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Posts posted by EC2151

  1. I suppose I had high hopes because it was Gainax and because they always have something up their sleeve.

    Oh well, I stopped after episode 4 because I realized the show wasn't for me and couldn't get myself to like it at all.

    Now, I just finished New Dominion Tank Police, and holy moly, it was pretty awesome. Like, Lethal Weapon 1 and 2 levels of awesome. The dub was perfect (strong acting from Toni Barett as the main lead Leona), the action was so over-the-top that it was endlessly enjoyable, and unlike the first series, Dominion Tank Police, since this was a sequel it could tell its own story without having to bullshit around with tying itself into the manga.

    It's up there on my list of anime to recommend to people who want to watch extremely entertaining, heart-on-its-sleeve stuff. It doesn't try to be contemplative, or muse about serious subjects. It's about policemen and women who drive tanks and take on bad guys. And sometimes, that is all you need to have a good time (and dammit did I have a good time!).

    Both series get recommendations from me. The first one has a cooler sci-fi 80s cyberpunk style about it, with cool funky 80s music, but I think the sequel tells a better story in the end, so they both have something worth watching about them.

    Also, for Black Lagoon, I'd recommend the dub if possible. The japanese version is nothing but horribly broken Engrish, and is impossible to take seriously. The dub is actually really well-done, with a lot of big stars in the VA industry lending their talents to great effect.

  2. When the first trailers for PSG came out, I said "this looks really cool, but I hope it's not just scat and sex jokes"


    The only thing I'm hoping now is for the dub to tone down some of that stuff, and put like, real jokes into the show. Maybe, maybe not.

    At the very least, the Lupin III series from 1971 (co-directed by Hayao Miyazaki no less!) gets released next month on DVD! AM EXCITE.

  3. You can skip the entire third season of Ruroni Kenshin.

    It sucks HARDCORE. It's clear that the story was supposed to end at the second season (and it damn well felt like it ended), and completely shits all over the main character, and gives us one bitchy, whiny emo final villain as opposed to the genuinely interesting, threatening badguy of season 2.

    I remember reading somewhere that the creator of the series says he hates the anime studio that did the third season and that it, as he put it, "ruined my characters." And you know what, he's right. First time I ever "rage-quit" a series.

    Also, lol at "Bleach being good." Maybe, the first 20 episodes, but hey, guess what, after that it really sucks! That's like, another 300+ episodes! Naruto is in a similar boat.

    I'd recommend shorter(!) series, and stuff like the Miyazaki/Ghibli movies.

    Stuff like Lupin III series 1 (also co-directed by Miyazaki, no less), from 1971, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, and maybe (indulge me) Dominion Tank Police and its sequel, New Dominion Tank Police.

    All of those (outside of perhaps the last two, which are "cult classics") are more or less universally-acclaimed as some of the best anime out there. Miyazaki/Ghibli movies, at least Pre-Howl's Moving Castle, well, you can't find a bad thing to say about them.

  4. I suppose he's talking about this:


    King's Quest as a series went out with a whimper, instead of a bang. VI was, in my view, the best one, VII was, eh, mediocre, and 8 just wasn't King's Quest. From what I've read they were trying to reinvent the genre but it just didn't work for me.

    I am not a HUGE fan of "episodic content" for King's Quest game, and I'm a bit leery of TellTale "softening up" the series to make it palatable for a modern audience. Part of the fun of the King's Quest games comes from its many, many deaths (those are the best parts of any Sierra game), so you'd have to make it so that dieing is still a very tangible possibility (and one-liners making fun of you! Another Sierra staple). While I admit some of the KQ puzzle solutions are extremely obtuse (my favorite being in V, where you have to use the honey and the emeralds to catch the elf in the haunted forest - yeah like YOU'D ever figure that one out), every good sierra game has a "throw a pie at a yeti" moment.

    One series that remained consistently entertaining was Space Quest. I'll admit the only sierra games i've ever played and/or watched were the Space Quests (IV is my favorite sierra adventure game), and the King's Quests. Though I've watched my older bro play Leisure Suit Larry, and Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist, and Gabriel Knight (which looked awesome).

  5. I tend to stay away from anime like High School of the Dead. Or most anime fanservice.

    Now, I like blaxploitation, and I like my

    , but fanservice a la anime is very not funny and it's not very entertaining.

    The only time it's KINDA funny is in series like Sayanora Zetsubo Sensei, where they just make fun of it the whole time. AND IT'S KEPT TO A MINIMUM (specifically one character).

  6. Finally got around to watching Madhouse's Summer Days.

    Pretty nice, breezy stuff, with some more serious moments thrown in.

    I watched the English dub, and I thought for the most part it was ok - no real stand-out performances, but it wasn't bad.

    I thought the "internet" stuff was very creative and stylish, and obviously the best-animated, whereas the action taking place in the real world was kind of subdued - maybe that was the point? All the same, there were nice bits of what I call 'Miyazaki moments' - parts where the movie can just breathe - strewn in. As for the plot, I thought it really silly how worked up everyone got over like, an online mmo fighting game but you know it's Japan and it's a kid's movie (?) so I guess I can dig it.

    I don't think it's Madhouse's best effort, but I think it pretty good and fun. It's a shame that it never seems like anyone watches their shows; they're really one of the few studios in Japan that makes idiosyncratic and creative works (along with Satoshi Kon RIP). I guess anime folk would rather watch K-On... (it's true, K-On is ridiculously popular for being total shit, as compared to any of Madhouse's shows).

  7. it works in New Vegas because the game is already pretty silly so seeing all the enemies fall through the ground adds to the goofiness (and hilariously ruins some of the serious moments).

    In Skyrim, I dunno, I guess they should release a few more patches (though I don't know if that'll happen any time soon). Skyrim was too rough around the edges for me (lol but I like New Vegas).

  8. Because as we all know Sega DOES what NintenDON'T.

    : D

    So yeah I think the Afterburner II tracks deserve some mixing.

    Especially the After Burner theme.


    Even more so if you incorporated the with-melody versions (for the Sega AGES versions):

    Afterburner with melody

    So there's my suggestion. Get some more HIRO love on OCR because that guy can certainly write a good tune. Or two. Or rather, dozens.

  9. To be fair, Jorgumand's art style does look kind of ugly. And to be even more so, Gungrave doesn't look at all appealing to me either.

    I am not a fan of the general trends in anime style of the last 10 years.

    Something a bit magic about the 80s-early 90s "style" things had about them, at least for me. The way shows such as Sailor Moon, Lupin III, Kikaider, G-Gundam, Space Adventure Cobra, Cutey Honey Flash, Dominion Tank Police, and Mad Bull 34 looked is a way I don't think people really draw anymore at least for big studio productions.

    You know, styles change and all that, but not always for the better!

    You'd be hard-pressed to get a studio like Madhouse to replicate one of their early masterpieces, like

    . The stuff that makes you love anime.

    I hope everyone is sharp enough to see my generalization and not get hung up on the details.

    As far as "new" anime go, I am always down for a rewatch of Black Lagoon (probably one of my favorite anime to come out in like, a long long time), or Eureka 7 (I'm not sure about this new series yet).

  10. A bump with two new* tracks I made:

    Full Throttle

    This one is inspired by Top Gun and After Burner II (which is basically Top Gun). It has some fun Sega genesis guitar and a shreddin' solo towards the end.

    -looping version-

    Pressure from Below

    *This was made ages ago on the less-powerful TFM Music Maker, but since I liked this track so much I remade to have a bit polyphony and mastering/effects, with some more offbeat jazzy percussion. It still is one of my favorite tracks.

  11. On an aside, my New Vegas character was DOLEMITE, and he would only do things DOLEMITE would do, which he

    - would get with all the foxy ladies

    -would never take shit from a honky (this is hard because like every faction in the game is a low-down honky)

    -wouldn't cop out when danger's all about

    -would spout rhyming one-liners at every no-business born-insecure honky motherfucker that got in his way

  12. Trigun is one of those old classics that's hard to have something bad to say about it, outside of the fact that towards the end of the series the pace picks up dramatically to tie up all the loose ends. But at the least it HAS an ending (and a somewhat conclusive one), which is more than what i can say about most anime.

  13. Only good thing on that list:

    Thomas the Tank engine and fuckin' Train Heroes.

    All the rest can go fuck off.

    Except for maybe that thing by the guy who did Harlock. Maybe.

  14. Madoka is pretty decent, but I don't think it's quite as good as the hype makes it out to be.

    I mean, it's good and a good deconstruction (though the amount of times that word is thrown around in this context kind of lessens its meaning). It's a nice take on a sort of Faustian bargain sort of tale.

    But like, towards the end it becomes kind of like FRIENDSHIP WILL PREVAIL

    So it's like "it's been building up to this?"

    As I said, it's a good series and i liked the question it posed "How far can you go to prevent suffering before you begin to contribute to it yourself?"

    I was remiss during the OP discussion page in not mentioning my absolute, one hundred percent favorite OP of any OP ever:

    Boobs aside, the theme is so fun and catchy that I've had it stuck in my head for days and not regretted a single second.

    While I like the Gainax-infused style of the RE;Cutie Honey,

    , if only for the OP having weirdo Road-Warrioresque bad guys.

    I mean, lol, it's Go Nagai so it's pretty tasteless but some fun moments.

    Like Iron Virgin Jun.


    A princess doesn't want to get married so she runs away from home. Her butch mother reasons it's because she doesn't want sex so she hires mercenary rapists with mechanical codpieces to rape her, but because like, she's super strong and shit (like, a real fucking musclegirl, ha ha) she always beats them off... wait that didn't come out right.

  15. I watched the third episode of New Dominion Tank Police.

    The OVA hasn't let me down yet (again, I remind you how the original series, Dominion Tank Police, was amazing until the fourth and final episode), and it was really entertaining, with some nice funny bits to it. I am really hoping that they can wrap things up to a respectable ending, and if everything conclusively concludes, I'll be a "heppy, heppy 'ket.'"

    I mean, any show that features a remote-control robot-terrorist semi-truck gets SOME points in my book.

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