all of these games advertise themselves as cutting-edge HD and they're in reality running off Windows XP hardware, it's hard not to suppress a smirk.
  23. We have to remember that there hasn't been any real HD this generation. Only fake HD, because most games just run 800x600 upscaled to look like shit and good luck getting 60fps with any consistency. Partly I'm excited because this boost up in power means we can finally stop having games look like they're 7 years old and running on tired hardware.
  24. Wonderful 101, Rayman Legends, Nano Assault, Pikmin 3, and Tank! Tank! Tank! look pretty good to me (though I wonder how Tank!'s will transfer to the Wiimote or Gamepad).
  25. That or most of those games are arcade ports from Japan or sequels to established franchises.
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