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Everything posted by Animae

  1. I just bought this game and played through the first 2 levels. I found it really interesting and relaxing at the same time. I love the music, the controlls, the atmosphere. Anyone else bought this gem?
  2. Anyone want to add me, go ahead. 2664-3554-7982. I live in Norway though, so there might be some problems with timezones.
  3. Excactly the same thing I thought when I bought my PS3. I've had a less than a year old PS2 completely fail on me. The time I bought my DS the upper screen had a pink tint. And my laptop has failed three times. Luckily, consumer laws and insuranses covered all of those. But I would not risk buying a console that WILL(at least before the latest chip upgrade) be broken at some point due to design flaws. Anyway, i would reccomend: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare I thought I would just play through the single player campaign one time and lay it to rest, but the multiplayer is dangerously addicting. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune I haven't played all of it, but what I've played is great! LittleBigPlanet Loved it! It's even better when you're playing with someone. BioShock If you haven't played it before, you should. Fallout 3 Almost every friend of mine who own a console, be it a PS3 or an Xbox 360, is addicted to this game. Even people who haven't played earlier Bethesda titles. Wipeout HD Dirt cheap, and a great game. One of the best Wipeout games. Ratchet & Clank (Future): Tools of Destruction A good platformer. Not the best in the series(opinion), but worth a buy. Valkyria Chronicles Just fire up the demo when you buy the console. You'll see why. Grand Theft Auto IV If you like sandbox gameplay. I've also heard good things about Resistance: Fall of Man, Resistance 2, Assassins Creed, Burnout Paradise, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Dead Space, Mirror's Edge, Devil May Cry 4, Far Cry 2 and Eternal Sonata. Look out for future titles, such as Heavy Rain, Final Fantasy XIII, Killzone 2, Street Fighter IV, God of War III and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Not to mention loads of PSN titles that I haven't played, but have been praised.
  4. What version is better? I'm considering buying this myself.
  5. I think they both take place in the same setting/world. Only far from eachother and in different times.
  6. What's with the comparission between Xbox 360 and PS3 in this thred? OP wanted suggestions on PS3 games, not another fanboy war. Anyway! I loved LittleBigPlanet. It's quite unique, and there is always something new to play. Valkyria Chronicles is a great game. Download the demo from PSN and try it. Resistance 2 got lost in te Gears 2 hype, but it's really a great (FPS)game. Fallout 3 is a given if you like that type of game. Wipeout HD is my current obbsession. Megaman 9 if you like the concept. Bioshock is also good. And MGS4 if you like the series.
  7. 3rd post in this thread. Suprisingly, I can predict the FUTURE!
  8. Nice! Congratulations to you both.
  9. I think you misunderstood me. I'm reffering to the logo. The i in the iPhone logo looks like an exclamation point that has been turned upside down.
  10. Well, the i in iPhone(and also the iPod Touch) looks like a exclamation point turned upside down. That was what gave me the thought anyways. Also, the power button is pretty standard. Even my laptop has a power button that looks like that. The only thing I can see that points at Xbox 360 is the green.
  11. Are you referring to my comment? Sorry, but I fail to see where I got into fanboytalk. All I did was state that it is good to have some games who differ on the two systems, like Gears 2 on Xbox 360 and LBP on the PS3. I despise fanboyism.
  12. Oh come on! They are not identical. The three cords that largely match are not unusual at all. S-D-Ts is among the most used chords in music, and Mitsuda use them in a lot of his other tunes(Main theme of BOTH Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross, Another World ~ Guldove, Song of Feeling etc.) He also uses a lot of sus4 that usually gets resolved in major chords.
  13. The reason that people are afraid of MGS4 and other games going to the Xbox360 is the fear of not having any exclusives left. I have nothing against games going over all systems as long as there is some good games differing between them.
  14. Probably an Ac!d title, and probably on iPhone.
  15. It would have been cool with an OCremix torney. I would definatly join in!
  16. It was irony on my part, man!
  17. Umm... I'm not entirely sure where you hear the FF7 motif in Aeris theme. We are talking about the theme heard one the world map(major scale) and the theme in the example that OP posted(minor scale variation), aren't we? However, I agree that Nobuo sometimes rehashes himself. He likes to use "broken"(not if that is the english term) chords in ascending patterns, slow arpeggios, especially with the harp(prelude, aeris theme, Aria de mezzo carattere, Bittersweet Romance(IX) and many more). The intro(3 first notes) to Aria de mezzo carattere is identical with the three first notes in Aeris Theme. And On That Day Five Years Ago sounds nothing like the theme from Batman. Robo's Theme however is PURE plagiarism on Rick Astleys Never Gonna Give You Up.
  18. 1) Do you think that the forming of a professional group of composers/ audio designers from the modding/ indie games areas would be a good idea? (if so, or indeed if not.. why so?) Well, it could be a good idea to form such a group. To be a part of the group one should be comitted, to avoid people who just join and never are heard from again. I'm not exactly sure what the reason for forming the group would be though, but it could possibly be a help for composers/audio designers to get projects. 2) How important to you is audio design within this specific sector of the industry? You have to start somewhere. How you use audio is important in any game. I've encountered plenty of inde games/mods who use music that becomes annoying after a while. 3) Do you think that this area of the industry is one that will expand within the current economic climate? No. Too many composers, far too few projects/jobs. 4) Would you allow any music that you create (obviously music that is external to any remixes for OC) to be used in indie games or mods? Yes, as it would help spread my music. 5) If so, what would you consider a fair payment for each piece of audio? Depends. If the project is free of charge, I would not expect or require any payment. If the end-product is sold to consumers it would depend on the income. However, I would not expect to much. 6) any other thoughts? =) Not at this moment, no.
  19. The internal or external 0404? I have the Emu 0404 USB 2.0 external soundcard, and I don't think that has any Vista drivers available yet.
  20. All info from http://www.play-asia.com/
  21. Well, then I won't be dissapointed if it's bad. I will not judge the album before I've listened to it, but the samples in the video didn't sound very good(except for the great revamped Grand Cross bass riff at the end).
  22. To be honest, I don't have any expectations for this. It's supposedly directed by Uematsu, but remixed and produced by someone called Ante/Ian Hartley and mattb. Link to trailer
  23. That's exactly what I though, what with all that "twisted love". And my GOD! That beats Resident Evil, for me at least. EDIT: And "YEE-AAH" was so win. The best part of the entire thing.
  24. Man, I am new to the OC community, but one of the mixers I know of is him. Get well! He's been an inspiration for me, and countinues to be.
  25. Well, here goes nothing: - Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy Versus XIII - Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days - Half-Life - The Orange Box - Bioshock - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - The World Ends With You - Metal Gear Solid: The Essential Collection(1,2,3)(Have yet to play any MGS game) - Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - New Super Mario Bros. - Metroid Prime 3: Echoes - Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaro's Treasure - Planescape Torment - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars - Diablo II(+ expansion) - Super Smash Bros. Brawl(not out in Europe yet) - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - Grand Theft Auto 4 - Elite Beat Agents - Advance Wars: Dark Conflict(Days of Ruin) - Mass Effect - Xenosaga Episode I, II, III - Xenogears(I am currently playing a burnt copy, since I can't find it new anywhere:( ) - StarCraft II - Super Paper Mario - Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door - Soul Calibur III - Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lion - Hotel Dusk: Room 215 - Professor Layton and the Curious Village And probably many more:<.
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