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Posts posted by EC2151

  1. Reflecting a little bit, I'm a little disappointed that Nintendo opted once more for a disc-loader system instead of something like a top-loader (like the gamecube).

    Disc-loading systems are usually prone to more breaks, as well as wear and tear, than a top-loading system. I know it's for aesthetic reasons (to make the Wii U look more compact and functional), but sometimes function is better than form.

    It's a minor point, but since I'm a bit familiar with Wii disc-drive failures from my brother and other friends (and we take good care of our games and systems), I suspect that these early-run models will be much more prone to breakdown than later-run models, much like the Wii.

  2. Sega unfortunately has had yet another string of terrible management. Some folks like to say that for the most part they'll be focusing their efforts on mobile/social and f2p games in the future (as well as their other big generator of income, the coin-op) - which is what is happening to a lot of Japanese companies. To which I can only sadface.

  3. Well I do feel there was a lack of variety in the catalog of Wii games, which I hope is and will be addressed with the Wii U.

    The problem is that the control interface limited the variety of games, strangely enough, for the Wii.

    I hope the Pro Controller will solve that dilemma by offering a larger, more robust catalog of "traditional" games.

  4. A Shin'en game? Sweet, those are usually pretty cool. Wait, it's an update of the 3DS game. Still, cool to see them get some more exposure.

    Not a bad launch. I'd want TTT2, Tank!, Rayman Legends, the aforementioned Shin'en game, maybe Monster Hunter, Wonderful 101, and Pikmin 3. And of course Bayonetta 2.

    I just hope most of the games listed above have Pro Controller support. I don't want this to be the launch window to shove the tablet gimmick into places it doesn't belong (like TTT2). Wishful thinking, unfortunately.

  5. I don't know, I may love my steam sales (though I rarely purchase from steam these days!), but Steam sort of brought us into the age of DRM and all sorts of other scheisty practices, so I don't really think it's the savior the gaming community at large makes it out to be.

    That and steam is a little prejudiced against certain genres showing up. Some folks like Nyu Media, who work bringing doujin arcade/shmup type games have to go through a lot of hoops to get their stuff on Steam, whereas other "indie" devs have much less of a problem, even if it's something like Sword and Sorcery EP, which is barely a game!

    And of course, there's my distrust of leaving games in a purely digital download format...

  6. I recently picked up a Dreamcast from my former roommate, along with 14 games earlier this summer.

    I'd been playing a lot of Mr. Driller (fantastic puzzle game), and now, some JET SET RADIIIIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - hot damn is it an awesome game or what.

    I've been gravitating towards arcade and arcade-style games a lot recently in the last few years, so Sega consoles definitely had that type of game covered on their consoles, since they were the kings of the arcade back in the 80s and 90s. The NAOMI hardware is a great little beast and the games made for it always impress (when you factor in the time it was around) - heck third-party devs were still making NAOMI games all the way up till 2006, I believe.

    I'm appreciating now the consoles I had never played back in the day, and am appreciating what Sega did in the console races even if I had grown up a die-hard Nintendo kid my whole life.

  7. it looks great what are you talking about

    I don't know if you're joking or not, but it's a bad thing when a series with such an iconic, Tezuka-inspired look:


    And turn the designs into generic, 2000s uninspired barbie dolls:


    One of these groups has personality. Can you tell which one?

    I mean fucking lol, I didn't even know the blond guy was jet until 3/4 through the trailer.

    It doesn't help that the animation in the trailer is ugly CG non-animation, making everything look like some cutscene from a Persona game.

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