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Posts posted by EC2151

  1. Since the last day of Kontakt 5 being half off is upon us, and I just got paid, can anyone in a timely fashion tell me if it's worth it? Also, what's the difference between the "update" version ($119) and the complete version ($200) on the site? Answers would be appreciated...

    Now now, don't laugh; I'm a noob after all...

  2. It's not that I don't see people having fun with it, but for all it does is turn the game into an item rush (hey everyone stop playing the game so we can chase the erratically moving shiny glowy ball!). And even with items set on low (the only setting i can really handle since the item drop-rate in brawl is crazy), the damn thing shows up at least 3 times a match. And stuff like the Golden Hammer, and Firecracker, etc etc. They're all the same ilk.

    Melee had that with some of the rarer pokemon drops, but you had to wait for a pokeball (a single item) and hope it was a super-strong pokemon - in a sense, that's a chance within a chance.

    The items in Brawl unbalanced the game too much for me and my friends, so we had to turn a lot of them off. As well as a lot of the stages off too.

  3. The only lasting complaints I have about K64 is how slow Kirby is in the game, and the ease of difficulty (though that can be lobbed at any kirby game).

    it still is a gem of my childhood and it's not all that bad, really.

    I KINDA wish they'd include Amazing Mirror, because that's probably one of the best kirby games in recent times. Heck, before Return to Dreamland gave us a real Kirby game, I was calling Amazing Mirror the best Kirby since K64.

    I understand why they wouldn't, since I doubt the game was super popular and the multi-player mechanic would be lost without the proper equipment and coding, and if the Mario "collection" is any indication Nintendo won't be doing jack shit in either regard.

  4. ocre, you forgot Sin and Punishment 2, which is by far one of the best games on the entire system.

    And one of like, the only games in the entire Wii library where the motion control is not just an afterthought or pain-in-the-ass.

    Seriously, the game is some of the most fun you'll have on the Wii.

  5. Well any 3D animated film these days needs celebrity voices regardless of their actual skill in voice-acting or how cartoony their voice sounds (see: the Madagascar movies for example of celebrity voices for celebrity voices' sake). In fact that's the case with animated movies in general in the U.S.

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