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Everything posted by Abadoss

  1. It's safe from mobs anyway, as Crowbar made it a safe zone.
  2. Well... I'm going to pack tonight and be on the plane for MAG at 6 AM tomorrow morning. Hell. Yeah.
  3. Unfortunately, that would mean anyone who spawned would end up on top of the cart station. I think the default is to spawn on whatever is the top layer. It would need to be underground if it is going to be anywhere around the compass.
  4. Holy shit! That tunnel builder is awesome!
  5. I wouldn't mind your help getting my people mover set up. I've got most of the track done, but no boosters or anything yet.
  6. What texture pack did you say you were using?
  7. It's because I have clearly defined walls. Plus, I keep being nice to them. It's like feeding pigeons...
  8. Fair enough. WHATEVER we do, it needs to be before I fly off.
  9. Which reminds me... we should do the IHOP thing fairly early in the day this year.
  10. Damnit Expedia! I'm going to miss both the opening and closing ceremonies. Grrr...
  11. You can set your home by typing in /sethome, which will give you your /home position. Then /spawn is spawn is spawn. As for supplies, you probably shouldn't raid the storeroom all that much (lest you anger TO). It's mostly there for newbies.
  12. AH, GOD! MY ARM!!!!... 's'cool...
  13. I will shed a tear for my amputated arm... <tear>... Okay. All done.
  14. I was thinking that maybe we could all pitch in to get you there. After all, we got AeroZ here last year and that was from friggin Sweden! (By "we", I mean those who donated to get him over here. I was sadly unable to contribute that time for being broke.)
  15. Oh, shoot! He's right! Alexis, is it a matter of time or money? Or both?
  16. In this case, it sucks because I'm actually ABLE to pay her back. Plus, she never told me to pay her back, which is exactly why I want to.
  17. Anyone else being denied access to the server within the last half hour?
  18. Oh, sad. I won't be able to repay you for dinner last year...
  19. For those of you that don't like cold water, bring termals instead.
  20. If it's just the switch to Beta, that would make me feel better about humanity in general. Unfortunately, I don't know off hand. I've been taking it easy on Minecraft so I don't screw up my sleep schedule for work.
  21. I already had Half-Life 2 and Episode 1...
  22. Well... that's just great. One splurge down. See what you made me do Dhsu? Anyway, I picked up the two Monkey Island special editions, Tales of Monkey Island, and Portal.
  23. Yeah. The Zen I have is several years old. That's really sad that Creative is being stupid like that. I remember as a kid Creative was always the top of the line and remained that way growing up. My roommate had a Fuze, I think. Or something. It definitely wasn't the clip. It would short out or die randomly. There were just a lot of things wrong with it, each time. It was so bad, they just sent him a brand new one and that didn't even work.
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