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Everything posted by Abadoss

  1. Bloody hell, guys! This is going to take forever to decide! Fucking awesome guys! (Considering how often I use the f-word, you should know I mean it.)
  2. Yeah. Jimmy submitted a ticket for MV, but nothing's yet come of it.
  3. By the way, what you did with the note blocks around the lava was genius.
  4. Damnit! I thought I had got it all... The problem was that the lava was misbehaving and I had to essentially get rid of it all in order to fill it up again, but it was being stubborn, so I used sand to squelch it, which left a lengthy clean-up process for me. Circles are a pain for worldedit tools. Yes. As long as the portal(s) you build is(are) on the homewold side, I don't care where you put it(them).
  5. It creates a portal in a random location in homeworld. So a portal could show up in the middle of someone's building. It's not cool, has the potential to destroy our stuff. Just not cool.
  6. Okay, here's the deal. Nether is active, but DO NOT BUILD A PORTAL FROM INSIDE THE NETHER! If you need to get back to the homeworld, you use the portal you came in, /home, /spawn, or a /warp. If I find you building portals from inside the nether, I will not hesitate to ban you hardcore (at least for a week or so). Have fun, be safe, and FOR NOTCH'S SAKE, DO NOT BUILD A PORTAL FROM INSIDE THE NETHER! That is all...
  7. I got the time off approved! Now to buy airfare and break my bank over the hotel prices...
  8. Yes. Please donate all your moneyz... Actually, in all seriousness, if you donated for the old server, you are still a donator on this server.
  9. You should still be on the whitelist. Let me know if you're not.
  10. Alright folks. Construction on spawn has begun. I built a gallery to view the construction (and not get in Halcyon's way) at the warp "GawkersGallery"...
  11. I'm pre-regged, but now I need to get the time off approved. :/
  12. Oh, okay. Yeah, I moved it to my land, if that's okay.
  13. I've already spoken to him about it. He's okay with whatever. On that note, I'm still very much okay with moving stuff for anyone that has property at spawn. I've put up big pink markers to indicate what we'll be replacing.
  14. I'm going to defer Spawn Town related work questions to HalcyonSpirit.
  15. Hello everyone. So, a while back I posted a simple reorchestration of Magnet Man's theme from Mega Man 3. It was very very very conservative. However, it got gears working and I put together this piece from that initial seed: http://www.abadoss.net/music/Magnet_Man_Reorchestration.mp3 I would love to get some feedback and maybe suggestions for where to go next. Thanks! (Things to note: This is incomplete and still has places to go; I am aware of exactly how conservative the first section is; I've not played too much with the production yet; and I know the drums are pretty weak.)
  16. Side note, if there's anything anybody wants to keep from Spawn Town, I can actually move any architecture to wherever you want it.
  17. Never got the map from you on that one. I figured we could generate a new nether.
  18. Yeah... That would be MultiVerse... we've put in a ticket for that. Luckily, we've made warps on each world you can warp to if you need to go to that world.
  19. Well, the good news is that fire doesn't spread right now, so burning carpet won't be a problem. As for you getting struck with lightning, honestly, I have no idea how that works. It's not me, if that makes you feel better. On a side note, I've been thinking about redesigning the spawn town. I've asked pretty much everyone who has actual structures at spawn, but now I'll ask everyone else. Feel free to answer again, if I have spoken to you, though. Does anyone object to or have objections about redesigning spawn town?
  20. So... you'll become a whiny jerk who pushes everyone away and ultimately fails to destroy the ring without Gollum biting his finger off and falling off a cliff into lava?
  21. I don't mind getting rid of vouching. I'd like something else in place, but, without another alternative, that's fine. We can ditch it, if that's what everyone wants. General Gilliam, you should be good to go.
  22. Everyone? Verdict? (Do we have anyone willing to sign their name in blood to vouch for GeneralGilliam?)
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