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Everything posted by Abadoss

  1. A lot of my stuff in my storehouse was stolen over the weekend. I'm going to say this now: If you stole it, please return it now. I won't ask questions and I won't care, unless it happens again. If you don't, Crowbar WILL be involved. This is a game. It shouldn't turn into serious business, but theft is not cool, even for a joke or something. Please return the stuff you took. Here's the list... A stack of pumpkins [64] Two stacks bones [128] Two stacks of redstone [128] A diamond sword Two stacks of feathers [128] Two stacks of string [128] A loaf of bread A bucket of lava An empty bucket An iron hoe A bow A stack of torches [64] A bed Three saddles A few leather hides (I don't remember the exact number)
  2. Oh. You should drop by the OCR server.
  3. Where are you building that? I haven't seen it on the map anywhere...
  4. Primary construction on my palace is complete! Yay! All that's left is completing the flooring on levels 2-4, figuring out what I want to do with the sides of the towers, figure out how I want the towers and minarets to be accessed, build the roof for each level, plan out and build the basement level rooms, design permanant lighting scheme, put in glass for the windows, furnish each room appropriately for its intended function, put in railings for the fourth floor balcony, and hang banners and decorate. The hard part's over, at least.
  5. THAT IS SOOOO COOL!!! Can't wait!
  6. I know a good open space for if you want to stake a claim...
  7. That's what periodic backups are for.
  8. So, now that the whole OCAD server group of people are on the OCR server...
  9. You should just claim another track and do another awesome song and release it early again. Minus the early release, I don't know of anyone who'd object to Kate doing another one.
  10. Not really interested, but if that repair function can be isolated, I'd love it.
  11. Or he accidentally punches a hole through the Earth.
  12. Talk to Crowbar about that. He's got some fun new tools.
  13. Pretty much all the mods are server side, so you wouldn't need to run anything other than the standard client.
  14. Wow. Thanks, man. Sorry about the death. Hope you get better.
  15. I think he's talking about the client not crashing on him.
  16. They apparently sink like stones, too...
  17. QFE... I always have a slight cringe in my mind whenever I get to that level. Plus, I never seem to remember the right way to beat it and have to screw around a lot in order to find it again. Master Quest didn't make that any easier, either...
  18. I don't understand the TP hate. It's my favorite, at least.
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