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Posts posted by EC2151

  1. Probably because you weren't man enough to make a woman out of Giana.

    I was sent a message about this.

    It looks a lot like the Nintendo DS remake so far, but I only gave it a quick glance. It didn't seem like Huelsbeck was making any new music for this, though. Am I wrong? (I know he's pretty wrapped up in the Turrican Anthology project so I don't see how he'd have time)

    Whereas the DS remake was a pretty straight-forward platformer, this one looks like they took ideas quite a bit further on switching between two game-worlds on the fly. Kind of like a parallel worlds type of deal.

    Hulsbeck is remixing the original soundtrack in two flavors - "normal" version and a metal version (for the nightmare world). At least that's what I gathered.

    1/5 of the way there!

  2. Also, Phil Fish is a dick and an idiot and his game blows. I think the damn Rubix Cube perfected the idea of a 3D puzzle game in a more meaningful way - Fez at this point is just redundant! it doesn't help that his ego is uncontrollable and unbearable.


    I was pleased to hear SE give the OUYA a bone, but if this isn't just a shingled-over iPad port of FF3, then I'll eat my hat. All the same, FF fanatics will probably add a few sales numbers to the console.

    Also, as far as patch costs, it does suck because small, low-profit companies like G.REV (only 11 employees!) can't patch bugs and glitches in their releases (at least on Xbox; on the PS3 I hear patching is a whole lot cheaper) because they just don't make the money to actually patch a product. It is a safeguard against a crappy, broken game (good thing Bethesda has loads of cash!), but smaller devs can chafe under those constrictions.

  3. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/project-giana/project-giana



    Well, that quirky Super Mario Bros clone continues to reinvent itself and find its own voice with each subsequent release.

    After being taken off the shelves by Nintendo back on the C64, coming back on the DS a few years ago (as well as several indie homebrew reboots on the PC and Dreamcast), it looks like the original team wants another go. And heck, apparently Chris Hulsbeck, who did the original music for the first game (

    ), is back in too. The game seems to center around switching between the two iterations of the gameworld, kind of like light-world dark-world LttP style.

    The game in action looks pretty nice, smooth, and very good-looking. The only thing i can fault are the character renders on the thumbnail. I personally liked the character designs on the DS remake much more, and I hope that ultimately, the character art is more based off of that.

    One day in, and they already raised 15 Gs' (ha). I'm a sucker for 2D platformers myself, so I'm hoping this one makes it through. Some nice rewards in there too. The 10,000 reward probably pays for itself with that copy of Giana Sisters for the Atari ST.



  4. Well, I didn't know how to exactly utilize that facet of Kontakt - that is, having multiple instruments loaded in one instance of Kontakt (I knew you could but didn't know how to send them to different tracks). So thus far I've been treating it like a normal plugin.

    As for memory, what would be the way to check it? I usually do Smart Disable for All Plugins on the Options>>Macros thing, to save CPU usage, if that's a part of it.

  5. I'm having a problem that is seriously hindering my music production.

    I will have several (say, 6 or 7) instances of the Kontakt 5 plugin in a project. When I first put them all in there, everything is fine.

    However, when I go to re-open the project, it will load 4 or 5 of the plugins.

    The rest, when I click on the sampler, will say:

    "Loading Kontakt 5 plugin (bridged)"

    and nothing will happen.

    Sometimes it will say "Plugin has failed to load."

    To top it off, sometimes loading the project again causes FL10 to crash.

    Where it will say:

    "ILBridge64 has failed to run properly" or something like that.

    I am not sure what causes this problem but if anyone can help me out or point me in the right direction I would be very appreciative. It's frustrating to have bought this expensive software to have it not work on my DAW.



  6. I actually wasn't surprised that something like this happened. It doesn't make it any less lame, of course.

    I never looked at the kickstarter page, so when this was announced I was unsure as to why this project needed funding as opposed to any other album OCR released (and I think if it was like the FF7 album or any other album OCR released there would have been no legal action taken). Obviously I know the reasons now.

    All the same, I hope this gets sorted out amicably.

  7. I suppose some better cohesion is needed. I like the foreshadowing idea; I'll try and work that in.

    And you might be right that the beginning loud section is too short - that's another thing I'll try working on this weekend. It's not all that difficult to write similar-sounding sections anyhow. >.>

    I haven't really given too much time into tweaking the EQ outside of my initial settings (after settling down with something that sounds nice), but now that the song is moving far closer to being finished it'll be something I'll try to focus more time on.

    Thanks again for some really great feedback!

  8. Thanks for the feedback, and I'm sorry it took so long to respond. I agree that the pianos could use some work, rhythmically speaking, though I wanted to tweak with that after I got the major parts of the song down.

    For right now, I have a much more near-done track than last time (without the cliffhanger ending, too):


    Any feedback from mixers, mods, and listeners appreciated.

  9. Just finishing the series, I can see why some opinion has been split (btw i marathoned like half the series because i have nothing to do tonight >.>)

    I liked how they wrapped up Tarlokk and Amon's characters, and I think easily they were the most interesting people in the show (though Tarlokk only towards the end stepped out of his "scheming political douche" mold). The adult characters were routinely the most interesting and likable of the bunch. Because Korra was always raging over everything, Bolin was kind of just comic relief, and well you know.

    I didn't really like the love-triangle, nor did I really like how everyone but Mako and Korra were pushed to the sidelines (I would have liked a bit more character development, though I understand the constraints the creative team were working under - namely the assumption of 1 season). What I don't understand is that during this potentially dangerous uprising, the rest of the nations didn't get involved sooner. Because it seems like no matter how much support Amon's group had, they were confined to one city, and if all the other nations ganged up on them, it didn't matter how many Power Gloves they had, they were getting boned. Not seeing the grand-strategy there.

    I look forward to more, though where the story goes is anyone's guess. I mean, the main badguy is kind of dead. So it's hard to see what exactly the buildup is going to be.

    I heard rumors on /co/ (which hates the show so much it's comical) that the next season would be a self-contained story (since the other two books hadn't been cinched yet). I wouldn't honestly mind that approach... one season to really establish character, and then have a huge two-season arc. That'd be nice.

  10. Original:

    LATEST VERSION (at 3:56):


    OLD WIP (at 2:51)


    OCR only has a few remixes of Jonathan Dunn's music, and more Dunn remixes can never be a bad thing. He worked for Ocean (notorious for lame movie tie-ins) but the guy put his all into his music.

    This isn't his best (that would be the

    ), but it's funky and fun, and I liked it enough to try and remix it.

    I didn't really try to incorporate the harsh marching beat at the beginning, and instead opted for a more light-hearted electronic approach. Because that's what you think of when you think of tanks!

    I am in the final phases of working on this track (or at the least, I am towards the final portion of the song in my head, needing to make one more section and then the final resolution), so I would be happy to hear some feedback of any glaring technical issues or things that don't sound very right, or arrangement issues (though the song itself is pretty simplistic).

    Thanks for listening!

  11. i got this btw




    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')


    ..........''...\.......... _.·´


    hell yeah

    you guys can always support Jon St. Jon's other project,

  12. I haven't gotten anything this steam sale, myself. I've just been going through my sega saturn and dreamcast games instead. : D

    Though when I get paid I'll pick up Ether Vapor Remaster (which should be coming to steam soon anyway). The link has a free demo, so I encourage fans of shooters to try it out.

    And really, Duke Nukem Forever is probably worth $5 or less.

  13. I wanna say "go for it guys" but that art looks pretty lame (and yes I know it's not final), and I don't know if these pinstripe games guys are really up to snuff to make a Data East-esque arcade game.

    I feel like the guy should have done up some pre-planning, like make some sprites or models, or have a demo video, or something.

  14. I never watched the original Avatar: The Last Airbender (my loss I suppose), but I've started up on The Legend of Korra, and right now, 5 episodes in, I'm pretty satisfied at the relatively high quality of animation, voice-acting, and plot development (though if you go on someplace like /co/ it's nothing but bitching about the show), but I'll have to see if it remains so throughout the second half.

    I'm digging the badguy thus far. He's a cool cat. Though while I think it's a bit implausible that a bunch of martial artists could seriously challenge a society of magical element-wielding martial artists, I'll allow it for story's sake.

  15. If you guys like shmups, satazius, a pretty great doujin shmup that is a lot like Gradius mixed with Star Soldier mixed with every single horizontal shooter ever is on sale for $3.

    Seriously, you have bought much shittier games for much more money.

    I have had lots of fun with it, and it's a pretty challenging game, with lots of different weapons to choose from to customize your play experience. The levels are nice and hard, and don't require too much memorization (meaning, while you will die at certain spots repeatedly, you can muscle your way through if your reflexes are good enough), and it's a very solid action title.

    You guys should support Nyu Media, that does niche gamers a pretty nice service by bringing Japan's indie scene to the rest of the world. Like their latest release! : D

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